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gorillapaws's avatar

Does the fact that Bernie Sanders volunteered on an Israeli kibbutz affect your opinion of him as a candidate?

Asked by gorillapaws (30962points) February 21st, 2019

CNBC just published an article about Sanders’ time volunteering on a kibbutz near Haifa in the 1960’s. Does that make you more likely to vote for him? less likely? or not affect your opinion of him at all?

Does this experience give him a better perspective on Israeli and Middle-Eastern politics and foreign policy? Could this hurt him with the progressive voters who oppose the Netanyahu administration?

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23 Answers

flutherother's avatar

It makes me view him a little more favourably than before. The kibbutz movement was a very idealistic yet practical way of living I have some sympathy for. It may have given him a better perspective on life, not so much on politics in the Middle East. But what was Trump doing at this time I wonder?

gorillapaws's avatar

@flutherother “what was Trump doing at this time I wonder?”

Whoring with his daddy’s money and dodging the draft…

Zaku's avatar

It has no effect.

KNOWITALL's avatar

It does not make me more likely to vote for him.

He and RBG are from a completely different era, that’s all it shows me. I’m not sure they can fully relate to current politics at this point.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I volunteered two years in a Kibbutz in the early 70s. Good for him, he has my respect. Wonder if I knew him back then?

canidmajor's avatar

I like the guy, and I am not impressed. Almost everybody I knew at that time who was Jewish did the kibbutz thing. A lot of those people later became staunch conservatives, firmly entrenched in the profit chase.
A lot, of course, didn’t, but at that time it was a cool thing to do.

gorillapaws's avatar

I had no idea that the kibbutz thing was so common.

canidmajor's avatar

I grew up in Northern NJ, right across from NYC. There was an enormous Jewish population, the 60s were in our blood. I wanted to go, too, but I wasn’t Jewish and my conservative, bigoted mother would have rather died than let me go.
Yeah, it was a thing. It was a good thing, IMO, a lot of these kids learned a few things about working for a common goal.

janbb's avatar

No effect at all. As @canidmajor not uncommon for young Jews at the time.

Brian1946's avatar


”... I wasn’t Jewish and my conservative, bigoted mother would have rather died than let me go.”

My mother was somewhat anti-Semitic, because a Jewish girl was chosen as class valedictorian instead of her.

30 years later, she grew to love my brother’s ex-wife, who is Jewish. I never thought to ask her if she still had any anti-Jewish envy or other such feelings. I wish I had.

Did your mother ever change, at least in that regard?

canidmajor's avatar

@Brian1946, my mother has always espoused staunch WASP supremacist values. She is a horrible person with whom I have nothing to do anymore. As a teenager I was just embarrassed, now I am grateful to be away from her all encompassing vitriol.

Caravanfan's avatar

There are so many reasons why Bernie would be my second to last choice for President that this would have absolutely no impact whatsoever.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The one thing you can say for time at a kibbutz is that it should serve as a useful counter to the currently fashionable and distinctly conservative trend toward selfishness.

rockfan's avatar

“He and RBG are from a completely different era, that’s all it shows me. I’m not sure they can fully relate to current politics at this point.”

Yet Bernie’s policies has completely reshaped the current platform of the Democratic Party…

JLeslie's avatar

No effect.

janbb's avatar

@rockfan. I can’t say for Bernie but I can tell you RBG can fully relate to current politics!

Caravanfan's avatar

Oh and as to the second part of your question as to whether it would give him a better idea on policy I say an unqualified no. Working for a time in a Kibbutz 50 years ago doesn’t give you any extra knowledge

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I oppose the Netanyahu administration and time on a kibbutz is a plus in my eyes. I think of kibbutzniks as socially-minded people as opposed to selfish, greedy folks.

And also as opposed to the current settlers.

rockfan's avatar

That was the most laughably absurd list I’ve read in a long time.

Kamala laughed in the face of a reporter when asked about legalizing marijuana. So 1. is automatically not true.

No. 2 made me howl with laughter. Klobuchar, a politician with zero name recognition, more likely to win than Bernie? Utter nonsense.

No. 3, 23, 24 are smears that have no relevance policy wise.

As for 29, Bernie didn’t know about the sexual harassment at the time.

No. 5 claims that number of years in politics = being a part of the establishment. Terrible fallacy.

This is by far the worst smear:

“He called Hillary unqualified — someone who has served for decades, was SOS and a New York Senator. So actually he was saying women are not qualified.”

What I find funny is that 2 or 3 of the complaints further down the list are legitimate, but really nitpicking.

But when Bernie Sanders supporters brought up a few legitimate criticisms (but on big issues) against Hillary, all the Hilary supporters lost their collective shit.

rockfan's avatar

Also, the list mentions that Bernie doesn’t fight for marginalized groups. That statement makes me think the person who made the list is lying on purpose.

Caravanfan's avatar

I don’t agree with everything on the list either. I have my own reasons not to vote for Bernie
(unless he is running against Trump of course)

stanleybmanly's avatar

Bernie is my man, because he comes closesst to understanding that redemption of the current setup is futile. The ship is not going to be righted by tinkering around the edges. Those that oppose his ideas as far fetched and super radical, ignore the fact that his proposed policies work just fine in places with a fraction of our wealth and resources. What Bernie says, but not loudly or directly enough, is that the present ingrained illusion of our land as a democracy is but a hoax veiling the plutocratic reality. The fact that he even needs to mention it speaks to the deplorable state of an electorate staring at the results, without recognizing that they “speak for themselves”.

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