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mazingerz88's avatar

Is Cowboy Beebop the best written and scored anime TV series?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) March 2nd, 2019 from iPhone

Been watching anime TV shows on and off for many years but I find most of them engaging only at the beginning. Sooner or later they start to drag imo.

But not Cowboy Beebop which I only recently discovered. All episodes and I mean all ( seems like a truly rare feat ) were superbly written and just so happens the music score they used appeals so much to me.

Just wondering if there are others out there who think and feel the same?

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7 Answers

Yellowdog's avatar

Adventures in Booga Booga land probably wouldn’t appeal to you.

Everything hideous in animation but some artsy scenes. It just replaced Mike’s Inspiration Station—one of those soothing art instruction Saturday Morning offerings on one of those Religious channels.

Changes suck, I guess I’ll have to start watching anime after all my great grandmother’s name was Anne May so its in my heritage

zenvelo's avatar

Can’t compare in anyway to Speed Racer.

Yellowdog's avatar

Hey, what’s wrong with regular ole Scooby Doo and Josie and the Pussy Cats?

Demosthenes's avatar

Cowboy Bebop is pretty great. It’s not my personal favorite (that would have to be Evangelion, though no one would argue that it’s as well-executed as Bebop, given its fraught production) but it’s recognized by many to be one of the greatest anime series ever created.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Demosthenes Will check out Evangelion soon. What makes it tick for you? Bebop is just the perfect feel good anime for me.

The writing always hits the right notes along with its editing…despite them using a daring attempt of constant unpredictability as narrative framework.

All the endings are absolutely terrific! Wish I have the skills to properly dissect why and how exactly the elements of their writing are nothing short of brilliant.

@Yellowdog Scooby Doo will always be the funniest and scariest animated TV series for me.

Zaku's avatar

Do Western cartoons count as anime?

Demosthenes's avatar

@mazingerz88 There’s nothing “feel good” about Evangelion. It’s disturbing, dark, and messed up to the highest degree. And that’s why I love it. :)

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