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elbanditoroso's avatar

Is this satire or is this real? El Chapo's ill-gotten gains could pay for Trump's wall?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33701points) February 13th, 2019

This is in the Washington Post, and they aren’t known for their sense of humor.

But this seems beyond ridiculous.

The Ensuring Lawful Collection of Hidden Assets to Provide Order (EL CHAPO) Act, first introduced by Senaator Ted Cruz in April 2017 and reintroduced Tuesday, would divert billions in drug proceeds from cartel leaders to border security.

Can it be real?

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21 Answers

Darth_Algar's avatar

The name of that act alone makes it sound like satire, but nope, it’s real. The Washington Post does do some satire, but it’s satirical articles are always clearly marked as such.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

It’s for REAL!

Yellowdog's avatar

To answer the question specifically, yes, it is real.

Not sure why the wall is so controversial. The specific needs of local law enforcement and the border patrol is what the wall is for. Politicians including Pelosi, Schumer, and even Obama, have called for this wall for years. It is not ‘Trump’s wall’ though most on the left do not want to see Trump be the one who actually gets it done.

It is pretty ridiculous when Ted Coppell or Beto O’Rourke stand behind a safe area with a finished section of wall, or behind additional walls, even with the border walls plainly in sight, and declare this as evidence there is no problem at the border. Its in fact pretty serene, and that walls don’t save likes but they kill people. Isn’t THAT what’s REALLY beyond ridiculous?
Think about it.

To use crime reparations to fund prevention of the specific crime (such as drugs coming over the border) is actually a pretty standard practice in America.

To you, its just politics or hatred of Trump. But the footage of what border patrol goes through on a daily basis and calls for, yes, even the charging of thousands of people storming the border—human smuggling, drug trafficking and big guns, is what’s really going on there.

zenvelo's avatar

It’s a Ted Cruz idea, so it is a real bill but it doesn’t add up.

And going through the testimony from the El Chapo trial, a wall would not have done anything to stop traffiking by the cartels except give a false sense of security.

Zaku's avatar

@Yellowdog A continuous border wall is controversial because it won’t be effective but it will be a huge environmental disaster – animals need to be able to cross that land – and it will be a very expensive pork-barrel project.

Darth_Algar's avatar

It’ll be a huge environmental disaster and a clusterfuck, in terms of money and time, that puts the Olmsted dam (billions of dollars overbudget and decades behind schedule) to shame.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Of course I believe it. If there’s any way to snap up el Chapo’s money (or yours for that matter) it will happen. If there is any way for Trump to shunt that money to his wall, that too will happen.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

~ ~ ~Not to worry the construction companies are owned by Shell Companies that Eric, Donnie Jr and Jared control; all the money will stay in ‘Murica !!

elbanditoroso's avatar

I wonder what the legal hoops would be to get El Chapo’s forfeited money and allocate it to a specific project. (Assuming that the US can access his bank accounts in the first place, which may be tricky).

ragingloli's avatar

That wall will work wonders against the drug smugglers’ submarines.

zenvelo's avatar

^^^^ @ragingloli and their airplanes!

seawulf575's avatar

I don’t understand why we have to have special legislation for this. There has been legislation out there already that if a drug dealer is arrested, his car and property can be seized and sold. Why is it any different for the top of that food chain? And it would poetic justice to sink the funds into preventing drugs (and human trafficking) from entering this country.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Probably because none of his money or property are actually in this country. That complicates matters. My guess is that the Mexican government has already seized what can be readily seized.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You’re right. There are already forfeiture policies in our country clearly operating outside any legal parameters. The country’s highways have already been effectively divided into forfeiture corridors, where only the naive transit through with more than token amounts of cash in their possession.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The question is not whether they will take el Chapo’s money. It’s whether they can find it, and if it’s in anyplace that can be forced or intimidated to cough it up.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Hell, under our asset forfeiture laws you don’t even have to be convicted. It’s basically legalized theft by law enforcement.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s replacing the old speed trap method of financing rural and even suburban law enforcement.

rojo's avatar

We have a law targeting the ill gotten gains of the drug cartels, at this point specifically El Chapo (the very person the law is named after).

The US is going to use these funds to build a big vanity wall for Trump to paste his name on between us and Mexico.

Mexico has probably already confiscated everything they can that El Chapo owned.

But we will get them to turn the money over to us because our law says it is ours.




rojo's avatar

Why a tight rein is needed when these types of laws come into existence: Tenaha, TX

Zaku's avatar

@rojo Wow. Stay out of Tenaha!

gondwanalon's avatar

El Chapo’s attorneys will likely be appealing the guilty verdict for a very long time. Trump and Cruz will be long gone and the wall forgotten by the time any politician gets ahold of the blood money.

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