How long do you believe the Trump team capable of witholding the Mueller report from the public?
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18–20 months & then it becomes a moot point!!!
You actually think he can hold out til after the election?
The one thing I know for sure…when a politician wants to be reelected, they will milk it out for ALL it’s worth until they either lose or get reelected. He has nothing to lose IF he gets reelected because he won’t be eligible to run again & will have nothing to lose. So, yes I think that it’s a definite possibility!!!
It is not Trump holding it back. He wants it to be public.
It is law which mandates the censorship of certain contents which is causing the delay.
I agree with @Patty_Melt. Trump has been calling for it to be released. The problem is that the Dems want it entirely unredacted which is unrealistic and illegal. They are trying to play that angle to continue to keep the “no Trump” attitude alive. They are hoping to find something in there that they can use to continue tossing innuendo up into the air. The entire Russia collusion narrative was based solely on innuendo. The left ate it up and continued to regurgitate it daily. The Mueller report showed no wrong doing by Trump. So all the regurgitated innuendo was for nothing. But to keep everyone thinking the Dems are fighting evil, they have to have something else evil to fight. Since there is nothing, they are looking to create it.
IF trump truly wanted it to become WOULD be public!!! It’s a game Washington plays…publicly they say one thing & then do back room deals to achieve what they really don’t want the public to know. BOTH parties work hand in hand while keeping the public fighting with each other so they don’t look bad!!!
@LadyMarissa I think you give Trump WAY too much credit. Even when he proposes ideas the Dems have previously proposed (such as $5B for the wall), they fight him all the way. And if he told Barr to release the unredacted report, he would be violating the law and the Dems would jump on him for that.
The report will be delivered in less than a week, on schedule, according to Barr himself.
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