Social Question

As a parent, or if you were a parent, would you let your teenage son or daughter spend overnights at their boyfriend or girlfriend's house?
If you were a parent, would you let your teenage son or daughter spend overnights at their boyfriend or girlfriend’s house?
My daughter is 11 now, so this is not yet even a thought but I’m sure it will come up one day in the future.
As a teen, I couldn’t and wouldn’t dream of even asking for such a thing because my parents would have gone off at the mere suggestion. My sister, who came 18 years after I did, had the same experience. I could stay out late (to the middle of the night) but not stay out all night, even after age 18 while still living in my parents’ house. They used to say “when you’re living under our roof, you go by our rules.”
I had friends that said “once you’re 18 you can do what you want.” That wasn’t the case in my house.
I had friends that could stay out all night and could have their boyfriends at their houses overnight. My cousin’s son, who is a boarding school student in England, spends weekends at his girlfriend’s house, which sounds very nice and is probably a lot of fun (in a multitude of ways) for both of them.
Some parents say that since kids will fool around anyway, they may as well do it in a safe and secure environment. I can see that logic for sure. I don’t know if I will feel that way when my daughter is old enough, though. I guess time will tell.
I can see both sides of this argument. What is your opinion?? What was your experience when you were young? Did your parents let you stay overnight at your boyfriend/girlfriend’s house or could you have them overnight at your house?