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Demosthenes's avatar

What do you think of Trump's plan to send illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities?

Asked by Demosthenes (15393points) April 13th, 2019

Is it hypocritical on the part of the left to criticize this plan when by making your city a sanctuary for illegal immigrants, you’re essentially inviting them there already? Or is this just an egregious use of people as political pawns?

The Trump administration originally claimed that this plan was never seriously considered, but now that it has gained more attention, Trump is doubling down on it.

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19 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Those of us in sanctuary regions are okay with it, because we can tell the ICE gestapo to get lost. And it will make it harder for the administration to track people down.

This isn’t “illegal immigrants”; it is asylum seekers who are approaching the US in a lawful manner.

josie's avatar

I thought that’s what they wanted in the first place.

kritiper's avatar

He is such a douche! He’s trying to punish his Democratic (and other opponents) as if they were children or some enemy/alien group.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I think that Trump meant the threat to be nasty (of course) but that once again, he didn’t think it through.

Releasing the asylum seekers into the US is exactly what they should be doing.

In Trump’s sick little mind, this is some sort of punishment – and probably illegal. But if he does this, he’s essentially giving a big win to sanctuary cities, and legitimizing them – even though Jeff Sessions tried to get them declared illegal.

The Trumpies don’t know their collectives asses from their collective elbows.

mazingerz88's avatar

It is a plan of an idiot.

Yellowdog's avatar

Between three and four thousand are apprehended every day—that’s just the ones who are caught. There is nowhere to hold them and nowhere to put them anymore. So its Catch and Release.

They cannot just leave them for the border towns to deal with.

Obama used to send them, without announcing it, to random cities and towns across the U.S. which was a tremendous strain and unexpected burden on hospitals, school systems who had to find interpreters and overcrowd the classrooms, etc etc. That was back when we had considerably less than 1,000 per day,

The Democrats are the one obstructing the building of a wall or changing immigration laws, Over 90% of them do not live near an open border,
and until recently, the Dems and their media were trying to say that there WAS no crises at the border, or that nothing unusual was happening.

I think that if sanctuary cities had to contend with this problem the border patrol and law enforcement and schools were having to contend with, the constituents of these mostly Democrat politicians would vote them out of office, and elect leaders who will deal with this issue, The Democrats are offering free college tuition for illegal immigrants in places like New York (27 million) while denying giving 15 million for children of fallen war heroes who want to attend college.

The Democrats want these “immigrants” here for votes. The Democrats refuse to legislate for building physical barriers or reform in our laws saying we have to take them in or hold them here for 28 days.

If four thousand a day for a month, or 1.2 million per year, were to infiltrate San Francisco or Oakland, California, I think the democrats would change their voting habits. Why should only the border towns have to deal with this?

Obama sent large number of them all over the United States. Why is there a different standard now? Since Democrats are largely responsible for our being unable to control our borders, shouldn’t they have to take at least some of these populations in? Why are these selfsame leaders so unwelcoming ? Often after saying they don’t support a border wall or a change in the laws because they welcome them, into their sanctuary cities.

The Democrats are why we have this crises perpetuating, and I find it very hypocritical that they react with such hatred and revulsion at the idea of bringing these numbers into their own cities,

zenvelo's avatar

@Yellowdog Just as the Administartion misstates things, so do you. There is no “apprehension” of asylum seekers, and given the laws on asylum, a border wall is meaningless. These people are refugees.

America is a land built of and by refugees, real patriotic Americans welcome them.

Brian1946's avatar

If they’re eastern Asian babes, he can send them to my sanctuary street. ;-D

Yellowdog's avatar

That is because the entire system is broken.

Many of these ‘asylum seekers’ read off cards given by them by attorneys and agencies, Just ask yourself, why do we have a 400% to 500% increase in the past eighteen months.

Not all apprehended are asylum seekers, and most of the asylum claims are bogus or do not qualify. Some of these are not even claiming asylum.

Only one million Eastern Europeans came through Ellis Island, and earlier immigrant populations came in large numbers, But they were far fewer than who was coming in our southern border. And it was well established and documented who they were.

