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Dutchess_III's avatar

Why would Trump put off the Republican vote on healthcare until after the 2020 elections?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) April 2nd, 2019
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27 Answers

janbb's avatar

Because he was told to, I suspect. It’s not an issue the Repubs can win on and some of them know it.

LostInParadise's avatar

To give the Republicans an excuse for failing to find an alternative to ACA.

stanleybmanly's avatar

More puzzling is why would the dummy chose to challenge the legality of the ACA through the courts without a viable alternative in hand? Somethin aint right. He’s lit the fuse on the bomb while locked along with the Congress in the ACA room with no visible escape.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly if something is illegal it needs to stop and taking it through the courts is the appropriate measure. However I personally am tired of hearing about healthcare being battled back and forth in Congress. First off, they aren’t trying to solve anything…both sides are trying to use it as political fodder. It is is long past time for our elected officials to figure out how to act like actual adults instead of spiteful teenagers. If healthcare is really that big an issue, BOTH sides should be clamoring to solve it instead of trying to play “gotcha” with it. Our elected officials are paid to deal with difficult situations…DO IT!

elbanditoroso's avatar

To have a vote, you have to have a plan. The Repubs don’t have a plan. (never did. never will).

Figure that Obamacare came about after 2–3 years and hundreds of hearings and a lot of outreach for buy-in.

The Repubs haven’t even done a needs assessment, much less come up with a plan or a way to pay for it. They haven’t had a hearing or even begun to gather information at this point.

So there’s nothing to vote on. And even if they started this afternoon (hah!) they would still need to negotiate with the Democrats in the House. And they aren’t going to pass some slapdash bullshit program that Trump puts together,

In the end, there will not be a vote in 2020 because there will not be a republican proposal in 2020, if ever.

(Trump is banking on two things:

- that he wins in 2020
– that the House goes back to being republican in 2020

Neither of those is a good bet.)

Darth_Algar's avatar

Because Republicans know this is a losing battle for them. They’ve had a decade to come up with a viable alternative. They’ve come up with exactly shit.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s worse than a bad bet. The ACA withstood previous challenges in the courts, and I’m rather certain that the legality of the act will weather the challenge for the simple reason that its abrupt overturn would be catastrophic. In other words, a reason will be found to sustain its legality.

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso might want to fact check yourself. The ACA was first proposed by the Dems in July 2009 and signed into law on March 23, 2019. That is only 8 months, not 2–3 years. Additionally, the hearings were limited and the outreach was for the Dems to ask what the Repubs suggested or what their concerns were and then to promptly ignore them entirely. To put it even more succinctly, the House proposed a 2200 page bill in July 2009 and voted on it in November 2009. I find it highly unlikely that any of those voting for or against it had ever read it. Nancy was right…they had to vote it in to see what’s in it. The Senate had their version out and voted on by 12/24/09. Since Ted Kennedy died and a Republican replaced him, the Dems lost their filibuster proof majority. So in early March 2010, they called it a “budget reconciliation” so they could use the nuclear option to blow it through the Senate. That doesn’t qualify as hearings and/or reaching out to work it through the process. On a side note, after starting this garbage with the nuclear option the Dems now feel it is unfair since the Repubs have used it. But that is a different conversation.
So we have a huge bill…probably the biggest ever proposed…that blew through Congress from introduction to law in 8 months. That is not even realistic except when it is a political stunt. The Dems forced this down our throats and almost immediately had to start changing it once it was law. Obama violated the Constitution by unilaterally changing the parameters spelled out in the law. But the Repubs have done no better. They pointed out (correctly) a large number of problems that would occur with the ACA, but they really had nothing to propose in its place. They campaigned and used the ACA as a political club to win control of Congress…but really did nothing to get rid of it or replace it. They have been basically useless throughout.
All this supports what I have said…both sides are trying to use it as political fodder and both sides need to grow up and stop acting like children.

kritiper's avatar

Still more of his whitewashing the subject to get people to believe he actually has a plan. And to get himself re-elected. (Yeah, good luck with that…)

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Please please tell me there is no way in hell he could get re-elected…

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_lll there is just a much a “no-way” he can get re-elected as there was for him to get elected in the first place.

