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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Can someone be addicted to second hand smoke?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25197points) February 11th, 2019

Just wondering.

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13 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Yes. Easy answer. Google it. link

Basically even the less concentrated nicotine is still addicitve.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t think so. I grew up in a household where my dad smoked. I picked up smoking as teenager, but I quit a year ago next month (yay me!) but Rick still smokes in the house. :( I hate it because I know it has to smell bad but it doesn’t affect me other than that.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Yes, second hand smoke is addictive. Third-hand smoke is also deadly.

JLeslie's avatar

It seems theoretically possible, you are inhaling some smoke, but it hasn’t proven to pan out necessarily in my personal experience. My sister and I grew up with a dad who smoked and he did nothing to keep the smoke away from us. Neither of us smoke. I have many friends who grew up with smoking parents who never smoked.

Inspired_2write's avatar

@JLeslie Remember that it was in 1977 that chemicals were added to make quitting smoking harder and addicting, so all those before didn’t have the same effects. In the 1970’s a whistle blower went to the media and it was in the news all over the place.
As a side story..That man ( chemist) lost his job, his home, his wife, his family ,his friends because he had the gumption to alert the general public for there safety.
He suffered , but stood by his ethics. Years later he was praised and uplifted and married again to a women who was not only interested in his money and power and made better friends that support rather than denigrate his life.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Do you have some substantiation for that claim @Inspired_2write?

kritiper's avatar

I suppose one could be if they were always right up in the smoker’s face while the smoker was smoking. Otherwise it wouldn’t be physically practical to always be “in the cloud.”

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Dutchess_lll – it’s well known; they made a movie about it

Google: JEFFREY WIGAND or see

burtreynoldsinjeopardy's avatar

I grew up with nicotine addicted parents in the 70s. They smoked in our home and our car. I was covered in their filth.

I didn’t become addicted. It made me sick.

Inspired_2write's avatar

I was mistaken it was in the 1990’s ( but I thought 1977)

Inspired_2write's avatar
Additional bio on that whisleblower and what happened after.
Very interesting.
in part:
Wigand’s decision to become a whistleblower came at great cost to his personal life and even brought risks to his personal safety. Under enormous pressure and stress, Wigand turned to drinking heavily. His drinking problem became so severe that he stole a bottle of liquor from a convenience store, got into a drunken physical confrontation with his wife and eventually filed for divorce. Brown & Williamson then unleashed a ruthless smear campaign against Wigand that publicized – and greatly exaggerated – such incidents to paint him as a raging alcoholic, wife-beater and pathological liar. Wigand’s home and his lawyers’ offices were broken into and robbed of personal documents, and he received several death threats that forced him to abandon his home and live secretly in various hotels with a full-time bodyguard.

JLeslie's avatar

@Inspired_2write I’m not sure why you aimed that towards me. I don’t question that cigarettes are addictive. I also know that the cigarette manufactures did all sorts of things to try to convince the public their product was safe. Why some people believed it, well, the only explanation in my mind is because they were addicted and in denial.

My dad worked for the Surgeon General of all things. It was the SG that required the warnings on cigarettes. My dad still was puffing away for many years. My dad argues that “we didn’t understand” how harmful cigarettes were back when he started smoking. Like I said, it just sounds like wishful thinking to me. My dad is one of those scientists who requires research and until then doesn’t make any conclusions about anything.

I was born in 1968. I lived at home through the mid 80’s.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I quit in 1984, for 8 years, and again last year, almost one year ago. I didn’t notice any significant difference.

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