Social Question

jca2's avatar

What are three things that you are grateful for today?

Asked by jca2 (17183points) April 5th, 2019

What are three things that you are grateful for today?

Any things, grand or miniscule.

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30 Answers

Stache's avatar

My cats.
My bed.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Ha ha! Taught in a school that contained 3 of my GRAND kids!
I sat with my boy twin and lunch..he IS SO funny. He just turned 6. He confided to me “I just really like food. I just do,” as he dunked his dinner roll in ketchup and gobbled it down.
His cousin was in another class. Mom texted me after school concerned because the first grade kid had written, in her block letters:
“I found a penny.
I am hard.”
I just said it sounds like the teacher asked them to write about some thing they’d found, and to describe it. :D
As for the 3rd I actually was assigned to help out in her class.
Good day!

chyna's avatar

My health.
My wonderful co-workers.
My dog.

kritiper's avatar

It’s warm.
It’s Friday.
I didn’t get rained on.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I found a normal person from Habitat who replies to emails and makes sense.

janbb's avatar

My cousins
My health
My cozy house

Tropical_Willie's avatar

My health
My wife
Walking 6000 steps or more for the last 2 weeks

JLeslie's avatar

My green lawn
My comfy sofa
My computer keyboard

zenvelo's avatar

Today I am grateful for….

…getting to Friday and having a weekend

…getting to a good meeting tonight

…extended family connection

…getting my nightly gratitude list done early

joeschmo's avatar

I’m grateful for the fluther mods.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I finally have someone assigned to checking in on me twice a week.

A friend I haven’t seen in over thirty years might be coming to visit this fall.

Gonna have a smoke right now.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Mrs Squeeky
Totally out of debt
True friends.

Kardamom's avatar

My immediate family

Dutchess_lll's avatar


anniereborn's avatar

1. My dear husband
2. My sweet kitty
3. Our home

ucme's avatar

Breakfast in bed
Buffed brogues
Butler loyalty

longgone's avatar

Socialized healthcare
My sisters
A good night’s sleep

ragingloli's avatar

My husband
My dog
My dinner.
sorry I could only come up with one

LadyMarissa's avatar

I woke up this morning…& feeling good!!!
The sun is shining & it’s not supposed to rain for the next 12 hours; so, I’m spending my day outside where I can enjoy this nicer weather.
I’m spending my day with my favorite young people.

josie's avatar



The last of the gangsters that used to infest my (improving) neighborhood was arrested for murder last week. The hookers disappeared about two years ago along with most of the dopers. All good!

Harper1234's avatar

1. that my son started a bible study
2. my positive attitude today
3. getting to meet my son’s fiance finally
4. God’s got this

Jeruba's avatar

comfortable slippers

Dutchess_III's avatar

I am grateful for my 3 year old grandson who plays the shop vac like a clarinet…...while it’s running.

Kardamom's avatar

More dogs
Friends that are like family
Good food that I was able to nourish everyone with today

cookieman's avatar

My wife.
My daughter.
My fuzzy dog.

ejgrn's avatar

My mom
My dogs
My health

Patty_Melt's avatar


Patty_Melt's avatar

There’s no post on Sunday!
There’s no post on Sunday!
There’s no post on Sunday!


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