Social Question

seawulf575's avatar

Should we also start an investigation into Hillary's possible collusion with Ukraine?

Asked by seawulf575 (17281points) March 21st, 2019

I saw these articles pop up on my Google news and had to ask this question

And then I saw this one and wondered if that was why Trump was so gung ho on having the Mueller report made public as well as why Mueller suddenly has all sorts of activity going on?

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35 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

The Ukrainian did not aver any “collusion” or coordination with the Clinton Campaign, which is distinctly different from the Russians that met with Trump representatives at the Trump Building.

Further, the “news articles” you cite are not news but rather opinion pieces written by a Trump surrogate lawyer.

I think you are trying to deflect from the deplorable behavior of the President. The GOP spent millions of dollars investigating HRC, with two of their biggest attack dogs, Darrell Issa and Trey Gowdey unable to find anything.

jca2's avatar

I feel like it’s way past time to move on from talking about Hillary and blaming things on Obama.

chyna's avatar

Enough years and money have been spent on trying to lay crimes on HC. Nothing has been found and she is not running for an office. Let it go and concentrate on what is going on in your party.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Here’s a friendly reminder: Trump lost the popular vote. He is only president because we have an 18th century system designed so that slave states would approve the Constitution.

He’s president. Stop spewing idiotic nonsense.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Tell you what, @seawulf575 – when she becomes President, you can investigate her all you want.

(Oops, sorry, they did investigate her incessantly and found nothing… like they will with this made-up canard).

@seawulf575 – you really need to develop other hobbies.

Jeruba's avatar

There’s still time to stop Trump from further abuse of his office. Hillary does not have an office.

It’s crazy that you and the others are still going after her. Aren’t there any real battles to fight? Drugs, homelessness, healthcare needs, and natural disasters, for example. Just imagine what it would be like if she were too dead to fight back.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Why not give it a rest? Must you devote the remainder of your days to beating a horse so obviously dead in the vain attempt to draw attention from the braying jackass. It won’t work. Even the most hateful spiteful blockheads of your ilk, have moved on to other nonsense in their clown show.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

~ ~ ~Ya there was collusion, Hillary showed up in a orange fright wig and bad orange make-up to negotiate for “Hillary Towers” in the Ukraine !

How much is Putin’s Chef paying you @seawulf575 ?

seawulf575's avatar

So I take it that none of you really care about a foreign government working with a candidate in the US to skew an election, provided that candidate is a Democrat. Kinda what I figured. Let me point out that the Ukraine police are the ones investigating, that they have strong reason to believe one of their members leaked Manafort’s financial records in an effort to sway the election in favor of Hillary. Add to that the fact that Christopher Steele worked with Ukrainians to gather information about Manafort and that he did so while being paid by Hillary and the DNC. As you have all repeatedly pointed out to me, where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And investigating will show the proof or not of the allegations. After all, if Hillary DID do this, then she has done every bit of a crime as what you are convinced Trump did with Russia. Exactly the same, in fact. Yet not surprisingly, none of you really think it should even be looked at.
Now I could address each of you individually but really, you all are just the same…hiding from anything that might point corruption at the Dems. That tells me all I need to know about your opinions.

jca2's avatar

Whoever was looking to sway the election in favor of Hillary did a bad job.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Believe me, had the woman been elected, there isn’t an accusation any fool with a ouija board might level that would go ignored by the Republican Congress. As it is, why not wait for Mueller’s results?

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Your llinks are stories about Ukrainian revelations about Trump’s campaign manager’s work for the deposed, pro-Russian murdering kleptocrat.

And you think that is damning to Hillary.

Conservative critical thinking skills on display. It wouls be hilarious if these people could not vote.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@seawulf575 wrote:
Now I could address each of you individually but really, you all are just the same…hiding from anything that might point corruption at the Dems. That tells me all I need to know about your opinions.

For the record – and you should all look at his previous postings, which are numerous – this is his method of argumentation.

1) He says something utterly absurd and irrelevant about something that is meaningless.

2) People disagree with him on substance and on timing.

3) He pouts and calls us names.

@seawulf575 – no one agrees with you, not because we’re liberals, but because you are wrong.

seawulf575's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay Someone gave the private information about Manafort to the Hillary/DNC financed Steele Dossier. This makes perfect sense to sway the election for Hillary because Manafort worked for Trump. I give you the entire last two years of investigations into the “Russian collusion”. Was that collusion accusation leveled against Hillary or Trump? That’s right, against Trump by the DNC and the Pro-Hillary FBI. So we have a candidate working with a foreign government to try swaying the election. Isn’t that exactly what you were so crazy about Trump about? So why does Hillary get a pass? Hillary could still run for POTUS again. Why wait for that to find out she pulled some underhanded crap in the last election?

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso Let’s review your claim a bit.

