Why is there such uproar about William Barr saying he believed spying on Trump did occur?
William Barr was asked by Sen Shaheen if he felt that spying had occurred on the Trump campaign. His answer was that yes, he felt spying had occurred, but he didn’t know if it was justified. Now the Dems are working overtime trying to get Barr to retract his statement. Why? If our intelligence communities were spying on a political campaign, using unverified opposition research as a basis, that is a really ugly situation. Why would anyone be upset that he wants to look into this?
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17 Answers
As with the claims of Russian collusion, my response is “put up or shut up”. I’ll believe it when I see the evidence.
As for the Democratic reaction, it could mean one of two things. Either A) it’s true and they want to silence the truth, or B) it’s not true and Barr making shit up is damaging.
Since I’ve seen evidence so far, I’m not willing to decide either way yet.
Because it was an official investigation, authorised by a judge, based on probable cause.
Spying is secretive, extrajudicial activity, conducted by spy agencies, unaccountable to anyone.
It is like the difference between sex and rape. Not that I expect you to comprehend that.
Uproar? You can expect dissension from anything or anyone involving Trump. To say that Barr like the rest of Trump’s appointments are there to carry out the duties of their offices is not true. Trump appointments are clearly not about talent or ability as primary functions. Barr was installed and Sessions was dumped in an effort to shield the fool from the cudgel of the Mueller investigation as well as other legal requirements and restrictions for which the fool has no understanding and is apparently unwilling to learn. The single thing to appreciate about Trump’s revolving door of officials is that service under the fool amounts to either defy lawful precepts in the fulfillment of his wishes or dismissal with contempt for refusal to risk a prison term on his behalf.
From what I understand, it’s the terminology. I also understand that Trump’s minions have to use small, simple, inflammatory words to keep Trump’s base stirred.
This type of rhetoric is exactly what many on the left predicted when Barr was picked by Trump. As with all of Trump’s underlings, blind loyalty, and the ability to lie to prop up other lies are more important than anything. The pattern of Trump’s attempts at being a tyrannical dictator continues.
I have to say. I thoughtTrump supporters were gullible, and of below average intelligence, or flat out stupid bigots two years ago. Now… I’ve had the displeasure of having my opinions galvanized almost daily.
This is a time in history, that I never expected to see. More disturbing than Trump’s administration, is the apparent complicity/ignorance of the citizens who give him power.
It is obvious now, that this circus will continue throughout Trump’s reign. I wonder what diseased thing will grow from all the seeds Trump and his demons have planted in a once promising nation…
The greatest risk is of course that capable individuals, both good and evil gaze on this fool, and come away thinking “Just look at what this jackass gets away with!” Can people GENUINELY be SO stupid? And how do you answer such a question? The fool is neither a mirage or special effect. He’s right there in the open for all to see and rate without disguise. Every portrait of the man hanging in the classrooms of this country should have beneath it the inscription credited to both H L Mencken & paraphrased by P T Barnum “No one ever lost money through underestimating the gullibility of the American Public”.
^It’s not just gullibility. That would be great news. The problem is that there is a portion of the US population that are straight up bigots, and/or religious fanatics who are OK with pursuing a nationalist agenda. They are willing to trade their very own claimed ethics, for a White, and Christian vision of the US. An unrealistic, and pathetically futile endeavor of clinging to a past and culture that never really existed. These people allow themselves to believe that inevitable change is somehow preventable, by removing brown people, or anyone non-Christian from the US.
The sad reality is that the US, and some European countries are suffering the burden of trying to deal with unprecedented amounts of refugees as a result of the ramifications of their own attempts at manipulation of the countries of origin of most of the refugees. THIS is the result of widespread colonialism, by the west. But much like Trump, his supporters and those similar, are unwilling to accept the consequences of their actions. Ironically, the spread of Christianity (at the tip of a sword,) will ultimately lead to the rise of other religions and cultures that will eventually replace Christianity…
Barr has already clarified his original rash statement thus: “I’m not saying improper surveillance occurred”. However, he said it and Trump has jumped on the remark and an investigation will probably now follow.
As many of you told me when I derided the Mueller investigation: What are you afraid of? There has been a pretty serious allegation based on the data from the Mueller investigation, it should be looked at. If nothing wrong was done, then a solid investigation will show that. If, however, our intelligence agencies were used as a political weapon (which is negative possibility of the spying), then that needs to be brought out into the open and the ones using that weapon need to be punished.
And this determination came from the Mueller report. So let me ask, if you believe we should do nothing with this allegation, will you have that same feeling if someone tries to create more dirt on Trump from that same report?
@seawulf575 Let’s see the report and find out what it suggested; not someone’s interpretation of it. If not the public, then Congress should see the full report.
