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Dutchess_III's avatar

If you're going to vomit anyway, is it true that it's a little easier if you have something to throw up?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47154points) March 5th, 2019

I’m on nursing duty. Have a 6 year old with the flu. The fun kind, where it’s coming from both ends, bless her heart. I never did like that couch anyway. ~
She just vomited the water / 7-Up she drank about an hour ago, and now her stomach is empty. Pretty sure it’s going to come on again, and I’m trying to encourage her to eat a little cracker and some 7-Up because I think it’s easier to have something to actually throw up than to have dry heaves.

I’ve never questioned this before, but now I’m asking you….is that an old wives tale or is it true?

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6 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Dry heaves hurt. I would drink a little bit of warm water.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Thanks for presenting this question just as I was having a bite to eat.

My feeling is that a productive puke feels more satisfying to the puker. I don’t know if that is only psychological or if there is something.physiological about it.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

That’s kind of why I asked @elbanditoroso.

Inspired_2write's avatar
water more important to prevent dehydration.
Solids cause the child to vomit.
In this link its a big problem if it is a bacterial infection( to be determined.).

KNOWITALL's avatar

I think you’re right. I usually drink water or 7 Up, maybe a tiny bit of toast or crackers to soak up acid. People have broken ribs coughing and vomiting. Poor baby, poor nurse.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Kids blow my mind. She was vomiting, really vomiting. She was sick, really sick. Then, after she got done with the last bout of vomiting I gave her a toothbrush to scrape off the nasty from her teeth, wiped her poor little runny face down, helped her get a sip of pop, then took it all into the bathroom to clean up. By the time I came back out, about 5 minutes later, she was literally bouncing off the furniture like there was never a thing wrong! I’d be suspicious that she wasn’t really sick…but she was. It’s been my experience that that is just what kids do. Adults drag it on and on an on.
Kids say, “I’m done! Let’s get back to work!” <<< I need to ask a question about that.

Then we had a cinnamon roll, and for lunch we had a bowl of steamed broccoli with cheese dip. She also had a beautiful wine goblet filled with “ice cold water.”
She said she was just in heaven. SMH.
Then we cleaned, and she played on the computer, and she’s fine.

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