Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why do some people (mainly women) freak out so bad when a kid simply trips and falls down?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) April 11th, 2019

We were at a cafe last weekend and my 5 year old grand daughter accompanied me to the bathroom. She started to run then tripped and fell down.
This lady at a table close by cried, “Oh my God! Are you OK???!!!!”
Zoey and I both glanced at the lady like she’d lost her mind, wondering why she was freaking out.
When Zoes got back to her feet I said, “That’s one of the reasons we don’t run in side.”

They even do it when kids are just learning how to walk.

I wonder what people like that woman would do if confronted with a REAL emergency.

Why do some people react like that, and others (like me) just wait and see?

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2 Answers

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s easy for an adult (paticularly an older adult) to forget about being a kid. She’s probably not around little ones nearly to your extent. She empathizes with the kid because she puts HERSELF in the kid’s shoes, where a fall can mean serious injury. Had it been YOU that tumbled, well then the whole place would probably rush over to embarrass you. And of course women are more tuned to concern and compassion than we jaded men.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I saw my tiny petite daughter in law single handedly catch a toddler at the bottom of the stairs, after the kid started falling down the stairs, while holding a newborn in her other arm. Nice snag Momma!!

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