@janbb I keep hearing that, but isn’t it the AG’s job to review this report and make recommendations and start any action that needs to be taken? It sort of comes back to the original question….why is there such outrage over Barr doing his job? It isn’t Congress’ job, it isn’t up to the public to take action.
I wouldn’t call it outrage, more like impatience. This thing went on for 2 years. There are rumblings that Mueller and his team are less than satisfied regarding Barr’s accuracy in stating their conclusions. And the suiposedly serious allegation is being made by a man who won’t release the report on which the allegation is allegedly based—a man “hand picked” for his renowned reputation of a willingness to shield his boss from “repurcussions”. And the appointment just happens to coincide with the conclusion of Mueller’s work, and surprise, surprise. Rather than aallowing the public or the Congress a peek, the new guy announces: “Rather than giving you a look, let ME tell you what it says”.
It may appear to YOU that Barr is just doing his job. The problem with the fool is that his interpretation of the JOB of everyone in government begins and ends with doing his bidding and shielding him from the consequences regardless of any legalities (of which he is invariably ignorant) involved.
“There are rumblings…”
“a man “hand picked” for his renowned reputation of a willingness to shield his boss from “repurcussions”.”
“appointment just happens to coincide with…”
You see the problem here? You are dealing with delusions. You have ascribed fact to “rumblings”. You provide your assessment of someone’s integrity with nothing to back it up, but you use “renowned” to try making it sound believable. Likewise, you try making something evil out of his even being appointed. Here’s a thought…he wasn’t appointed. He was nominated AND APPROVED BY CONGRESS.
You go on to make other absurd statements.
:Rather than aallowing the public or the Congress a peek, the new guy announces: “Rather than giving you a look, let ME tell you what it says”.: Where is that quote from? I’ve never heard it before. I understand it is your own warped interpretation of your conspiracy theory, but it has no basis in fact. And you end with “The problem with the fool is that his interpretation of the JOB of everyone in government begins and ends with doing his bidding and shielding him from the consequences regardless of any legalities (of which he is invariably ignorant) involved.”. You have used that same idiotic statement that Trump is involved with something for 2 years now. And the Mueller report negated every statement you made about it. You swore to me that Mueller was just about to indict Trump, that he was stitching up his case really good before he springs it on everyone. You told me to wait until the investigation was done and we would see which of us was correct all along. Guess what? It wasn’t you.
The Dems ARE showing outrage. They have demanded that Barr retract the use of the word “spying”. They are incensed that he would dare to say that. Multiple representatives and senators (Dems) have spoken out about that. You don’t do that if you are impatient. The Dems pushed for the entire Mueller investigation to start with. They thought this was a great way to find dirt on Trump. And it failed miserably. Now they want all the information, despite the fact that it is illegal to provide it. That is why a redacted report HAS to be provided. Not because anyone is trying to hide anything, not because anyone is trying to protect Trump, but because it is the law.
There is no question as to whether spying occurred.
The Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign , using intelligence agencies that are supposed to protect our national security, to help Hillary Clinton win the election.
The question is whether or not the spying was justified. And of course it doesn’t appear to be.
Hillary was cleared of quite a list of actual felonies on July 5th, 2016, and the same agencies then went after Trump. In the past 30 months we have heard the propaganda endlessly, but every real investigation has turned up nothing,
Let’s just see who is delusional. Barr was NOT nominated by the Congress and I will allow you the benefit of a doubt regarding the possibility of a missing period. He was picked of course by the fool and confirmed by the Republican Senate after apparently lying about his willingness to speedily redact then release the Mueller report. Now with each passing day of suppression of Mueller’s work the likelihood of your claim on the fool’s exhoneration seems ever more problematic, in fact Mueller has stated and even Barr has repeated specifically that the report DOES NOT exonerate the fool. As for Trump being involved with something?? Dirt on a pig like Trump doesnt have to be “found”. Are you kidding? It is only that he is such a spectaular pig that he is even visible through the filth encompassing him. I won’t even bother with Barr’s statements regarding Trump and the Mueller investigation prior to the fool’s choosing him. He virtually screamed “pick ME piggy!” I’ve waited through the investigation and I can wait through the stall for the actual truth of Mueller’s report to be revealed so we may watch Barr planted in the graveyard of reputations among the countless tombstones reading “I worked for the fool”.
It is the Special Counsel’s conclusion that neither Trump nor anyone in Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia.
Barr and Mueller, and the Special Counsel, are working closely and together on the redactions, and the Report will be out Monday or Tuesday.
There are no disagreements between Barr and Mueller over the Special Counsel’s work.
Your claim that certain members of the Special Counsel are saying that Barr’s interpretation of the findings is another fake story. Barr and Mueller and the Special Counsel are redacting the report together.
Let’s all wait and read it for ourselves.
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