General Question

ragingloli's avatar

Are there any materials that liquefy when you heat them to a certain temperature, but turn solid again if you heat them any higher?

Asked by ragingloli (52401points) April 6th, 2019

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8 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Needs to be fully reversible, of course.

funkdaddy's avatar

Something like milk ice?

Solid at ice, liquid as milk, and then solid again if you burn off the liquid and the solid remain.

I’d imagine there’s oils that are similar at more extreme temperatures, but was trying to think of an example that’s easy to verify. Might lead to more along the lines of what you’re looking for.

ninja’d at the last second, oh well, will leave to hopefully find you what you need

of course <—- nice

LuckyGuy's avatar

This is a great question. At first I was thinking something like the austenite – pearlite transition. But that didn’t get me the new solid at highest temperatures.
VW experimented with eutectic solids in their advanced catalytic converters but that too did not go solid at high temp.
Does anything? Maybe we can start from there.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I know nothing more about this but it might be useful
Material transforms from liquid to solid when heated.

Brian1946's avatar

If you heat egg whites to a temperature above -0.45º C, they liquefy. If you heat them to a temperature above 100º C, they solidify again.

For some odd reason, I’ve never tried broiling egg whites. ;-o

seawulf575's avatar

I was thinking like @rebbel with sugar. It melts and liquifies. If you keep heating it, it turns to carbon. Unfortunately it is not a reversible change.

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