Legal immigrants, who went through the process, are very resentful that just anyone is allowed to cross our borders, as are those from parts of the world where they cannot just skip over the border.

elbanditoroso's avatar

with respect to @Yellowdog ‘s drivel.

I love the irony of a right-wing, white male republican sycophant telling us what and why Democrats do things.

You have to take anyone on the right who purports to speak for the Democrats with a humongous mountain of salt.

mazingerz88's avatar

trump really is to blame for this influx of immigrants. If he had not opened his filthy evil mouth against immigrants to get votes and idiotically screamed for a wall, these immigrants wouldn’t panic and rush over here afraid that they will never get a chance at a future time.

if trump was an actual human being instead of a vain orange creature clown he would have already at the least have formulated a deal with the Democrats on how best to address this issue.

But no, this is a game of getting hate votes from gullible deplorables.

Tropical_Willie's avatar


You’re making stuff up AGAIN. What right wing web-site are you copying and pasting from ? ? ?

Dutchess_lll's avatar

If I was an asylum seeker I’d be jumping for joy.
As a compassionate person I’m glad for them.

This is one of those examples of “Selfish Republican” stereotype we were just talking about.

Demosthenes's avatar

@josie That was my thinking. A reporter was grilling the mayor of Oakland today on NPR. He really wanted her to say “yes” to the question of whether she would be okay with illegals being brought to her city. She never really answered it, just said “we try to be welcoming, etc.”

This idea nonetheless seems to be completely born out of spite. I’m not big on spite politics.

stanleybmanly's avatar

For a man whining about his treatment by the courts, you’d think by now that the fool would wise up. The man—a truly authentic bully has enough instinct to understand that no threat to these people short of the ones they face at home is likely to deter the exodus. Any brute might draw that conclusion, but that’s about as far as he and his base can go. Someone should tie the fool to a chair in a room without a television, then explain how it is not possible for this country to legally treat these people WORSE than they’re treated at home and remain the United States of America. It’s just that simple. Even with stupidity concentrated at the top, there’s no way we’re gonna mean our way outta this.

LostInParadise's avatar

The president is supposed to try to bring us together. Instead, he says, “You want refugees, I will give you all that you can handle and then some. How do you like them apples?” Sheesh, what a jerk!

Trump has no negotiating skills. All he understands is acts of aggression and threats. He threatened to shut down the government but was forced to keep it open. He threatened to shut down the Mexican border, which would have been an economic disaster, but has put that off for a year. Not gonna happen. The negotiations with North Korea are not going anywhere. What became of the “imminent” trade deal with China?

Yellowdog's avatar

Why should the border towns have to be the ones to deal with hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants per year on their infrastructure? Their schools, clinics, and social welfare programs?

Shouldn’t the states whose representatives refuse to work for a solution, and say that everything is just fine, and promote that THEY are morally superior and welcome everyone—shouldn’t THEY be the ones to take these numbers in?

Take these numbers in YOURSELVES if you are going to demoralize those who are having to deal with the problem alone and desperately need a solution. Take these numbers yourselves if you are going to obstruct the implication of a solution to our broken or obsolete immigration policies.

It isn’t fair to those near the border. or all Americans at large, to have to contend with this issue that the leaders of Sanctuary Cities and Sanctuary States are saying everything is fine and refuse to come up with a solution or change in immigration policy

Pelosi is not, end never will be effected by the problem, behind her own walls, in spite of the needles, excrement, and vast multitudes of homelessness and illegal immigration in her district. But maybe if her constituents are, she’ll be voted out.

LostInParadise's avatar

The burden should be shared between border cities, sanctuary cities and perhaps other cities. Dumping refugees on the sanctuary cities as a form of punishment is wrong in so many ways.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s wrong, stupid, and blatantly illegal, but will certainly appeal to a base branded for stupidity by its very applause. As left leaning as I am, I know enough about the history of this country to realize that we will move toward extralegal solutions as this problem persists. We always have. This fight to resist the fool is in the end probably unwinnable. Stupidity has a disturbing habit of wearing down reason. And for a man incapable of even reflecting on the hypocrisy involved with the statue in his hometown harbor, there is slim opportunity for the intrusion of reason:

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