Do you have an opinion (just one) that you would like to state?
Asked by
Jeruba (
April 2nd, 2019
Two rules for this thread:
(1) You get to state one opinion on something, anything, from national or international politics to the etiquette of holding doors for others or the uselessness of ground pepper.
(2) No comment on anyone else’s opinion. Here, for once, no backtalk. Not even any agreeing. Just opinions, one apiece.
Naturally all the usual rules of the site also apply.
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24 Answers
There’s many a slip twixt cup and lip.
It is my opinion that Carthage must be destroyed.
My opinion is that everyone on this planet deserves decent affordable health care for them and their family regardless of age,race, sex,or religion.
Even though I can’t stand him and don’t know how he got elected in the first place, I think Donald Trump is going to get re-elected.
That whole system of eating utensils, you know, soup spoons, fish forks, where everything has to be placed, and in which hand and in what manner you are supposed to hold them, is all retarded aristocratic bullshit that needs to be erased from civilisation.
Hans Zimmer is a vastly overrated film composer
John Williams is also overrated.
Most film composers are.
Pie spice mixes are all interchangeable with each other, and can be used in cake as well.
A chicken pot pie without a bottom crust should be illegal.
Religion does more damage to humanity than any natural disaster.
There should be no statutes of limitation on rape anywhere.
I think that everyone, prior to choosing to get pregnant, should learn about and consider adoption. You can always decide against it and continue to breed, but at least really consider it first.
Bernie has the best chance of beating trump in 2020.
Everyone who is against abortion should be willing and able to adopt a foster child, especially a special needs child.
There are politicians who are worse than Trump.
I think gouging laws should cover healthcare, in that taking advantage of someone who needs healthcare is the same as taking advantage of someone in a desperate situation like a natural disaster. Illness is a natural disaster.
Most of us are more “normal” than we would like to believe.
Apparently ” opinion (just one)....” is sometimes construed as one opinion per post, with which I have 0 problem. ;-)
Most people are unattractive and unaware.
IMO way too parents are woefully lacking in parenting skills.
My opinion of rule 2 of this question is that it promotes censorship & a sanitised version of Fluther.
Just think in twenty years you will look back on things in your life and wish that you had started or done something that in the present you are thinking on doing, like learning something or travelling or creating etc
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