Please help me understand what this guy is talking about?
Asked by
dopeguru (
April 8th, 2019
His name is Bentinho Massaro and he is a “teacher”. I saw this video and I can’t understand how he has so many likes and watches. I literally feel like he is talking about a fantasyland or something. What is his deal??? Do you understand him?
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40 Answers
It’s interesting to think about, which is probably why it interests some people.
Have you ever watched Big Bang Theory? Sheldon talks about parallel universe’s all the time. You could watch the NEW Star Trek on Netflix, it’s about the same thing.
@dopeguru What is the search term for the video by the way?
@dopeguru Which part specifically is not making sense to you? What’s the time stamp?
@dopeguru To me, he is saying we all have different versions of reality. You look through your personal lens of experiences aka context based on your personal reality, such as religion, marital status, location, etc…. So you aren’t being objective about what is really happening when you view it through your personal lens.
For example: Some people see Trump as a Savior. Some see Trump as the biggest failure of all time. Some are more objective and see him for what he is, which is excellent in some ways, terrible in others.
This man would probably say we all view it from our personal lens until objectivity is reached, until we learn to see through multiple pov’s to the truth, which is that he is a fallible human, subject to the same thing we are, which is viewing issues through his own lens.
That’s what I got out of it anyway. He needs to work on his lecture skills and his face, boring.
HAHAHA. Were you being funny at the end there or did I misunderstood it?
It doesn’t make sense because it’s absolute bullshit
How does this have so many likes? Even scientists commented on the video saying he is accurate etc. I just don’t get it. This will keep me up guys!
He’s not a teacher, he’s a cult leader. The things he says make no sense because they are nonsense. The more you listen, the more your brain dies (making you easier to induct into the cult).
@Irukandji So this guy is not making any sense at all yet he is accepted and loved. Why?
@dopeguru Yes, he has the most boring lecture face I’ve ever seen. haha!
I don’t think it’s bs though, I think it’s actually true and some people don’t like what he has to say, because most people can’t control the way they think unless the are very self-aware.
Take this site for example. That’s why people here get uptight about Christians, because they assume patterns based on THEIR experiences with Christians or what they’ve heard, etc… It may or may not be true but many ppl assume it is. That’s viewing through a lens of hate, much like some groups view Muslims or Jews, etc… Basically it’s putting lablels on people and reducing them to that one imperfect definition.
It’s actually really deleterious to our society to use labels and it’s worse than ever, so maybe that’s why he’s so popular.
@KNOWITALL Are you a Christian?
But does this mean all point of views must be respected or be correct?
@dopeguru The one talent cult leaders have is manipulating people into loving, accepting, and following them.
@dopeguru I am, but not a great one as far as the “rules” go.
For me, the takeaway is to always be learning and educating yourself. Things change.
Ruth Bader Ginsberg is like 86 years old, so her perceptions of the world may be radically different than yours or mine. That’s part of the reason people are asking for term limits now, she sleeps through most of them now.
He may be a cult leader, but the fact is he’s just asking people to really think about their choices and try to be objective and educated. Nothing wrong with that, we definately need more of it. And maybe give people a benefit of the doubt. I used to think all atheists were disgusting humans based on a couple experiences I had, but they aren’t all like that. I didn’t take just atheists on this site as proof, I made a point to get to know some pretty well.
@Caravanfan But is it a rule that all cult leaders talk nonsense?
@KNOWITALL I see. For me I dont care for my experience as much. Experience can back up some points but main thing i care for is what the truth is… So thats how i make my judgement. Also intentions mattter!!!
@dopeguru Your reality and my reality may be very different. So that would affect how you relate to me and my ideas and vice versa.
How many times have we heard about confederate flags and confederate statues being removed, etc…and how many people in the south get upset and offended because they can’t objectively see that someone from up north or a person of color find those things threatening or demeaning.
That’s seeing through just your own lens and not looking at the issue objectively.
It could be a hoax too. Put outrageous sounding things out there get 15 min of fame.
I think what he is trying to say (and I’ll be honest, I couldn’t deal with him for very long…he seems way too stoned) is that every choice you make creates a new path in your reality. So for instance, you leave your driveway and turn right. That is a choice and is a reality. If you had turned left, that would be a different reality. Parallel realities (or parallel universes) are based on that idea. Every choice, every decision, every action puts your path on a reality whereas in other realities, you made a different choice. Michael Moorcock wrote a series of sci-fi books with this as the central theme (Elrick, Hawkmoon, and Corum were three versions of the same person in different realities for instance). Ever see the movie The Sound of Thunder? It’s a sci-fi movie about a company that sends people back in time to hunt a T-Rex. But the key is they have to stay on the techno-path the machine creates so that they change nothing other than killing the T-Rex. It’s like the butterfly effect. If you change something in the past, that change creates a different reality which manifests as a change in the present. Now, take that change and make it in the present and you are changing your future.
To me, parallel realities are not the same as a parallel universe. With both, there is a ripple effect, as on a pond. With personal realities, the ripples extend only so far, on a pond to the shore. With the universe, ripples involve all, beyond the boundaries of the pond.
I didn’t listen to his entire talk. I think it requires some patience and attention, and that there are some weaknesses in the language he chooses. For example, the initial part where he’s talking about each position of a moving hand being a separate reality does not really communicate the fullness of what he’s suggesting.
And it may be that he is a weird person and not a good leader… those pictures in the “cult leader” article are certainly… interesting… and the rest of the article suggests to me he may be using various interesting ideas and making up his own peculiar religion which may indeed be part of a scheme to make lots of money more than it is aimed at truth.
