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elbanditoroso's avatar

Is this the death knell for Blu-Ray video technology?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33751points) February 18th, 2019


I never bought one of these players. Looks like it’s a good thing. A whole generation of technology passed me by.

Will you miss Blu-Rays?

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8 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I have one.. I listen to music with it.

Darth_Algar's avatar

There will always been a market for physical media. Even if that market is smaller than it once was, it’ll still be there. As for one manufacturer pulling out of the market for blu-ray players – I wouldn’t look too much into that, considering how much that market is dominated by consoles like the PS4.

mazingerz88's avatar

Have always used my PS3 to play Blu-Rays. Hope Sony never stop making PS.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Blu-ray never really got off the ground outside of video game consoles. Nine times out of ten I’d buy/rent the DVD before the blu-ray simply because they were less hassle and inexpensive. I played upconverted DVDs on our stand alone blu-ray player way more than actual Blu-ray discs.It’s sitting in my garden shed at the moment gathering dust. With everything streaming cheaply and reliably now the only market is from those without high speed internet and video games on physical media. That’s going away slowly too. I won’t miss it.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Nah, there will still be some market there. People are tactile. They love having artifacts they can see and touch.

Beyond that there’s a lot of people who don’t trust buying digital copies that can be taken away at the whims of some corporation.

And the streaming services risk, I think, derailing their own industry through over-saturation if they’re not careful. Too many services asking too much money often for too little quality content (god, Netflix, especially, is guilty of quantity over quality). That bubble’s gonna pop at some point.

ragingloli's avatar

I never was much into any physical media.
Did not buy records, cassettes, CD’s, DVDs, or dem newfangled blurays.
I was always a fan of piracy, be it recording songs off the radio, recording shows off the Telly onto VHS, or torrents, or illegal streaming sites.

Demosthenes's avatar

I love physical media, so it’s disappointing to me. I’m more interested in physical media for music (CDs, records) because I’m an audiophile and I like great sound. For movies and TV I admit it’s less of a priority, but I still have a decent blu-ray collection. Can’t just trust streaming to always have everything I want.

I think it’s interesting that we’re sort of going back to the old days. My parents talk about how back in the day you waited for something to show up in a theater or on TV; you didn’t own movies or TV shows, you couldn’t just watch them whenever you wanted. Nowadays it’s the same way, instead we wait for them to show up on streaming services, and sometimes it’s only temporary. (Obviously I know some people do buy them digitally, but most people I come across don’t even do that. They just stream).

mazingerz88's avatar

Blu-Ray screen quality is much better than HD streaming. I tweak my TV settings to get that “film” look I want.

But yes, I could see this physical materials going exclusively for avid collectors. No idea if there will be enough to sustain the business.

CD releases sound so far superior than downloaded or streaming and burned to CD songs.

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