Saint Patrick's Day is Sunday, the 17th of March. Have you taken down your Christmas tree / decorations yet?
According to tradition, you are supposed to have your Christmas greenery down by St. Patrick’s day, or the leprechauns will get you.
Supposedly, the number of leprechauns that come for you will be the same as the number of evergreen needles you have remaining in your house.
Maybe you don’t believe in leprechauns, but is still proper decorum to have your tree down by March 17th in observation of Lent, (thats why many take their tree down before Ash Wednesday, on Mardi Gras perhaps)—either way, prevernal Spring is in the air, and there is change in the air as Springtime is approaching—will be here in about five days,
So, how many of you will have your Christmas decorations put away in time for Saint Patrick’s day?
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20 Answers
I have no christmas decorations of any kind.
To be ecumenical, you should further ask:
Have you put your menorah away yet, or will you wait until you’re getting ready for Pesach?
Earlier this week I was in Tahoe and I actually came across a house that still had Christmas decorations up. I was horrified!
Decorations come down January 1st at my house.
@elbanditoroso You could ask that—and although I agree that a Hanukkah menorah is a tree of light, it does not have needles.
I do like the idea of a Celtic Shabbat. Dawn, Celtic and Hebrew traditions about Creation, observed at dawn in the Springtime. But that’s another event.
As for THIS question, Any midwinter evergreen tradition will do, such as Yule. But the tradition involves midwinter greenery and leprechauns.
I take the tree down by Old Christmas, but other relics tend to remain longer. I’d still have my wreath on the door (I usually get it down and gone by April 1st), but my husband took it off a month ago. One neighbor had Christmas lights on through Valentine’s Day. I guess some of us don’t like to let the good parts go. And some of us are just lazy.
A few houses in my neighborhood still have pumpkins on the front step from last October. One year I put a big Christmas bow on my surviving pumpkin, but my son disapproved and took it away. He also removed the life-size, realistic-looking raven I had left perched on the front-porch lattice since Halloween. I hung a tiny Christmas stocking up for him and put little presents and a candy cane in it on Christmas Eve. My son took that down too. I thought it was whimsical, and he thought it was dumb.
So—no, right now no holiday decorations of any kind. I’ll try to get some up in time for the autumnal equinox.
@Jeruba If I had a retreat center, I’d keep lights up all year,
I DO think Christmas and Valentines day go together well. Plenty of red, hearts, and cherubs (Cupids) are equally with Christmas, White lace and doilies represent Christmas snow and purity like the Chrismon tree tradition, all in white. Hearts, candy, and love. Christmas can also be a very romantic time of year.
The holidays go together well, What Feb 14th lacks in the evergreens of Dec 25 – Jan 6th is made up in in roses and springtime flowers,
Thanks for posting, @Jeruba
I never take it down. I get the decorations off sometime in March, but my living room is gloomy, so tree and lights stay up and on all year.
I celebrate Christmas purely a a cultural, not religious thing.
Well, thanks for clearing THAT up.
I’m also glad you keep something of the season all year. I walked into a cool, fairly dark Christmas gift shop once in a Victorian building on a very hot day once. Strong Christmas ambiance is the cure for August temps and humidity.
Decorations came down December 26.
Well, since I’m a godless heathen I don’t put up Christmas decorations. And since I’m Scottish and English,not Irish, I don’t celebrate St. Patrick’s Day either. Not even as an excuse to get blitzed.
If you are a Heathen, don’t you at least celebrate Yule?
Observant Jews keep the menorah out year round, and use it every Sabbat.
I keep the tree up until the day after Epiphany.
St Patrick’s Day always occurs during Lent, so having Christmas decorations up would be concerning.
But March 17 is always a day of dispensation, even if it falls on a Friday; one can eat corned beef at the Parish Dinner.
Atheist, actually. I’m using “heathen” (small h, not capital H) in the blanket sense as applied to pretty much anyone not Christian. I suspect you realize this, however.
@zenvelo Excellent post.
St. Patrick’s Day is a feast day, even during Lent, so brawling is permissible,
Lent, starting with Ash Wednesday yes, the Christmas lights and decorations should not be up during this season. Though Epiphany and Mardi Gras they are part of the gaity and carnival atmosphere of the season.
@Darth_Algar Heathen pertains only to the native pagan cultures of Europe in the Middle ages,, and probably to Africa on the mission fields up to and throughout the eighteenth century. It’s WAAAYyyy too broad a term to define all non-Christians. There is no other use of it in Christianity,
You’re being disingenuous.
I never have Christmas decorations, but I’ve often thought of putting little white lights on my trees, I love it for year round.
A friend of mine, when her children were young, kept her tree up all year and changed the decoration for the season or holiday. I like that idea a lot.
Doesn’t three real tree become more and more of a fire hazard as the weeks pass and the tree dries out?
I never heard of this St. Patrick’s Day superstition. I always thought the tree was supposed to come down the end of Yule, or the day of the Epiphany, which are basically one and the same. Although, in America most everyone seems to feel Christmas is over on the 26th of December. I don’t know about most other countries at this point. Maybe that has changed around the world with the commercialization of Christmas.
@zenvelo Observant Jews light a Chanukah menorah every Shabbat? That doesn’t sound right. I’m no authority, but I would think if they are lighting a menorah, it’s not a Chanukah menorah, but rather a 7 candle menorah. Chanukah menorahs are only for Chanukah would have been my assumption, but assumptions are often wrong.
My tree got put away around Valentine’s day, the giant wall wreath was taken down last week. The three foot tall nutcracker is still standing on the top of the desk, but I have gotten his box out, so it will probably go into storage soon. The JOY doll is sitting on a shelf.
The singing, dancing Hanukkah man gets played with every week.
Take down my early ‘60s era spinning aluminum tree that has the newer color changing LEDs shining on it from four different directions??
But it’s so GROOVY, man!
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