Social Question
Are there any words that you are repeatedly unsure of the pronunciation?
There are a few words that I occasionally see in books, that I never hear in my real life, or never use myself. Some of the words are fairly common words, and I know what they mean, but the pronunciation eludes me, even if I have confirmed it multiple times. One of those words is timbre.
Some of the words, like soupçon, are words that I don’t use, don’t hear, and only have a vague idea of the meaning, even though I’ve looked it up multiple times, over the years when I have encountered it.
Still other words that I completely understand the meaning, and the pronunciation, and the correct spelling when I am reading the word in a book, I find it almost impossible for me to write it out correctly, no matter how many times I’ve tried to spell it correctly. In general, I am a pretty good speller, but there are a few words that I consistently spell wrong (I’m not talking about phone typos). This is not one of my favorite words, but I almost always have to use spell check for the word diarrhea. Same goes for queue. I always spell it wrong the first time. And the word occasionally, and the word throughout. If I say it out loud while I am spelling it, it will be correct, but if I try to type it, I will almost always type it wrong the first time.
What words do you consistently have problems remembering the correct pronunciations, or the correct spellings (when you are typing)?
Or what other weird language, or word problems do you consistently struggle with?