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mazingerz88's avatar

What other things do you think migrating animals think about during their long journey?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) March 21st, 2019 from iPhone

Could it be possible they have thoughts other than making sure they’re going in the right direction, time to eat, time to continue flying and anticipating potential danger all by instinct?

Do they even wonder why they do the things they do?

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22 Answers

stanleybmanly's avatar

Their concerns are probably those of travelers everywhere.

anniereborn's avatar

They make their shopping lists.

Patty_Melt's avatar

“Ask directions hell! I know what I’m doing.”

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I’m hungry tired and cold… must go south.

zenvelo's avatar

Are we there yet?

Love_my_doggie's avatar

“Boy, I sure am getting tired. Nice views, though.”

kritiper's avatar

Animals don’t “think” like humans do. They simply react to stimuli. If they’re hungry, they eat. If they’re thirsty, they look for water. This is because they are of only one mind, the subconscious. People think the way we do because we have another mind, the conscious mind, in addition to the subconscious.

flutherother's avatar

Did I remember to switch off all the lights.

josie's avatar

“We should have made these decisions after they invented the airplane”

flutherother's avatar

@kritiper When we are hungry we eat too and when we are thirsty we look for water. Having owned a dog I am also sure he had a “conscious mind”.

mazingerz88's avatar

Looks like these creatures survive thousands of years by focusing their thoughts on the most basic of things. And not one of them seem to mind.

kritiper's avatar

@flutherother Have you taught your dog to talk? You should be able to if it has a conscious reasoning mind…

Patty_Melt's avatar

That is not true.
We had a dog that could say several things quite clearly, but some sounds they simply cannot make.
Reasoning has nothing to do with ability to talk. As proof I offer Howard Stern, Rosie O’Donnell, Woody Allen…

Try again.

Also, same dog would sit on the bathroom rug to clean his personals. If he forgot, and someone noticed, saying his name with disdain would make him walk down the hall with his head low. You could almost see a blush.
We had a pony that learned quickly my brother was a better bareback rider than I. She would be careful with me, and let it all out when he rode. She once forgot herself when I was riding and dad opened the pasture gate. She took off at a run without warning, and stepped on my leg when I hit the ground.
My dad carried me to the house. Nobody had to go after her. When she realized she was riderless she pulled up and came back. The whole way she rubbed her face on me begging me to forgive her.

I got more, if you need.

kritiper's avatar

But they still run around naked…

Patty_Melt's avatar

Most of them are wearing fur coats.
Perhaps they find our inhibitions amusing.

kritiper's avatar

And shit all over the yard, in the flower beds, in the dry dirt under the eaves, in the neighbor’s yard…
I saw one that got hit by a car. Don’t they realize that cars kill?
Milk cows will shit and pee in the milking barn. What’s with that??
There is a book (The Last Stand by Nathanial Philbrick) where during the Battle of the Little Bighorn, two horses are getting amorous while their riders seek shelter from the encroaching Indians. Couldn’t these horses figure out that there was a war going on???

Patty_Melt's avatar

Having the capacity for thought doesn’t mean a capacity equal to that of humans, then again, some humans…

flutherother's avatar

Maybe horses have more sense than to fight wars.

ragingloli's avatar

Maybe they got turned on by those stupid humans murdering each other.

kritiper's avatar

@Patty_Melt Thank you for agreeing with me.

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