1) He says something utterly absurd and irrelevant about something that is meaningless. I am the one that asked the question based on articles I found. I didn’t create the Ukrainian investigation, nor did I write the articles. So the relevance is the question I asked. If you don’t like the question, don’t answer.
2) People disagree with him on substance and on timing. I asked a question to see if the belief that it is wrong for a candidate to collude with a foreign government to win a presidential election in this country is what bothers everyone or if it is just that Trump won. Obviously, from the answers, you all don’t care about DEMS colluding with foreign governments, so it has to be that Trump won that bothers you. After all, there is now more evidence that Hillary colluded with Ukraine than there ever was against Trump and still you don’t want to look too closely. No one is really disagreeing with me, they are all just stating their opinions which is what I was looking for.
3) He pouts and calls us names. So far in this thread, I have been accused of being a Republican (I am an Independent), You accused me of needing other hobbies (apparently other than finding news articles that cast doubt on Dems), and I have been compared to a Blockhead. On the flip side…what I have called others, there has been….nothing. I haven’t called anyone a single name.

So on review, you just struck out. 3 strikes, no balls. In other words, you just did to me exactly what you accused me of doing to others.

elbanditoroso's avatar

As noted above, this is how he argues.

I’m out. Seawulf is not worth my effort.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I quit a long time ago.

flutherother's avatar

@seawulf575 You should also bear in mind that you didn’t find these articles these articles found you.

kritiper's avatar

Do you know something those who would need to know don’t know?

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Someone gave the private information about Manafort to the Hillary/DNC financed Steele Dossier. This makes perfect sense to sway the election for Hillary because Manafort worked for Trump.

You’re upset that crimes were uncovered.

You really need to stop watching Hannity or wherever you get your talking points. They’re foolish and embarasssing.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulf575 Look into a mirror; talk until your face is blue . . . !

@Call_Me_Jay he is locked into several “Skin head” and “Ultra-right wing” websites and quotes them verbatim. In the past he has copied and pasted, twelve or more paragraphs.

I still think he is on “Putin Chef’s” payroll.

Jeruba's avatar

@Tropical_Willie, I think Putin’s gang have more sense than to pay for this. Whatever they may be, they’re not dumb.

Stache's avatar

Fake news.
There’s no collusion.
I want a hamberder.

Darth_Algar's avatar

“Well yeah, I know we’ve been investigating Hillary for 25 years now and turned up nothing, but believe me, we’ve really got her this time!”

KNOWITALL's avatar

Of course! Regardless of partisan politics, illegal activities should be investigated.

On the other hand, many of us know the Clintons have been dirty for decades, and get away with it. Half the country wanted her to be President. (Shudder)

chyna's avatar

But instead, we get the dirty, insolent child Trump that says anything and gets away with it. Lol

elbanditoroso's avatar

@KNOWITALL – technically, more than half.

hmmmmmm's avatar

@seawulf575 – Christ, will you stop? All of the awful sh*t Hillary has done is all public record. And she’s horrible. But she’s done. I don’t want to hear her name again.

If you have a problem with the Russia investigations going on against your president – address those. Or maybe turn your attention (and ours’) to policy.

Not everything has to be a goddamn conspiracy or collusion. The f*cking world is burning around us, and people are looking for sexy crimes to critique people for, rather than the real, horrible things people are doing all right in the open.

seawulf575's avatar

@hmmmmmm you are starting to sound just like the people that said the Russia/Trump investigation was a waste of time. But funny, when I mention Hillary your head explodes and suddenly there are bigger problems than investigating a politician working with a foreign government to influence our elections.
As for the Russia investigation going against Trump, I think it is pretty safe to say there is absolutely nothing tying Trump to working with Russia to influence the election…and there never was. But again…there is a tie to Hillary. Who paid for the bogus dossier that was the center of everything? Whose contacts were used as sources? Hillary. Yeah…she’s not the POTUS (Thank God!) but she is still screwing up the country.
And you are arguing both sides on this one. Either there are really important things to focus on (which I have been saying from the start) or there aren’t. You want it both ways. You want to waste time and money investigating Trump for nothing, yet don’t want to do the same for Hillary. Amazing. As for Policy, maybe you should talk to the Dems in congress that are too dysfunctional to choose a direction for the country but are damn sure going to fight whomever is in the Oval office when they try to set a direction.

Stache's avatar


hmmmmmm's avatar

@hmmmmmm: “You want to waste time and money investigating Trump for nothing, yet don’t want to do the same for Hillary.”

Absolutely not. I have never been interested in the Russia thing at all. In fact, I think it’s been really harmful.

Please, try to step outside everything-is-hypocrisy mode.

stanleybmanly's avatar

37 indictments including loads of Russian operatives—conclusion: total waste of time & effort. Brain dead dummies!

Dutchess_III's avatar

It doesn’t prove anything, right?!

Darth_Algar's avatar

@KNOWITALL “On the other hand, many of us know the Clintons have been dirty for decades, and get away with it.”

You know, huh? Are you privy to some secret information that the United States Congress never had?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Right @Darth_Algar? Nobody can provide a single, actual fact that proves anything at all on the Clintons, except for Monica Lewinski, and that’s hardly earth shattering.
Yet, every one “just knows.”

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