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Demosthenes's avatar

How much stock do you put in nutritional advice or news?

Asked by Demosthenes (15434points) March 5th, 2019

I think we’re all familiar with the contradictory stories that frequently come out about X food and how it’s good for you, then it’s bad for you, then it’s good for you again, etc. and so forth. And just like with parenting, everyone seems to think they’re an expert.

How do you personally sift through the noise about nutrition? What is some of the best nutritional advice you’ve been given?

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18 Answers

Inspired_2write's avatar

No and just for that very reason of changed views later.
I decide by observing if my health is better or worse from eating healthy types of foods.
Everyone’s body reacts negatively or positively to types of foods .
I one feels healthier and gets healthier than go with that .

gorillapaws's avatar

Somewhere in the range of 3/10 to -3/10. The nature of sensationalism and clickbait, leads to horrendous reporting on science. A small, preliminary study will often be taken out of context and blown way out of proportion to the point that it’s journalistic malpractice.

canidmajor's avatar

If something has been consistent for decades (fresh food good, fried sugary processed stuff bad) I go with that. I’m a pretty simple eater, with occasional forays into the glop.
I have a dicey gut, if I can eat it without a Tums chaser I’m figuring it’s good for me.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’ve never been very good at listening to nutritional advice…especially when it’s announced on the news.I listen to the reasons i should follow their advice & I then choose to use my common sense as to whether or not I will try it!!! I know my body & system pretty well; so IF it makes sense, I might try it for a day or 2. Then IF I notice a positive result, I will continue using until I start getting a negative reaction!!!

We have way too many self-proclaimed “experts” now days & I’ve yet to find one in which I can place my total trust!!! This way I’m open to new ideas without blindly following…I prefer to pick & choose as to when I’m going to be a guinea pig!!!

elbanditoroso's avatar

Depends on the source. As a rule, nutritional info from the government is fairly accurate. Nutritional info from someone trying to sell something to me is usually not.

gondwanalon's avatar

I sift through the food information using my wife who is a registered dietitian. She separates the facts from the silly. Lately doctors in infomercials have been pushing their idea that everyone should avoid gluten. I have no sensitivity to gluten whatsoever. Our ancestors evolved eating grains with gluten. So it is just ridiculous for me to avoid it.

Also Keto (high fat, high protein) diets many be helpfu to lose a few pounds quickly for a short period of time. But it’s a mistake to remain on a Keto and or high protein diet for long. It stresses the body and is harmful to blood vessels. You lose weight because it makes your body sick.

It’s best to eat a low sugar, low fat, low meat, high fiber (lots of whole grains, fruits, vegetables). Lay off the junk foods and get your necessary regular and vigorous physical exercise.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think our bodies do a good job of telling us what is good for us and what is not, and we just need to listen to it and use our common sense.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Certain things I take a lot of stock in like not eating trans fats. I know certain supplements are helpful because I can see the results in my blood work (cholesterol). I know others are most likely a complete waste. Arriving at what works and what does not is getting harder because of all the health woo out there now. Even “Doctors” like Weil, Mercola and Oz peddle a lot of bullshit. I know people are buying it too and that makes me sad. They do more damage than good IMO.

JLeslie's avatar

Not much. I am interested in research regarding nutrition and health, but some schmo who just decided to write a book, I’m not very interested. Especially, not some body builder who thinks they know everything because they have low body fat, but really know nothing.

I want information based on large samples of people with similar health problems and genetics as me.

I think the best is very low animal foods (meat, dairy, and eggs) and eat a lot of veggies, some fruits, basically limit foods that are processed.

kritiper's avatar

I pay attention because I figure they might know more than me.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Short answer – I like the words of Michael Pollan Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.

Longer answer – one of my favorite books is Eating On The Wild Side by Jo Robinson

She did a meta study (looking at lots of other studies) inspecting the nutrient content of foods. The results say again, eat mostly plants. And favor colorful and bitter and fibrous over pale, sugary, pap.

SmartAZ's avatar

Nutrition is a young science and difficult to study. At the same time, folk advice floods the world and sometimes is altogether wacko.

A severe distraction is that people often confuse nutritional advice with medical advice, not realizing that doctors are not trained in nutrition. Some of them think they are but a bit of discussion reveals that they are trained dieticians and they don’t even know the difference. If the doctor’s receptionist is overweight it’s pretty certain that she knows more about nutrition than the doctor.

Your only defense is to study the subject yourself. Go to and search “Adelle Davis”. Her books are fifty years old but still the most popular introduction to the field.

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