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mazingerz88's avatar

What is a good plot for an action movie with Bruce Willis and Liam Neeson in the lead?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29378points) February 15th, 2019 from iPhone

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6 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Liam Neeson kidnaps Bruce Willis’ daughter, but ends up releasing her halfway through the movie, because Willis is phoning in his performance because he does not care, and acts bored all the time, so what is the point of it all.

filmfann's avatar

Serious answer? Liam escapes from jail after 30 years, and hunts down high-living Bruce Willis, who framed him.
Or you could do Unbreakable Vs. Dark Man.

gorillapaws's avatar

The Fifth Element 2: Taken to Space.

flutherother's avatar

Bruce Willis and Liam Neeson hatch a plot to break into Mara-a-Lago and steal Trump’s golf clubs. Trump flies in unexpectedly from Washington DC with his security detail causing lots of problems but the mission is finally successful and the clubs appear to be for sale on eBay. Trump flies back to Washington in combative mood demanding funds to build a wall around his property. Cut to Mar-a-Lago where Neeson is one hole up against Willis playing with what looks suspiciously like Trump’s clubs.

mazingerz88's avatar

Love all the answers so far. Lol

Kardamom's avatar

Bruce Willis, going completely against type, plays some type of clergyman. Liam Neeson, who currently apparently has some problem with black people, plays himself, getting all worked into a frenzy about wanting to hunt down black people and hurt them (if you don’t know the story, one of his friends was raped by a black man, and he recently admitted to having horrible feelings of rage against all black men). Bruce Willis (looking awesome in a black cassock) eventually, with a lot of violence (because these two are always in violent movies) makes him (Liam Neeson) see the foolishness of judging a man by his outward appearance. One of the men has a long, nipple length beard, and happens to be black. That man is also a man of the cloth, only of a different religion.

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