Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Do you have a dash-cam for your vehicle?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23591points) March 28th, 2019

Do you use it?
Do you like the idea of having one, if you don’t have one are you planning on getting one?
I have one in my transport truck, my private vehicle, Mrs Squeeky has one in hers as well.

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13 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

I don’t and probably won’t. As many camera’s are around us everywhere now, I just don’t see the need.

janbb's avatar

Why would I want one?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

In case of an accident where there was doubt at who was at fault?^^

janbb's avatar

I don’t know. Personally I find a cell phone more useful. :-)

zenvelo's avatar

Nope. Having a dash cam causes accidents, based on all the videos I see everyday. People with dash cams forget how to drive.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But with that same breath you would defend the use of cell phones and texting no matter how many videos you see of people being absolutely brain dead while using them.^^^

jca2's avatar

I’m not opposed to them but I don’t have one. I can see where it would be useful if you’re in an accident or someone does something like cut you off, it would be helpful to have as evidence. Another example of a good use would be if something occurs outside of your vehicle, not traffic or driving related and you’d like a record of it.

I’m in a group on Facebook that is specifically for a local commuter highway where people post dash cam footage all the time. After a snow storm where big sheets of ice come off the vehicles and fly all over (sometimes cracking windshields) is something that is often posted.

Recently there was an incident where there was stopped traffic and a truck driver and a driver of a car got into some kind of altercation, and the car driver had a machete and was threatening the truck driver with it. The truck driver kicked the guy’s a** and the machete guy got arrested. There was dash cam footage of the fight and it was fascinating to watch.

Sometimes things happen where you’re accused of something by a police officer and maybe you are not guilty. Maybe the police officer was located in a spot where he couldn’t quite see things the way they actually occurred. That would be another example of where it would be helpful to have a dash cam.

Costco has a dash cam for about $100 right now.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And the dash cam proved the trucker wasn’t at fault.
The other guy could get charged with assault with a weapon.
Isn’t road rage wonderful?
And people scoff when I say peoples driving skills are getting worse.

jca2's avatar

i believe the other guy did get charged. Yeah that was crazy.

ucme's avatar

Yep, front & rear.
If you’re a liar as well as a shit driver, I got your arse on camera baby!

zenvelo's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I have never defended use of a cell phone while driving, besides, I was being a bit tongue in cheek.

It seems like I get a new dash cam fails video everyday.

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