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chyna's avatar

Why do men grow full chest length beards?

Asked by chyna (51769points) February 14th, 2019 from iPhone

I don’t really find them attractive and feel like they are unclean. Why do men wear their beards this long?

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39 Answers

rebbel's avatar

Some do so for religious reasons; some of thése beards can look (a bit) ungroomed.
I’ve had a lengthy beard a few times in my life due to lack of wanting to take care of my self/appearance, caused by depression.
Others still, might like the look of one, and make sure there’s no left-over foods in there.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My son does, in the wintertime, because he can. He looks like Grizzly Adams. But come spring / summer, he cleans right up.

canidmajor's avatar

I always disliked them, @chyna, because, like you, I am pretty short, and I hated that they were always in my face. In the early 70s men had a thing about hair growth (didn’t mind that so much) but they didn’t match it with hair care, which I did mind.
Not sure why they’re a thing, now.

rebbel's avatar

@Dutchess_III Two Grizzlies…., (same photo, twice) ~

ucme's avatar

They like their nipples tickled

ragingloli's avatar

The are of the mistaken belief that it makes them look more “manly”, when what it really does, is make them look like gun-nut prepper conspiracy theorist potential rapist that should be shot in the back for security reasons at the first opportunity.

Jeruba's avatar

Some don’t have regular access to a place and the means to shave. For practical reasons, then, they can either let it grow out, which looks somewhat intentional, or go around with short, scruffy, uneven outgrowth, which just makes them look like derelicts (as in fact they may be). I think the intentional look is better, of the two.

I find a nicely shaped and well-trimmed beard attractive in a man, but a long, wispy thing strikes me as kind of revolting, especially when the man treats it as a pet or a little private friend and habitually strokes it.

Kardamom's avatar

Out here in CA, a lot of the younger fellows, hipsters, and “lumber sexuals” (yes it’s a common term here) have long bushy beards, and the hipster girls seem to love them. The style kind of emulates the lumber jacks or yore.

I like beards, on some men, but I prefer a much shorter, less bushy beard.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

Perhaps instead of intentionally growing those hair they simply don’t care about the natural growth of hair over there. Not many people can see that area in public, and with not many people complain they probably don’t feel the need to trim those bushes. I could care less about chest hair, what’s more important is how he works his ‘thing’ down there.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Because many are hipster douchebags who think think that long, unkempt beards are a substitute for the masculinity they lack.

Pinguidchance's avatar

Men grow full chest length beards for the same reasons that women shave.

jonsblond's avatar

Um, hello


My husband has a long beard. Not this long but it’s kind of long. I like it. He keeps it trimmed and clean.

Madison, WI is full of long bearded hipsters. It looks good on some and not so good on others.

Kardamom's avatar

@Darthalger, why do you say that hipsters (who encompass a large part of the youth in my state), are douchebags?

The main philosophy of a lot of hipsters is that they want to make a smaller carbon footprint, they embrace local foods, and local food artisans, especially local craft breweries, and they are technologically adept.

What is wrong with wanting to emulate the lumberjacks like Paul Bunyon? I think it’s kind of neat.

How do they lack masculinity?

Darth_Algar's avatar


And a lot of non-hipsters want a smaller carbon footprint, and are technologically adept. What does that have to do with it? Personally I’ve never met a hipster who wasn’t an insufferable douche. That’s why I call hipsters douchebags. As for looking like a lumberjack – that’s my point. These wanna be lumberjacks’ ideas of masculinity is entirely rooted in superficial shit like looking like a lumberjack.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I started growing mine, because my ex liked it high and tight. Years later, lots of people like it. Lots of girls try grabbing it, or touching it all of time. It just kind of feels like a part of me now.

I cut about 8 inches off every few months, but it’s currently almost down to my nipples…

ucme's avatar

Like women with moustaches, puts me right off me dinner.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Pinguidchance, women shave because people will be grossed out if we don’t. How does that compare to men growing beards?

Kardamom's avatar

@DarthAlgar, Wow! You sound very predjudiced against a whole group of people, mostly young folks, who have done nothing to harm you. Did a hipster hurt you?

Why do you think that hipster’s masculinity is rooted in superficial shit like looking like a lumberjack? Many of the young men around here do look like lumberjacks, but they are not “playing a game of lumberjack”. Although a few of my hipster friends are actual carpenters by trade. One of them makes beautiful furniture. They’re normal, masculine men, who happen to have beards, but like any other group of people, they have differences, and interests in all sorts of things, and completely different personalities, and all sorts of different life goals and priorities, pretty much like all other people. They just happen to sport beards.

Many of my friends, who are in their mid 50’s and older have kids who are hipsters with beards, and they are decent people. I’m sure there are some hipsters that aren’t, but that is true of every group of people.

Do all men with beards strike you as douchebags? Or just young men with beards?

Darth_Algar's avatar

Nope, just men (of any age) with douchey hipster beards. I’d say I’m sorry if this bothers you, but I really don’t care if it does.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Sound like a non-conformist. Probably unable to grow facial hair.
Judging someone by a simple beard, is pretty shallow, and often short sighted.

ragingloli's avatar

bearded people need to be rounded up and jailed.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Any reason?

ragingloli's avatar

Because I will it so.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Can you “will” the US a different POTUS, before wasting your power on people with hair?

ragingloli's avatar

Not hair.
Also known as face pubes.
Worn by dickheads.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Many great men throughout history, have had beards. Can you say the same for women? I don’t think so. So. We get rid of all of the worthless beardless women first. Then vote on each bearded man….

ragingloli's avatar

There are no great men.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I just know that the sooner we judge people by their appearance, versus their words and actions, the better off society will be.

ragingloli's avatar

You finally get it.
Hang all the gingers.

Darth_Algar's avatar


I’m sound like a non-conformist? I thought titbeards like you were all about non-conformity.

Pinguidchance's avatar

@Dutchess_III Pinguidchance, women shave because people will be grossed out if we don’t. How does that compare to men growing beards?


jonsblond's avatar

Gingers are evil. I’m with Loli.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Dsrth_Algar . I already explained my “tit beard.” The only conformity I was fighting, was that of my ex.

Still waiting for your realistic reason, for disdain. With all due respect, I doubt there is one…

Darth_Algar's avatar


Um, ok. And what does your ex have to do with me “sounding like a non-conformist”? I gotta admit, I’m really not following your train of thought there.

My distain? Long, unkempt beards make you look like you have little interest in grooming. A man who has the means ought to take a little more care in their appearance. Beards are fine, but Jesus, take a little care in their appearance. Look like you give a shit.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Mine is more of a goatee, than a beard.

As I stated, girls like it a lot, for whatever reason.

Brian1946's avatar

I have one and I use it as a neck shield.

I douche it with garlic every day and no vampire has never even dared to approach me.

One time I went into a restaurant and everyone there evacuated. I’d never seen so many bloodsuckers in one place! ;-o

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^That’s what I’d call a hot date!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Some girls like it. I didn’t like it when it came to making out. It gave me beard rash on my face.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I was just very surprised that girls are into it. Like I said, I essentially grew it out of rebellion. I guess people have different tastes…

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