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SQUEEKY2's avatar

When's the last time you Googled your name, what came up?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23557points) April 21st, 2019

Since the wife and I do not do face book, on line banking, or have a listed phone number nothing came up on us.

What did come up was rather funny I am a big black man that plays football for the Alabama Raiders.
She is a scientist out of California.
Not bad for an average pair of Canadians that haven’t set foot in the states in over twenty years.

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32 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

What I do find scary is I googled my dad’s name, who doesn’t FB, or on line bank, but does have a listed phone number and three people came up, with addresses and phone numbers and one was him.

rebbel's avatar

I am about 150 German men, but not even one Dutch man (which is my nationality).
For an unclear reason (it had nothing to do with privacy, as far as I can remember) I use a pseudonym online, since the start of the internet, so my birth name is not to be found (not in relation to me, that is).
If I Google my online name, the only thing I find are references to photography.

JLeslie's avatar

If I google my current name, the other person who has my same name and is more famous than me comes up, and there are several entries for her.

My maiden name, I come up in those white pages listings, followed by the other person in the country that has my same name.

elbanditoroso's avatar

There is a a famous US newscaster that has my name. When I do a search on my name, the first 25 or so Google results are about him, not about me.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

The wife and I were no where to be found no matter how far in I dug and I like that .

ragingloli's avatar

Last time I tried that, the Google servers crashed.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Anybody else I would call BS, but with you @ragingloli I could believe it.LOL.

Darth_Algar's avatar

I’m the CEO of the company my dad use to work for.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Last time was probably 6 years ago. I am apparently the only person in the US, with my exact name. But the details about me were mostly wrong.

No Facebook page for me either…

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Less than 20 with my name in the White Pages in the USA. In Switzerland it is like one of the most common names, saw it twice when National Geographic and another magazine did articles about Switzerland in different areas.
When my dad was alive and living in the last state I lived in; there were four of us in the state by my name. Met both the others, one was the son of the other. Met the father at a Radio Shack store in the 1990’s I was signing up for a catalogue, he came over to shake my hand after I gave my name. That’s when I found out I met his son while I was in college, they lived in the town next my college; we were at a party and someone introduce the son to me.
Listed in a couple professional organizations as a member and past officer.

JLeslie's avatar

Out of curiosity I Facebook searched my maiden name. 33 in total in all of Facebook. One other has my same first name, which is who I mentioned above.

My married name on Facebook there must be thousands, way too many to count. With my same first and last name there were 24.

The Facebook is more interesting than the google to me. Where they live in the world, maybe I could see some photos if their privacy isn’t very strict. I didn’t try looking at them all.

zenvelo's avatar

I first googled my name about 15 years ago; at that time the first link connected to me was about #35. The last time I checked, the first instance of my name referring to me is around #75.

There is an academic in Ontario Canada with the same name as me, he has been published and referenced a lot. There is a newspaper photographer in Ukiah with the same name. And there was a well known Monsignor in the San Francisco Archdiocese with the same name and initial as me.

Pinguidchance's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 When’s the last time you Googled your name, what came up?

A nanosecond ago I discovered I was all over the Fluther world, that life was rich and risible, and that my number one reference was:

“If you ain’t cowboy, you ain’t shit.”

This pithy aphorism goes to the core of linguistic descriptivism vs. prescriptivism debate.

Mimishu1995's avatar

My first name shows a famous singer who seems to have faded into obscurity.

My full name is taken by a lot of people on Facebook. No one knows who they are though.

cookieman's avatar

I find me, my website, my artwork.

Then another dude with my name who works for a Major League Baseball team.

Then, further down, my distant cousin, who has the same name as me, who is also an artist.

jca2's avatar

If I just put in my first and last name, I get a “my life” site that talks about details about me. I see also some sites about a licensed clinical social worker (not me) and some other things about a Shakespeare play (my first name is a Shakespeare character) and my last name is Hispanic so I get some stuff with the wrong first name and the correct last name.

