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Dutchess_III's avatar

What food taste different to you than they taste to other people?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) February 24th, 2019

I just read a FB meme that says that for some folks cilantro tastes like soap. It was a eureka moment for me! That explains that funky taste in my white cheese sauce that I get at Mexican restaurants. I just thought they weren’t rinsing the bowls out very well!

I also think that coffee smells kind of like skunk, and I don’t think it smells like that to most people.

My niece replied to the thread (which I had shared) and said she experiences the same things, so it must be genetic.

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28 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Hot sauce on chicken wings tastes different. I like it and others don’t.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Cilantro, I love it most around me hate it. There are genetics involving taste that may determine this.

Dutchess_III's avatar

”“For years I believed that every Mexican restaurant my family took me to had some kind of problem with their dishwashing machine. Why else would the food always taste like soap?” ” Yep!!

Demosthenes's avatar

Cheese must taste differently to me than it does to most other people because I have a very automatic reaction of repulsion when I taste certain cheese, especially cheese with a “stronger” flavor. I’ve sometimes described this flavor as “plasticky” without being able describe it any better than that. It’s bizarre to me that something that most other people love is so off-putting to me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

American cheese is especially “plasticky” to me, but I can still eat it.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

That’s because American cheese is plastic. It can’t even be legally called cheese. It’s always labeled “processed cheese product” or “cheese food”

Zaku's avatar

Good thing American processed cheese food is available as aerosol product…

Maybe our sense of taste is different for a reason. It’s all part of God’s plan to hopeful dissuade us from conducting brain taste experiments to deduce the absolute standard for superior intelligence.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My 3 year old grandson does not like chocolate. Never has. His aunt didn’t like chocolate as a kid, either, but she eats it now.
I wonder what they taste when they eat it? Are they picking up on the really bitter coco?

Mimishu1995's avatar

To me this thing tastes like rotten meat that has been around for a month. I just can’t understand who could even look at it, let alone eat it.

Zaku's avatar

Also some people think marijuana smells good, while others think it smells like skunk fluid, and/or dog poop.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I’m willing to try this

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Dutchess_III I tried to Google the name in English but apparently it’s so inclusive for Vietnam that there’s no name for it in other language. The name is roughly translated as “boiled pig’s head”. And that’s the most disgusting looking thing a human could ever invented.

Vietnamese street food is full of strange dishes like this. For example mango dipped in fish sauce. How the hell can mango go together with fish sauce? That’s another dish that I just can’t bring myself to like.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

That DOES look nasty! So glad I don’t live in Vietnam!

KNOWITALL's avatar

I hate the carbonation in soda, always scorches my throat. My husband and many others are addicted. Yuck.

mazingerz88's avatar

Left-over rottiserie chicken smells like wet dog when heated in a microwave.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Huh! Interesting KNOW.

kritiper's avatar

Raisins, celery, liver, saltine crackers in milk, ...

ucme's avatar

Onions, onions taste like squeaky shit, where some folks taste something delicious…weirdly.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I love onions! Especially sauteed.

JLeslie's avatar

I once looked it up and one of those genetic testing things had a statistic that something like 15% of Ashkenazi Jews say cilantro taste like soap, of which I am one. Over time I don’t mind it as much, but still prefer my food sans cilantro.

Another for me is tomatoes. Fresh tomatoes taste yuck to me. If they are soaked in lime and salt and with serrano pepper and onion I like them (basically pico de gallo, but I put way more lime than should be in there for a pico recipe). I never would eat one alone, and I don’t put tomatoes in sandwiches or in salads, which is very common, basically automatic, in America to do.

Cheesecake tastes sour to me and I don’t like the texture. Frozen yogurt is sour to me also.

@Dutchess_III I didn’t like chocolate very much as a kid. My mother, who is a chocoholic, and comes from a long line of chocoholics, joked they must have switched babies at the hospital. If it was very milky, and especially if it was with caramel or nougat, then I liked that sort of candy, but I easily passed up chocolate, I hated dark chocolate, and never liked chocolate ice cream either. I also didn’t like chocolate cereal, my sister ate chocolate pebbles and I ate fruity pebbles. Chocolate tasted too strong to me, and a little bitter, and sometimes seemed chalky. However, in the school cafeteria, chocolate milk was the saving grace, because I hated milk, and chocolate milk was more tolerable.

When I was young I also tasted things like salad dressing as way too overpowering, I hated it, and onion dip for potato chips, and flavored potato chips as way to overpowering. I developed more of a taste for chocolate when I quit caffeine. I think my body tries to draw the drug from wherever it can get it. I still don’t like dark chocolate though, it’s still bitter, and it is not like candy to me.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Maybe I’m part Ashkenazi Jew.

JLeslie's avatar

@Dutchess_III I remember some other groups had numbers kind of close, it’s just the Jews took the prize. It was only a survey of people who had done the DNA test I think. I think Europe in general had highish numbers.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I’m 0% Ashkenazi Jew according to genetic tests. I eat Cilantro by handfuls straight out of my garden.

JLeslie's avatar

Lol. My husband loves cilantro too. The smell, the taste. I’d compare it to bacon cooking or bread baking for him.

rojo's avatar

Not me but my wife has to ask me to taste the milk to see if it is still good. She says it all smells bad and tastes sour to her. She also cannot differentiate between whole milk and 1%.

Of course, she also cannot taste any difference between a cola and a diet cola. To me diet colas taste chalky or powdery.

For me it is greens; collard, turnip, whatever. If you boil ‘em down they taste slimy and disgusting even the smell sets me off. I can put them in a salad or eat them raw, just don’t cook them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@rojo My sister used to say that all the time, that the milk smelled bad. Interesting. I wonder if she’s lactose intolerant?

I have drunk (dranked? drunken? Droke?) Diet Coke for 30 years. Regular cola is almost like drinking straight syrup to me.
The kids were here last week. 5 year old Zoey went poking around in the fridge to see what there was to drink—cold water, juice, chocolate milk, whatever. Suddenly she said, “Soda!” and triumphantly pulled out a blue can of Bud Light.

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