kritiper's avatar

Wishful thinking…

seawulf575's avatar

Not wishful thinking…just honesty. How many times did we hear “There is no way Trump can win the Republican primary!” or “There is no way Trump can beat Hillary!” Yet who sits in the Oval Office? And let’s have a little more honesty for a moment…the Dems have no really strong candidates and they definitely have no platform other than “Not Trump”.

kritiper's avatar

I was/am the one doing the wishful thinking, among others, no doubt…...
And, geez, it’s early yet!

stanleybmanly's avatar

Anyone believing Trump unsuitable for office prior to his election cannot help but recognize that the fool’s Presidency amounts to a monumental effort to accentuate that unsuitability in spectacular fashion and record setting fkups without parallel. The man is a disgrace to his office, a totem to ignorance with the integrity of sewage. His reign thus far has failed to rise above any level of perpetual embarrassment, and there is no reasonable argument barring the declaration that he without question takes the trophy for worst President in the history of the United States.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The level of stupidity is breath taking. I guess he’s been saying his father was born in a “wonderful place in Germany.” WTH?

stanleybmanly's avatar

It just never stops. Just one endless onslaught of lying ignorant meanness. Better than Hillary, better than Obama? What is wrong with you people?

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly have you ever considered that your bias from before he was elected has tainted your view of his performance? Combined with a non-stop onslaught of negative from liberal propaganda media? Yes, he as said some dumb things, but he has also done some really good things. unemployment for minorities, for example, is lower than it has been in a really long time…possibly lower than ever. Combine that with the outlook that more and more blacks are turning away from Dems and that many legal immigrants are fed up with the attitude the Dems have towards illegals (just let ‘em in!) and you suddenly have a shift in demographics that the Dems lose on. It sort of amazes me that despite the good things that have happened in the past 2 years despite the Dems, the brainwashed adherents of liberal thinking cannot recognize them. And the real problem is that the Dems really believe that “not Trump” is enough of a platform. And it is people like you that have bought into all the lies that make them believe it will work.
I know…we’ll see….Trump’s going down….all that. I heard it all during the Mueller investigation for 22 months. How’d that end up? Oh yeah…I was right all along and all you that blindly parrot the liberal media were….go ahead and say it…you were wrong. So I’m telling you now, the Dems are in a world of hurt right now and I am telling you why. And here’s the kicker…if they clean up their act and actually started working for the good of the country (not lip service and pandering), they could beat Trump and I would be okay with that. But there isn’t a single committed Dem candidate that is there.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Yes I know there’s no convincing me that the idiot glass is half full, or that immigrants and blacks are fleeing the Democrats in droves. If only I could control my irrational hatred, he might no longer be the worst President in the history of the country. As for you being right, it turns out that the jury’s still out as there is still some reluctance to allow me and the biased media access to the proof. But never mind, all will be revealed in time.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Now he’s withdrawing his threat to close the Mexican border, giving “1 year’s warning.” I really think he’s backing off of all things “presidential” in the desperate hope that he won’t be reelected. I think the unrelenting mocking and laughing is really breaking him down, even if he’s protected from a lot of it.
Plus he’s getting dementia.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Dutchess_III – I think people are over his threats and no one is taking him seriously any more. And that’s pissing him off.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He’s pretty desperate, isn’t he. I wonder what the oranges of his desperation are? ~

elbanditoroso's avatar

Oranges? Freudian slip or actual typo?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Actual Trumpism. He was trying to say “origins,” but couldn’t get it right right away.
Ha ha! Could have been a Freudian slip though!

stanleybmanly's avatar

Yep. And he kept repeating oranges as though to highlight his speech impediment. I suppose to distract from the oranges he moved on to claim windmills produce cancer inducing noises. Straight out of Don Quixote he wants the country to war against windmills to return supremacy to coal fired power plants. To actually witness someone spouting that shit aloud on national television would ordinarily be considered grounds for serious questions regarding the speaker’s sanity. Trump is the proof that with repetition, human beings will adapt to anything, regardless of any flat out visible absurdities or distortions of the truth. Trump is winning. The lies pile up like snow on the Sierras. What point is there anymore to fact checkers? Who is going to bother to contest the claim that windmills cause cancer?

kritiper's avatar

There are times when I want to say a word and I can only come up with the first or last segment only. I think he was having one of those senior moments.

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