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JLeslie's avatar

Has anything changed in Israel since Trump declared that Jerusalem is the Capital?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) March 30th, 2019 from iPhone

Besides the embassy moving.

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8 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I would like to hear what Jimmy Carter has to say on the issue. My guess is that the regions progress is set aback twenty years.

flutherother's avatar

It wasn’t intended to change anything in Israel. Trump thought it would sound good to the people who support him, that’s all.

JLeslie's avatar

@flutherother A lot of people felt the decision for Trump to do it was a bad one, and to me, bad means that they feared bad things would happen. I worried about it myself. Did anything happen? Maybe there were riots or demonstrations, especially when it was done? If so, are they ongoing? Is there any difference on the ground in Israel or the Palestinian Territory now that the US has an embassy in Jerusalem and some time has past? Is anything really different? Better or worse?

flutherother's avatar

For me, just about every decision Trump makes is a bad one because it isn’t properly thought through. Just because a decision isn’t followed by demonstrations or violence doesn’t mean it is a good one.

JLeslie's avatar

@flutherother I’m not saying good or bad, I’m just wondering if it did have some sort of practical effect. I’m sure it pissed off some Palestinians and other groups, I can understand why, but I’m always stunned at how much power is given to the US. Israel already called Jerusalem its Capital, didn’t it? So, Trump makes this declaration, for whatever stupid reason that he decided, and it’s more important than what Israel, the actual country in question, has done?

Now, I’m curious if anything has actually changed. I’m not wondering if it was though to be a good idea or not in the first place.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Only the further isolation of the fat stupid country from the former respect of the rest of the world.

kritiper's avatar

More rockets being fired from both sides.

Yellowdog's avatar

The “stupid reason” Trump acknowledged Jerusalem the Capitol of Israel was because we are now the first country besides Israel itself to acknowledge it—others are now following suit. As we were the first outside nation to recognize Israel as an independent nation in 1948.

Jerusalem has been the capitol of Israel since ancient times—since the Abraham and Issac incident.

Pretty stupid of Trump, isn’t it? I mean, other U.S. presidents have sided with Israel’s enemies in the past to appease them. Shouldn’t Trump have reserved the right for some future president?

Israel and its heritage are the very essence of the Judeo-Christian values that have shaped our culture and values. We believe in human rights and the dignity of all people. Other nations in the world have written into their constitution and purpose the eradication of Israel. Maybe ask yourelf what it is about Israel, a Democracy in the middle east,Judeo-Christian values and human rights that we stand for that is such a threat to middle-eastern dictators, Holocaust deniers, and some of those in power within the Democratic party.

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