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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do YOU think it's a fake Melania?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) March 11th, 2019

I really don’t care one way or the other, but I guess Twitter is going wild over the Alabama visit. They’re claiming the women with Trump isn’t really Melania..

She does look a little different around the mouth, maybe, plus she’s holding Trump’s hand. She’s pretty well known for rejecting holding his hand.

What do you think? I think it’s possible. I have heard rumors that she HATES her job as First Lady, and I don’t blame her.

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50 Answers

gorillapaws's avatar

She looks different to my eye, but it’s hard to know with multiple variables like lighting, makeup, emotional distress of having to spend time with her husband, etc.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL!! Right? I agree. I’d have to know her much, much better to say for sure. But it’s possible.

elbanditoroso's avatar

No sympathy for her either way. She’s a high priced whore. Sold her body to a rich man, like so many others.

As for “is it a double” – looks like a different face – differently placed cheekbones. I don’t care much. But what a hoot it would be if it were true.

Kardamom's avatar

She looks like a different person to me.

zenvelo's avatar

I am on the side of believing it is Fake Melania. There have been multiple instances of “her” accompanying Trump on a trip or to a dinner, but a close look shows it isn’t Melania.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I suspect that it isn’t her either. I bet trump-whore is hitting on her, though.

I keep thinking, Fake Dolly!

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

In the video I saw, she’s moving her face and smiling. She has a little bounce in her step instead of moping. It’s the stand-in.

Dutchess_III's avatar

And she’s walking ahead of him!!!

chyna's avatar

Hmmmm. Very interesting. Doesn’t really look like her, but she has huge sunglasses on.

Dutchess_III's avatar

She just doesn’t really act like her, though.

janbb's avatar

I saw a close-up of the fake Melania’s face and it did not look like her.

flutherother's avatar

Even the real Melania looks fake to me so there isn’t much difference

KNOWITALL's avatar

Of course its her.

Unbelievably rude to call her a whore. Comparing Michelle to linebackers and an ape in heels was unacceptable though right.

janbb's avatar

^^ You kind of just blew your high moral dudgeon with that Michelle remark.

chyna's avatar

^Totally agree. Michele is class and grace.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have a problem with calling any woman a “whore.” The men are just as culpable. If a woman has the body and the face to land any guy she wants, and she’s willing to live with a wealthy, fat, ugly, stupid blob of jello for the rest of her life, then that’s her business. And what kind of man would take a woman up on it for such shallow reasons? What name do we call him to shame him?

Trump is far more of a whore than Melania ever was.

But trying to compare Melania to Michelle in any way is laughable. Michelle was too busy graduating from Princeton and Harvard to engage in pornography photo shoots like Melania did. But again, that was Melania’s business. Who cares? Other than it’s embarrassing to the United States of America to have a porn star as a First Lady, and a slutty shyster as President. But I didn’t vote for them.

janbb's avatar

@KNOWITALL I read what you wrote again and I’m wondering if you meant, “Comparing Michelle to…...was unacceptable though, right?” If you had punctuated it that way, your intent, if I’m correct, would have been clearer.

In any case, only one person on this thread called Melania a whore so I wish you would have addressed your comment to that person. I have never called her that. I don’t have any particular feelings about her one way or the other; the question was just about whether there has been a stand in for her which it seems likely, just by looking at photos, there is.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I read her comment as sarcastic too, and also wondered why she addressed the audience at large instead of the one person who called Melania a whore.

Aster's avatar

Body double. Making fools of us.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t think the intention is to make a fool of us. It’s to keep up appearances.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@janbb Anytime I find hypocrits I say something, and lots of people here aren’t addressing the poster. If it bothers you, flag me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

None of us agree with @elbanditoroso‘s comment about Melania being a whore. None of us agree with the woman who called Michelle an “ape in heels,” either. So where is the hypocrisy?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III In @elbanditoroso‘s comment. You called her a porn star and Trump a whore.

Melania wasn’t a porn star, except by a loose definition of such which many models could be accused of as well, there was no porn movies or anything.

My point is, don’t expect your team to be treated with class and dignity when you treat others poorly.

Dutchess_III's avatar

She posed for soft porn. More than once. That’s a fact and it’s kind of embarrassing. It’s very primitive and classless behavior. Any name calling she brought on herself.
It is in no way comparable to the incomparably classy and elegant Michelle Obama being called an “ape in heels,” just because she is black.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III I have very few issues with Michelle personally, but many do think she walks like a dude.

Melania was an immigrant from a shoe factory town, her mom worked in a factory. She did what she had to do to get here LEGALLY, so I’m not judging her.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“She [Michelle] walks like a dude.” So? Is that a problem?

And what’s’ with the emphasis on Melania getting here “LEGALLY”?

gorillapaws's avatar

@KNOWITALL “She did what she had to do to get here LEGALLY”

Questionable. It’s certainly highly dubious that she should have received the EB-1 “Einstein” Visa for Nobel Prize winners and such. And she did work in the US illegally in 1996.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t know why she even threw that into the mix. We were comparing Michelle Obama and Melania Trump…

Stache's avatar

“She walks like a dude.” wtf am I reading? The stupid just gets worse and worse.

