General Question

ragingloli's avatar

Can you recommend any shoes that are specifically designed for long periods of standing still?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) March 21st, 2019

To prevent that annoying sole pain.

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15 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Merrell, they make running and hiking shoes/boots but also make walking/casual shoes. Known for good traction and comfort.

rebbel's avatar

German brand, that have mainly sandals, but also shoes (pretty fashionable even).
I know that half of the nurses wear them.
@Tropical_Willie ‘s Merrells are comfortable too, I have a pair myself and can wear them for hours.

Caravanfan's avatar

Why Quentin?

ragingloli's avatar

Because of his foot fetish.

elbanditoroso's avatar

The mafia had a big business in Cement Overshoes.

Caravanfan's avatar

@ragingloli I’ll check with one of the surgeons when I see him and see what they say.[

seawulf575's avatar

Hoka One One is a shoe that is like wearing matresses on your feet. Very cushiony. I also bought my wife some Allarounder shoes and she says they are the most comfortable shoes she has ever owned.

Caravanfan's avatar

I talked to one male surgeon and he said he uses Clogs.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I would look for shoes sold as restaurant work shoes, for cooks and bartenders.

Note that they also have thick rubber mats behind the line and the bar. That more than doubles your cushion.

zenvelo's avatar

I wear shoes by Ecco, and I stand quite a bit at work. I love ‘em.

gorillapaws's avatar

Also, look into 20–30 compression stockings/socks. Standing still all day wreaks havoc on your superficial venous system. They have stylish ones out now.

JLeslie's avatar

Merril, Clark, New Balance.

If you have high arches try Vionic.

If you get pedicures stop letting them smooth up your feet!! You are constantly in a state of toughening your feet, basically making calluses, if you constantly are removing calluses. It is a painful process. Dancers never let nail salons remove their calluses for good reason. The only exception is large ones that might have developed from ill fitting shoes, but now you have better ones, but don’t go hacking off too much.

I let a woman ONE TIME shave the bottom of my feet, and I swear I was never the same. I don’t know why I let her do it when typically I always refuse any sort of callus or hard skin removal. I regret it. I get mini-pedis if I get anything. Clean up my nails and paint them pretty. Slight sloughing and some lotion. That’s it.

Also, standing on hard floors vs carpet makes a huge difference. Even standing on “wood” with some give can be easier on the feet than cement or tile.

bridgittheaupair's avatar

ballerina flats. They are comfy and easy to walk in.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Maybe slippers?

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