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seawulf575's avatar

Do you believe we went to the moon and do you believe the video/pictures we got were from there?

Asked by seawulf575 (17348points) March 22nd, 2019

I came across this show

about the conspiracy theory behind landing on the moon. I found it interesting and it made some really good points. It’s a bit long, but fun. What do you think? Did we go to the moon or not?

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34 Answers

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I don’t have to watch the video. We went. It’s possible some of the footage was staged, that’s plausible.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Of course we did.

JLeslie's avatar

I say we went. There might be some bad editing of the footage.

At this point I think it’s moot anyway. We ARE in space, we have satellites, I think we landed on Mars if I remember correctly, or something is headed there.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hell, we’ve sent rovers there since the 70s. Again in 1996, 1997 and 2003. The most recent was in 2018. .

Darth_Algar's avatar

Yes and yes.

filmfann's avatar

Of course we went.
I always felt the moon landing deniers were 3 volumes short of a set.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Of course we went, some sooner than others, some haven’t come back yet.

EDIT – Coke’s on you, @filmfann.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I agree with AYKM’s response. I think it happened, and there was a lot of pressure to prove it. So. It’s possible that they tinkered with the photos we had, or manufactured a few.

flutherother's avatar

Yes, we went to the moon. Believing otherwise doesn’t make sense.

seawulf575's avatar

To highlight some of the “evidence” they use for suggesting we didn’t go:

1) the photos and videos are sketchy. Examples: There is no blast crater under the lunar lander even though it supposedly put huge thrust downward into loose powdery soil. There is no dirt on the actual feet of the lunar lander. With only one light source (the sun), there are several pictures that show shadows from two different directions. Also with the lighting, when filming several of the pics, you can see the sun in the background, but the shots of the shadowed side of objects are perfectly visible. The “crosshairs” on the lens of the camera that are used to give a point of reference are supposed to be on top of everything in the picture but have some pictures where objects are partially obscuring the crosshairs. The videos of the astronauts “bouncing” their way across the surface of the moon, if you play them at 2x speed, they look just like people running on Earth. The audio of the movies of them landing the lunar module is wrong. They are sitting on top of a rocket engine and there is no noise of it as they land.
Other issues…the lunar lander. The design of the lunar lander was effectively one big thrust engine with two smaller jets offset. The design was such that if you were in the vehicle and were trying to land it and moved at all you would throw the balance off and would spiral out of control…which is exactly what happened in testing shortly (about a week) before the launch. The astronauts couldn’t get it to work at all on Earth and then landed it perfectly on the Moon.
Then there is the Van Allen radiation belt. The took 1960’s technology through these radiation belts and yet none of the electronics, nor the humans were impacted.

Not arguing one way or the other here, just highlighting some of the points from the video I sourced since it is something like 45 minutes long.

kritiper's avatar

Yep. We did and I do.

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ucme's avatar

Hmm, space, in common with this thread…a strange atmosphere.

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ucme's avatar

This may be a good time to squeeze in Uranus…no?
Fair enough.

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