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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you watch TV during the day?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) February 13th, 2019

I don’t. The only time I did was when I was quitting smoking and I was doing things outside of my normal habits to take my mind off of it. But that only lasted a couple of weeks.
We watch it quite extensively in the evenings though.

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25 Answers

hmmmmmm's avatar

We work (and the kids go to school) during the day. But we don’t watch broadcast/cable tv anyway. The only “tv” we watch is the occasional streaming (Netflix) show or movie at night. But there doesn’t seem to be too much interest in that.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Sometimes I watch tv news at noon, and Dr. Phil. Sometimes I watch CNN with Wolf Blitzer.

Zaku's avatar

On-demand streaming (Netflix etc) at lunch. I haven’t had broadcast or cable TV channels for about a decade now.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

Not so much anymore. The only times when I’ll happen to watch TV is when I got home and my family member happen to be watching TV in the living room and I might just join if it’s interesting. I realize the back of my TV in my room and its screen is kind of dusty because I never care about touching it. I get what I need to know from the internet.

flutherother's avatar

My daily routine includes catching up with the BBC news over a mug of tea after breakfast. Other than that I don’t watch a lot of television.

kritiper's avatar

Morning news shows, afternoon shows on PBS.

KNOWITALL's avatar

If I have a day off or a sick day, my guilty pleasure is to watch trash tv like Steve Wilkos or Judge Judy. Otherwise I just watch the news a bit in the morning and maybe Survivor or something in the evening.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t get Judge Judy no more, since we ditched cable. That and 20 20 are my biggest losses. But it was worth $100 a month.

flutherother's avatar

We can get Judge Judy on the free channels over here. It is one programme I do like to watch occasionally. We can get it on Freesat.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We live in a geographical area that doesn’t allow us to reach the television stations out of Wichita or Ponca, the two nearest cities that have them. Antennas don’t work either because we’re in a hollow. We’ve tried everything short of putting a metal antenna on top of the house (which there was one there when I bought the house. Now I could kick myself for having them take it out when they did the roof a few years back.)

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

If I’m home and my wife has it on already.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Luckily for us, we have a huge antenna and don’t pay for any tv. I’m watching a bit more with husband on second shift now. I watched a little of the Bachelor the other day and was so ashamed….lol

Love_my_doggie's avatar

If the Red Sox or Nationals are playing a day game, yes. Otherwise, no.

Hey, Jellies, it’s time for spring training, the first meaningful sign that miserable winter will end, and that the world’s about to burst back into life.

ucme's avatar

CCTV mostly, got to keep an eye on those pesky house staff, no telling what they get up to.
No seriously…i’m not telling.

Demosthenes's avatar

Sometimes, yes, on my days off. Usually for the purpose of eating while watching TV.

JLeslie's avatar

If I’m home, the TV is on most of the time. In the afternoon I usually watch something on my DVR. I record mostly evening shows, but I also record The View, and on Sunday I record Fareed and Meet The Press, which sometimes I don’t see until Monday or Tuesday.

rockfan's avatar

In my late teens (I’m 27 now) I used to watch 4 or 5 hours of tv in the middle of the day, every weekend. Usually football and trashy reality television.

Fortunately I quit that habbit a few years ago and I only watch shows on Netflix once a week

Dutchess_III's avatar

When I was in college my schedule was such that I watched General Hospital (yes the famous one with Luke and Laura,) then went to class. Then later I watched MASH in the student union, so that was 1 hour of daytime TV a day. In the evenings I was usually out and about and didn’t watch TV.

stanleybmanly's avatar

When I was in school, the television sets in the student union were all tuned to DARK SHADOWS at lunch time. The spooky soap played to standup crowds.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I remember that soap opera!

stanleybmanly's avatar

The cult following forced a big stink when the more adventurous kids in the crowds took to hurling old or tattered underwear at the screen in repl to particulary campy dialogue or behavior.

flutherother's avatar

Dark Shadows was great, much better than the film.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I have fond memories of it in
the waning days of black & white TV. The other great reference point for me from that era regarding daytime TV was Susan Lucci as evil self centered Erica Kane on ALL MY CHILDREN. I would sit through that program, ignoring all other aspects of my life, fully aware of just how superficially ridiculous the character was, yet fully conscious of the transfixing effect of the woman’s stupefying beauty. God knows, I was a victim.

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