Social Question
Why do some people (mainly women) freak out so bad when a kid simply trips and falls down?
Asked by Dutchess_III (47210)
April 11th, 2019
We were at a cafe last weekend and my 5 year old grand daughter accompanied me to the bathroom. She started to run then tripped and fell down.
This lady at a table close by cried, “Oh my God! Are you OK???!!!!”
Zoey and I both glanced at the lady like she’d lost her mind, wondering why she was freaking out.
When Zoes got back to her feet I said, “That’s one of the reasons we don’t run in side.”
They even do it when kids are just learning how to walk.
I wonder what people like that woman would do if confronted with a REAL emergency.
Why do some people react like that, and others (like me) just wait and see?
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