If superheroes were real, is it more likely they would wear masks or not?
Asked by
mazingerz88 (
March 3rd, 2019
from iPhone
Either way, what would be their reasons?
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7 Answers
So they can be at peace and safe from retaliation at home.
Nope, not if they were really super. No need for them to hide.
They would not wear masks, because they would look foolish in real life.
If they were real superheroes, in real life, they would just save people, and not draw attention to themselves with a silly costume, which would hinder their ability, because fan boys would always be pestering them.
Masks, so their loved ones would be safe from retribution.
Yes, because they would be lawless vigilantes, constantly pursued by The Law™.
If they didn’t wear a mask or sport some kind of identity cover-up, people in their normal lives would drive them crazy!
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