Never ok to wear it in that cartoonish way of dark painted face with some white edges like a mask.
Making oneself look black all over is more of a blurry line in my opinion, but I’m white, so I’m not sure my opinion should really count.
If a white actor is playing a black character then if they darken their skin to look more like the character it seems to me that should be ok. Actors change hair color, hair style, their nose, and other features, why is skin color different in that circumstance?
I saw a Toddler in Tiaras where a little girl wanted to do a Beyoncé song and dance as her talent and she asked her mom for more tanner to be darker. She wanted to be Beyoncé’s color. She wasn’t making fun of black people, she wanted to be like Beyoncé. I don’t think that little girl had any clue about hatred. Was it offensive? I’d be curious what Beyoncé thinks about it. Certainly the girl could have done the routine without darkening her skin, but in a way, if I ignore the history, it was nice that this very young child saw nothing but wanting to look like her favorite music artist.
More recently, there has been uproar over someone dressing as a TV series character and darkening their skin for a Halloween costume. I don’t think there is mal intent in that, but it is iffy. If a black person wears a mask for Halloween of another race is it racist? I see people wear President masks all the time. The thing is, on Halloween are people usually dressing up as people they dislike or like? I think it’s the former, but I don’t know.
If a couple dress as Lucy and Ricky, and the Ricky isn’t Hispanic himself is that offensive? I see people dress up as nuns and priests, is that offensive? What about dressing as a Jewish person for a part or for Halloween? As a rabbi, or as Bernie Sanders? I understand black face has a specific history, so maybe that is different than dressing as other minorities or other groups in general.
I’ve never worn black face, I’ve never in real life seen someone wear it. I would be shocked if I did see someone in real life wearing it. I can’t see any situation where I would do it. I think it’s advisable for no one to do it.
I recently saw on Facebook a classroom of children holding up blackface masks in front of their faces reciting a poem I think? Some sort of writing. That’s insane to me what the hell was that teacher thinking?