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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

How many books are on your wish list?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25067points) March 30th, 2019

Online like Amazon? Mine is 200 or so.

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8 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Zero. If I want a book I buy it.

Demosthenes's avatar

There are 209 books on my Goodreads “to read” list at present. Some of them I own but have not yet read, some I do not yet own. I would estimate that more than half of them I don’t own. They are books I intend to buy new, hope to run into at used bookstores and sales, or intend to check out at the library.

Jeruba's avatar

I don’t keep an actual list, but there are undoubtedly hundreds of book acquisitions still in my future. I’ve bought two just in the past week and many more since the beginning of the year. Unfortunately I’m not reading them as fast as I buy them—I tend to pick big ones that take a while—so my efforts to reduce my library are actually going backward right now.

If I think I’m going to read a book only once and not want to make pencil notes in it, the library is good, but just about anything in nonfiction is bound to require active annotation. That’s just the way I read. I do better at using the library for fiction.

anniereborn's avatar

I think I have only like ten listed on Amazon. There are plenty more I’d like to get at the library, but our library sucks.

Zissou's avatar

I have about 400 on my wish list—as in, “I wish someone would buy these things from me so I wouldn’t have to choose between putting them in storage and giving them away.”

Darth_Algar's avatar

I don’t know exactly. A couple dozen maybe. Mostly photo books. Any regular books I want to read I’ll just check out from the library or grab the e-book.

ucme's avatar

Literally (on point) none, essentially book reading is self narration of a story.
Imagine images being incorporated into that & you have a sub standard spectacle that no one would rate or watch.
Leave it to those that do it for a living.

Inspired_2write's avatar

I keep a notebook of interesting books that I may want to read when I have time to that is.
( usually if a heavy snowfall and can’t get out much then its a perfect time to curl up with a book.)

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