However it is true that what he is saying (at least in the first several minutes I listened to, after the 3 minutes of silence) is a version of philosophies shared by many spiritual traditions and also by many theoretical and actual physicists.
And that sort of reflection can lead to many different types of shifts in understanding, which can be quite beneficial in a variety of ways.
It is very natural to be resistant to that sort of talking, but part of that is that it does challenge your logical mind and ego to let go of things they think they fully know and understand, which part of you knows and understands and experiences otherwise.
It is far easier to make fun of and to dismiss this sort of thing, even when presented by great speakers, than it is to listen to and get what he’s saying, to relax the argumentative voices and resistances that come up in our thinking.
And not all speakers are best for all listeners. I’ve heard similar but different perspectives on the same fundamental kind of observation, presented in different styles.
It can actually be really amazing if you can find a speaker whom you are willing to listen to and hear and reflect on.
Thank you.
But it seems like he isn’t a scientist. He is using science words to back up his philosophy, but in science it doesn’t make sense. it seems like a great manipulation tool. And yeah it is nothing new, I found Deepkah Chopra who is very well known and he seems similar but less cult-y. Would you say their spiritualities intersact? And do buddhists think this way too?
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Simple question: Is there any way of setting up a test of what is being said? Does what is being said even make predictions that can be tested? If not, the statements lie outside of science.
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@dopeguru I haven’t listened to enough of this guy (nor of Chopra) to truly compare and judge.
The critical-thinking spiritual people I know seem to consider Chopra someone taking advantage and cashing in by mixing elements of actual spirituality and philosophy with charisma and cult-of-personality, and they tend to groan when his name is mentioned.
My guess is that this guy is doing his own version of that, mixing in ideas from theoretical multiverse physics / quantum theory and/or popularized/monetized notions of “manifestation” to create a business plan.
In what I did listen to of this guy, I do hear some ideas being borrowed from other philosophies and spiritual traditions. Mainly the part about how our conventional conceptions of linear time and causality may not be the only or best model for what the universe is, and that also overlaps with some theoretical physics.
And then also the part considering consciousness and its relationship to reality, which intersects with some Hindu mysticism that I do understand and find very revealing and useful to sit with. Its revealations however tend to be the opposite of worldly ego grasping – the goal is not to be able to shift realities to one where you don’t have cancer and/or win the lottery (is that where Massaro is going?) but that your core self is your consciousness and that it’s full of non-ego-attached love that is only distracted by the ego illusions of our experiences, fears, grief, etc., but that we can shift focus to our actual consciousness to find peace and enlightenment etc.
This is a real recent Chopra tweet
“The unseen invisible reality, the source of all that exists, is knowable through our own awareness.”
That’s just a modern-language paraphrase of something that actually is pretty profound, if you get the actual meaning of it.
Literally reading that wording of it, however, can easily lead to taking it for something else that sounds ridiculous to many modern Western ears. Perhaps partly because it’s been re-hashed thousands of times in modern Western pulp sci fi and fantasy fiction and comic books, in superficial babble form.
^Okay, could you paraphrase the statement so that it actually says something?
Our culture conditions us to want sound-bites and catch-phrases that sum up great things in one bite-size piece that anyone can immediately relate to and agree with.
It’s a tall order to try to express a mystic realization into a few words, especially for a reader without experience of meditating on the context. Easier to look for a quote from a guru… hmm…
An attempt to parse that particular might be to say that it is saying that:
Paying attention and consideration to our own conscious awareness can lead to understandings and transformations of our perspective / feelings / relationships and ways of being and experiencing everything, a deep sense of connection with the universe, and many other worthwhile shifts away from grasping ego attachments.
Some possibly related guru quotes:
“Without understanding yourself, what is the use of trying to understand the world?”
– Sri Ramana Maharshi
“For those who have obtained unobstructed knowledge of Self, the world is seen merely as a bondage causing imagination.”
– Sri Ramana Maharshi
“Only if one knows the truth of love, which is the real nature of Self, will the strong entangled knot of life be untied.”
– Sri Ramana Maharshi
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@Zaku , I can see the benefit of detaching ourselves from our egos. People who have taken psychedelic drugs have claimed to have such an experience. However, I would not equate this experience with having a greater understanding of the Universe.
@LostInParadise Not literally in terms of “now I know about astronomy and physics”, but in terms of your own relationship to the universe.
People tend to become very focused on relating to mostly fixed perspectives on their life & circumstances (and their conditioned thoughts & emotions), as if they are stuck. Meditation can unravel all of that to a degree that tends to not be visible as a possibility from within that kind of focused ego perspective. When the over-attachment to an egocentric perspective on reality falls away, there is a beautiful peaceful connected perspective on the universe available, which is felt to be true, and the attached ego perspective is felt to be an illusion that part of us is stuck in because it wants healing.
That’s the different understanding of the universe, the access to which is through that meditation and shift of attention (and not through the words describing it).
I agree with you. I try to meditate 20 minutes or so every morning. It is just that the language that people use sometimes makes it sound as if they have gotten knowledge of the fundamental laws of the Universe.
@LostInParadise Yeah, there is a lot of weird nonsense spouted, which is a shame.
@dopeguru “And do buddhists think this way too?”
– I discussed this with someone who knows better than I, and yes, there is some intersection with Buddhism. See Buddha Consciousness. Though Buddhism is much more than that. Perhaps all mystic traditions have some form of this, even original mystic Christianity (as opposed to almost all modern churches – see Christ Consciousness).
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