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Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you, or anyone you know, hit a glass door hard, not realizing it was there?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) February 14th, 2019

When we lived in Wichita we took our glass storm door down to the front door for some reason. It was down for about 2 years and we got in the habit of just walking in the house if the main door was open.
Then I put it back up. It was just one long piece of glass.
My daughter was about 8 at the time and she came running in from outside. The main door was open and she’d forgotten about the glass, so she didn’t even slow down… WHAM!! before I could even move. She slid down that glass like Wiley Coyote! Scared the crap out of both of us, but she was unhurt.

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11 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Once. That’s all it took. I hit a sliding glass patio door hard. It didn’t break, luckily, but I knocked it part way off the bottom rail.

rebbel's avatar

Not me, but my neighbor friend from a few doors down the corridor once did.
His father came to my door to ask for help (to call 112; he didn’t speak Dutch at the time).
His son, my neighbor friend, apparently had walked with his head only, through a glass interior door.
I had to almost choke him to try to make the bleeding from his neck stop.
Fortunately the Pata medics arrived swiftly and he survived.
Those days I was not sure whether it had been a tragic accident, or a purposeful deed.
I’ve never asked him about it since.

zenvelo's avatar

I did once, walking in and out of the house. The door had been opened, and I was going back and forth carrying stuff out to the barbecue and the table. I went to walk back in and the door had been closed without my knowing it.

BAM! Damn near broke it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

When we moved to this town we rented the bottom floor of a hundred year old house. It had two sets of French doors in the living room, one leading to a “parlor,” the other to the dining room and the rest of the house. They were that old, non-safety glass.
I was at work when I got a call from my 11 year old daughter. She and my oldest daughter who would have been 17 at that time, got into a bit of an altercation and managed to break the biggest pane of glass in one of the doors. My daughter told me that her sister said to just clean it up real quick and Mom won’t even know it happened! But she felt it was her duty to tell me.
So, I eventually arrived home, armed with all of this knowledge.
I sat down next to my oldest and started some chit chat.
“How was your day?”
“Oh, fine! Fine!” she said.
“Anything exciting happen today?”
“No! Nope! Nothing at all!”
“Anything you want to tell me?”
“Nope! Everything is just great!”
I was starting to get a little pissed at the lying…but just then her sister just stepped right through the door where the glass used to be. I saw my daughter, next to me subtly JUMP out of her skin and I just lost it! I laughed and laughed and laughed SO hard. I literally fell on the ground I was laughing so hard!
My oldest shot my youngest a dirty look and stormed off into her bedroom, totally busted!
Oh, God that was funny!
In those days I jumped all over anything for a chance to laugh….
It was a couple of months before I had the money to replace it so they just got in the habit of walking right through that door.
When I put the glass back in, I put some pretty lace curtains up too so they wouldn’t forget.

flutherother's avatar

Only once. I was walking briskly down the road when I turned into a branch of Holland and Barrett and walked smack into a glass door smashing it. I was a bit shaken though completely unhurt. I still can’t believe I did it. It was a two piece glass door and the panel to the left was open but the one on the right was closed. As it was all glass I just didn’t notice it. I had just come out of the cinema and the light was failing – well I can come up with excuses but I still feel stupid.

A neighbour of ours had a worse experience when rushing from his office at 5.00 he put his hand through a glass door at the entrance cutting a tendon in his wrist. He has still not regained full mobility in that hand and he still experiences discomfort many years later.

Kardamom's avatar

Yes, that is why we now have a sticker on it, so it can be seen better.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

My dad was on temporary duty for his company and stayed at a Howard Johnson’s; one of the other motel clients slipped on the bath mat on the floor, he crashed through the glass shower door. They figured he bled out in three to five minutes, deep cuts to neck, arms and stomach areas.

ucme's avatar

Yes, I did when I was around 8 or 9.
Came running out of some store, can’t remember which & KERRTHWONK
Faceplanted the door with enough force to bounce me onto my arse, no harm done though.

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