Kardamom's avatar

There are women who “walk like dudes”, especially taller, athletic women.

I also know one trans woman who kind of walks like a male, because she was once a male.

I am not a girly girl, nor am I a tom boy, but I’m sure no one would describe me as “walking like a chick” or “walking like a dude”.

I’m not sure how “walking like a dude” is a character flaw.

zenvelo's avatar

@KNOWITALL She did what she had to do to get here LEGALLY, so I’m not judging her.

Actually, that has been the subject of a lot of questions that the White House has refused to answer. She was granted a green card on the “Einstein exception” for someone of extraordinary talent. And, she worked in the US before legally approved to work here.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@all I guess I’m a glutton for punishment, but I’ll attempt one more rational comment. If nothing else it’ll keep you kids entertained for a minute.

@Dutchess described Melania as ‘primitive and classless’, but let anyone say the illegals don’t deserve to be here and it’s a fight. It’s just rather comical to me how the party lines define your ‘opinions.’

@Kardamom Again, I have very few issues with Michelle, but I’ve heard many people say the statement about ‘ape in heels’ was not racial, it was stating how she clomps around graceless.

@zenvelo There has never been proof to show that as fact, however. If you have found that proof, I’d love to see it. It interests me.

zenvelo's avatar


Her Einstein Visa is not in dispute; it is public knowledge.

Kardamom's avatar

Ape and monkey have always been “veiled” slurs against African Americans, at least in the United States.

I’m pretty sure the term “clomps around like an ape in heels” is a racial slur.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“Mrs Trump began applying for the visa in 2000, when she was Melania Knauss, a Slovenian model working in New York and dating Donald Trump. She was approved in 2001, one of just five people from Slovenia to win the coveted visa that year, according to the Post.” From the BBC.
Of course, there is no mention of what she did that was so outstanding that she deserved the Visa.

Dutchess_III's avatar

And of course it was a racist slur @Kardamom. Mrs. Obama does wear longer dresses more gracefully because she’s a bit bow legged, and many tall, athletic women are, but again, that isn’t by choice. And she does not clomp.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Also, I said Melania’s behavior (the porn shoots) were primitive and classless, but they were her choice. She still doesn’t deserve to be called a whore because of them. I don’t think any women deserves to be called a whore, unless you hold the men who create the market for the behavior accountable too.
And that’s assuming the behavior is bad, of course.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I didn’t call Melania a whore because she did porn.

I called her a whore because she sold herself to Donald Trump.

Dutchess_III's avatar

But what do we call donald trump for marrying a beautiful woman only to be his trophy wife?

I still say if she has the face and the body to pull it off, and she’s willing to live with it, she doesn’t deserve to be called names.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@elbanditoroso Do you know that for a fact?

And I’m with @Dutchess_III, it’s not a term I like to hear anyone use, let alone a man about a woman he doesn’t know and is clearly not a street walker. Sexist and misogynist imo.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Of course it’s a fact that she used her looks and body to land one of the richest men in the world!

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Dutchess_III – I disagree. If something looks, smells, and sounds like a pig, there’s a good change it’s a pig.

Example: I knew a guy at college whose mother was, to put it politely, a high priced call girl (escort).

Each summer she would go up to Saratoga (NY) for the racing season and would have a number of male companions who paid her way. Each winter she made her way to Palm Beach (or Boca Raton) and spend the winter plying her same trade. This was a woman in her late 40s. Younger woman, older man with money, and a mutual business relationship.

The guy at school acknowledged this – he knew what was going on. But he also knew that her fees had put him through college, so he didn’t worry too much about it.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@KNOWITALL of course I don’t know it for a fact, just like you don’t know the opposite for a fact.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@elbanditoroso Okay, so I see some rich woman, perhaps Dutchess or someone else, and I should assume she’s a ho and not an independently successful woman in her own right?

I mean, what are the parameters for calling a woman that name and not knowing them in the slightest possible way. Is it okay to call all women ho’s?

Dutchess_III's avatar

But why do we shame her sexually just because she used her looks, her body, her sex to get what she wanted? What is so wrong with that?

I know a young woman who sleeps with men strictly for favors, like remodeling projects around her house. She’s happy, they’re happy, and when the construction project is over they all move on. What do I care?

elbanditoroso's avatar

Who are we talking about, @KNOWITALL my college friend’s mom or Melania?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Sugar babies are very popular, a lot in college towns. Not all sleep with the men either, from what some friends told me. It’s the privelege of being seen with a young, hot date. Is that a ho?

@elbanditoroso I’m speaking in general of who you call a ho, and what the parameters are for you to define women that way.

How would you feel if someone called your mom, sister or daughter a ho and didn’t even know them?

To me, that’s as bad as a racial slur. Not ever okay.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The word is “whore,” not “ho.”

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Not a word I am comfortable with using or use in reference to other women, but I’ll stop following this post.

I can’t believe no other women have a problem with this tbh. Low standards I guess.

Dutchess_III's avatar

If it’s a word you aren’t comfortable using, then why did you use it so many times?

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