What would you tell the world if given the chance to speak at the UN headquarters in NYC?
Asked by
mazingerz88 (
February 7th, 2019
from iPhone
What are the things you would talk about?
As asked.
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19 Answers
That it is time to have a United Nations standing army. That is the best in the world. To do interventions in countries in crisis instead of watching helplessly. Also global climate change is real and caused by man. All member countries should step up and pay more dues to the U.N. , and not dumping all most the financial burden on the U.S.A. .
“The Earth has a human population problem and it is only going to get worse. Let’s do something about it now!”
I would tell the world that I was going to pair up every individual in the affluent west with someone picked at random from the impoverished third world. They would be in daily contact so they could learn about each other’s lives and perhaps help each other.
Don’t give up on the USA just yet. Give us a chance to ditch the fool in chief.
I would apologize for the United States and its current leadership, and vow to do everything I can to rebuild the world’s trust in the US as a leader and example.
The UN is largely supported through voluntary contributions from member nations. As far as dues and such, I’m not sure that there’s any one nation that has withheld paying dues more than the US (beginning with Reagan) has. Through the UN (and its member organizations like the World Bank) the United States exerts enormous influence over world affairs. And it benefits accordingly.
The idea that the US is somehow pulling all of the weight while getting nothing in return is a myth.
@Darth_Algar Thanks my source is 30 years old and it said that the US pays 60% of the total u.n. budget. Thanks for the update.
Try to find another mechanism regarding the veto rights (if at all possible).
Right now, as it is, there are many ‘paper tiger’ resolutions.
You could draft at “world constitution”, that defines what type of resolutions can and can not be passed, and then get rid of veto powers.
It is ludicrous that the largest powers, who are the ones that should be reigned in by UN resolutions the most, can just say “nope” when they feel like it.
“I have a vewy gweat fwiend in Wome called ‘Biggus Dickus’
”He has a wife, you know, you know what she’s called? She’s called… ‘Incontinentia’... ‘Incontinentia Buttocks’
That no one world leader should have the power of their country but rather they are just a spokesperson appointed by the masses of there respective country where decisions were unanimously voted on and the representative / spokesperson will deliver to the UN.
Leaders cause wars with there irresponsible dialogue., and thus must be kept in check.
Learn how to work together before you try to lead.
We are the world,
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So, let’s start giving
There’s a choice we’re making
We’re saving our own lives
It’s true we’ll make a better day
Just you and me
And in a similar vein:
“I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony….”
@janbb That was my first thought; but, that song now offends some people & it was suggested that I take it out of my repertoire.
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