Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

Are today's "casting shows" the modern freak shows?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) April 7th, 2019

Big Brother, Country’s got Talent, etc.
Mostly untalented people embarrassing themselves in front of the public.
Exploitable morons clowning around before the modern aristocracy with the carrot of fame and riches dangled before them.
They can be summarised with one single sentence:
“Dance for me, monkey boy!”.

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4 Answers

jca2's avatar

I don’t watch any of them but it always amazes me, when I do political endorsing for my job, that most people seem to know more about who is winning on AGT than they know who their political representatives are or what branch of local government is responsible for what.

stanleybmanly's avatar

bread and circuses

josie's avatar

They are one of many modern freak shows.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I have thought that very thing.
Contortionists, sword swallowers, people shooting arrows while blindfolded, freaks abound.
We have ended circuses, so now snake boy has to make a living somehow.

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