General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What are the pros and cons of an adult trying an energy drink?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25143points) April 6th, 2019

I’ve only had one. It was when I was four and it was a Jolt cola. It said that it has twice the sugar and caffeine from a cola beverage. It hurt my arms, and I haven’t had one since. What are the pros and cons of drinking an energy drink? Also when in the day is it best to drink one?
I am thinking of trying one at the morning of my English comprehension exam for 3 hours in a year or so from now.

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6 Answers

AshLeigh's avatar

Pros: An energy boost. B vitamins which can improve your mood.

Cons: You crash quickly. It’s not good for you. Often, the taste isn’t good. Caffeine is addictive. Can keep you up when you don’t want them to. You can get jittery. Headaches from caffeine withdraw.

This being said, I drink them occasionally and it’s fine. Drinking them all the time will lead to a variety of health problems. If you do decide to try one, be sure that you drink plenty of water and don’t drink it too late in the day or it could keep you up all night.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Ugh, dont do it! My friends all got addicted and its really bad for your body.

Some peoples stomachs have been messed up, racing hearts, unable to mentally focus. And the crash makes you want another. Dehydration.

Other people can handle it. The energy, they can focus, their stomachs are less sensitive.

Overall they are not recommended by anyone in the health field. Especially if your stomach is sensitive or you dont react to caffeine well.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Energy drinks carry a lot of Caffeine and sugar.
“Energy drinks also have a lot of sugar, about the same as a can of coke, or as much as 8–10 teaspoons. While this sugar in combination with the caffeine will increase your blood sugar levels and give you an initial energy burst, this is usually followed by a sudden fall in blood sugar levels, causing a “crash” and you feel tired and lethargic again. “
Energy drinks are NOT good for exercising. They will dehydrate you giving you less energy to workout. 
Can become addicting
Causes headaches/Migranes due to withdrawal from caffeine
Insomnia: Energy drinks can cause lack of sleep. Too much caffeine will definitely keep you awake.
Jitters: Energy drinks can make you jittery and anxious
High Blood Pressure: Caffeine has the ability to raise a person’s blood pressure.

Niacin: One of the main ingredients in Energy Drinks is Niacin.
Although it has its benefits, niacin CAN CAUSE DIZZINESS AND RAPID HEART RATE.

Kardamom's avatar

Energy drinks are not good for anyone. England is thinking of banning them for kids under 18, but they are not good for adults either.

You can read all about it here:

LostInParadise's avatar

If you are concerned about anxiety over taking the test, high concentrations of sugar and caffeine would not seem to be the answer.

Make sure you get a good night’s sleep before taking the test. To lessen anxiety, get some books from the library that have practice tests. Set a timer and take the test. That will get you comfortable with the test environment and improve your test taking skills. Remember not to spend too much time on any one question. If there is one that you are having trouble with, write down the problem number and come back to it later after you have answered all the other questions.

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