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mazingerz88's avatar

How do you stop yourself from constant worrying?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) February 7th, 2019 from iPhone

When certain problem or problems are already being dealt with and there’s not much left to do except wait, do you still worry to the point that you realize it’s just a waste of time and actually counter-productive?

How do you stop the cycle of worrying for nothing?

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13 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

You can always give up and be yourself. Let the chips fall where they may. You are not lost is you don’t care where you are going.

kritiper's avatar

Work, watch TV. At night I leave the TV on.

rebbel's avatar

I don’t propagate it.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I Fluther, and watch YouTube videos on math, smelting , computers and bbq. I put books on my Amazon wish list all night and order maybe one book a day after waiting 24 hours so it is not an impulse buy.

Cupcake's avatar

I put it in my calendar.

I’ll give myself a limited amount of time to deeply feel my insecurities and fears (along with the self-indulgent behaviors that go along with those feelings, like eating cake and watching TV in my pajamas). I’ll call a loved and trusted person and vent. I may seek some validation from others. But only for as long as I deem appropriate. For big things, this might be a couple of days For smaller things, maybe a half an hour.

Jeruba's avatar

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

That and denial.

josie's avatar

I don’t worry anymore.
But if I found myself worrying I would go work out.

ragingloli's avatar


KNOWITALL's avatar

I have always been a worrier, even as a child (regarding nuclear war, etc…) so I have learned to lean on my religion.

27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

ucme's avatar

Ooh I dunno, maybe call on a positive, confident, happy go lucky mindset.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I exercise and play music.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Years ago I listened to a cassette tape on how to leave worrying for peace of mind.
It was a very soothing calm way of letting worry aside and this is the crux of it:
1. Relax in a comfortable chair or on a bed or sofa with all the outside noise turned off ( radios,TV, etc off).
2. Breathe deeply three times and the body will really relax.
3. Now imagine that you are on top of a hill with serene scenery like a hillside ( or whatever scene that is pleasing to you).
4. Imagine that you are walking down on this hillside ( or whatever scene/ocean etc) and halfway down you notice a bottle with a cork in it ( or a treasure chest with a lock and key on it,or anything comparable that can open and close).
5. Before descending further down the hill pick up that container and uncork it ( or open etc) and place ALL of your Worries in it for now.
6. Continue downward to the meadow or the ocean etc.
7. Feel the soft grass ( or the smooth warm sand) beneath your feet and smell the fresh light air, notice the calmness of this scene and imagine how it would feel if you were actually there.
8. Notice that your breathing is calm and relaxing and the air is fresh and you see Nature at its best, the warmth of the Sun, the coolness of the air or water, the birds if any gliding ever so lightly etc
9. Stay in this scene and enjoy this feeling for as long as you feel comfortable,now imagine what would you be doing in this scene that makes you happier.( some imagine painting, drawing, or playing an instrument, or with another person that they love, or would love in the future or maybe one is alone enjoying life being single , whatever makes you feel the happiest at that moment in your comfortable experience.
10. Breathe three more deep breaths and relax further.
11. After you feel the most of this experience consider when you will go back up the hillside and turn and ascend and notice the scene from that view.
12. It looks far away and small, just as your worries are in relation to the world.
13. Approach that container that you placed your worries into and uncork or open it and take back the worries, but this time it is not as heavy, it is lighter.
14. Walk back up knowing that you can get through almost anything as now you know what it is that you really want to feel and do in your life journey.
You have one life here on this Earth and entitled to be happy and enjoying it fully.
What ever you encounter on your life journey realize that you can and you will survive .

Hope that this helps one to relax and look at the big picture of what a life time of living entails.
Relax, and know that you can get through problems and that things will usually turn around better for you in the future.

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