If the game is to carry this idea to its absurd extremes, then let’s do a dna test on everyone, and all those folks with genes that predispose them to any cance, any heart condition, diabetes, any mental health condition, sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, etc, etc, should all pay higher premiums.
In fact, why not just put the sick people on reservations, and not let them have insurance at all? Soon enough they’ll die, and then those bad genes will be eliminated from the gene pool. Never mind that the so-called mutations that sometimes give rise to these illnesses, also confer an advantage under some environmental conditions.
Oh, wait! It already is this way! If you have a pre-existing condition, and you’re buying on the private market, you can’t get affordable insurance. And in any case, most insurance won’t pay for ameliorating the impact of certain forms of CF. And forget mental health. Even really good insurance pays for only about fifteen percent of the actual cost of care. Well, on an outpatient basis. Go to a hospital, which, of course, costs about twenty times more than outpatient care, and the insurers will pay for all of that!
If you’re looking to try to make some kind of logic out of health insurance in this country, you might as well also go looking for a farting unicorn.
The health insurance system is so broken, if it were a patient in a hospital, it would be on life support. Bandages aren’t going to fix this system. Only a radical new treatment will. The problem is, for some reason, the people who are minding the patient got the records mixed up, and they think the patient is in another ward entirely.