If I put in my first and last name and the county I work in (and for), I get some detailed stuff about my employer. I’ve been mentioned in newspaper articles and have been on television (news) about work activities. No, I’m definitely not famous, just have a job that puts us in the local news on occasion.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Pinguidchance I said what happened to me the last time I googled my name in the details.

filmfann's avatar

A financial expert, an L.A. rocker, and a brand of cheese.

seawulf575's avatar

I’m a Canadian Research company CEO and a NC retiree. I’m a few other things. The only thing I did find under the images of my name was my Linkdin picture.

LostInParadise's avatar

It has been a long time since I searched for my name, so I just did a new search. I have a common last name. There are Wikipedia articles for me as a South African soccer player and as a philosopher. If I do a search for my name on Duck Duck Go with “mathematics” added, my Web page is the second entry.

Brian1946's avatar

“What did come up was rather funny I am a big black man that plays football for the Alabama Raiders.”

Aha! I’ve always suspected that you were Mean @SQUEEKY2 Greene, but didn’t you used to play for the Saskatoon Steelers?

Brian1946's avatar

When I Google my Fluther name, I get:

Brian1946 on Fluther

Brian1946’s avatar · Follow. Brian1946. (24909 points ). Last visit: March 31st, 2019; Joined: December 14th, 2009; Flag as…

Otherwise, there are at least 14 pages of me at Goog, but here’s a dreadfully caucasian one that facially resembles me:

Brian Frankenstein is an English actor and comedian, best known as the henpecked husband George Groper in the popular sitcom “Beak-Beaten Buffoon” and its spin-off series “Grumpo and Mildew”, and as Alvin Shmoopley in “Lost Some Wine”.
Born: September 25, 1932 (age 86 years), Ventnor, United Kingdom

Love_my_doggie's avatar

There are so many of me, and most of them seem to be much more interesting than I am.

One is an actress and writer; another is a florist; still more are university professors, and there are plenty in healthcare.

There’s also a patent agent in Oregon. She and I have nearly identical email addresses, so we sometimes get erroneously-sent messages.

Patty_Melt's avatar

My name is kind of unusual, so it was weird for me just now to find another woman with the same name and spelling who is a writer with a career already established! I never heard of her or her works before. No surprise there. Her chosen genre is much different from mine.

I wonder how that will affect things for me, moving forward.

ucme's avatar

I type, sexy, handsome, superfit, wealthy englishman & up pop’s my name…funny dat.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@ucme I did that search on Google and this is what I saw as a result: link

Which one are you?

Demosthenes's avatar

My name is uncommon; searching it mostly yields stuff about me. Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, and a few images as well. There are a couple others with my name online, though oddly they seem to all be teenagers.

zenvelo's avatar

This thread got me interested enough to check my name in Wikipedia. There are five entries of people with my name, four still alive, and none of them me.

ucme's avatar

@elbanditoroso Now that would be telling…

jca2's avatar

I was just googling names and I came upon this site, Family I put my name into it and one of the cities I’ve lived in, and it came up with a very scarily accurate of all the places I’ve lived, except three (the first three places I’ve lived were in the 1960’s and 70’s). It listed the dates, and I didn’t pay too much attention to the dates (because I’m trying to get ready for work), but the addresses were accurate and detailed, right down to apartment numbers. It also had the year of my birth and age. It listed my relatives and some of those were accurate, too.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 When I google my first name with my maiden name the first thing that comes up in google is my first and married name with my age, my relatives, and you can pay this particular one for my addresses, but it lists one previous city, and it’s the one on my Facebook!

I wonder if you get the same search as me for my name, or if google tailors it to who is googling?

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: I’m kind of in a rush right now, but I just googled your first name, your last name (your married last name) and your state, and I got some pretty accurate stuff (the car club, the housing development you live in, and stuff with your middle name too).

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