General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Is it inaccurate to call Methodists members of the United Methodist Church (their official name) because of the schism over LBGTQ acceptance?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33716points) March 19th, 2019

Officially, they are the United Methodist Church link

But since the UMC leaders voted to ban gay clergy and same-sex marriage and to increase the punishment for violations, there’s a pretty big split among members.

Will we see a real schism? If nothing else will they change their church name?

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10 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Doubtful. They have to change and become more accepting, or go out of business.

Jeruba's avatar

Should the United States change its name?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Schisms are commonplace in religions since factionalism is unavoidable. And as with anything as unweildy as a massive cult, the superstition itself will lag behind societal trends.

janbb's avatar

If there’s an official split and one branch changes their name, then they’ll be called by that new name. Until then, they’re all Methodists.

Yellowdog's avatar

Overall, the United Methodists are a fairly liberal denomination, as are all of the Mainline Protestant churches, including the Disciples of Christ, Presbyterian Church-USA, United Church of Christ, Episcopal, and .Evangelical Lutheran. No matter how they vote, nothing will change.

There will be room for Gay and Lesbian clergy and churches, as there has been at least since the 1970s.

Some of the Mainline churches have split from their denominations, including the North American Lutheran Church (NALC) and some Episcopal churches have joined other Anglican groups.

Darth_Algar's avatar

No, the United Methodist Church does not represent all Methodists.

seawulf575's avatar

The link provided isn’t really accurate. Here is a page from the that explains that the United Methodist Church does not represent all Methodists

So you are starting with a bad assumption and going from there.

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