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mazingerz88's avatar

What do you think really happened in the Vietnam meeting between Trump and Un?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29385points) March 1st, 2019 from iPhone

Did they really go through all that trouble preparing and traveling for that meeting without advance backdoor negotiations?

It seems something totally unexpected took place during the meeting which led to the breakdown.

What is your speculation?

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11 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Trump does not trust any “backdoor” pre-negotiations. About the closest to pre-meeting agreement was on topics for discussion.

Both Trump and Kim were looking to win the Nobel Peace Prize, and had no focus on anything else.

Kim wanted all sanctions lifted, and had denuclearization as the carrot for Trump to lift sanctions. Trump realized Kim had the upper hand and got up and left.

Jeruba's avatar

I think Trump didn’t do his homework and thought he could easily gain the upper hand. At least he had enough sense to realize that Kim was outmaneuvering him. Kim is not only a ruthless bully but a very smart bully and Trump is way overmatched in any contest with him. He ran out to avoid getting beaten up.

The North Korean leader’s family name is Kim. Jong-un is his given name. His father was Kim Jong-iI and his grandfather was Kim Il-sung.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I think kim jong-un had a medical issue from the 96 hour train ride, and cut the meeting short.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I think that Kim made some sort of offer that was probably serious. But Trump, unprepared as usual, either misunderstood it,or simply said “no” without any thought. And Kim, who had done something positive, thought “this guy is an idiot” and walked away.

kritiper's avatar

Un is trying to play us through Trump. Un never meant to be honest about anything!

zenvelo's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 @elbanditoroso Remember, Trump is the one who walked away. If Kim had walked away, Trumo would have been blistering him to the press and over twitter.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@zenvelo I agree – read what I wrote. Trump didn’t understand and therefore he walked away. I think Trump is the buffoon here.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Jeruba pointed it out, but it’s been misused again in another answer. The family name of the North Korean leader is Kim and not Un.

kritiper's avatar

The point of the question isn’t what his proper title is. Understanding who he is, in the context of the question, is.
When he can show me that he deserves the respect of being titled properly, I will. But I wasn’t trying to diss him by calling him Un.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Maybe Trump wanted KFC not a state dinner? Or was worried about the noose around his neck , at home, for the testimony from his fixer at the same time?

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