Should Trump’s Presidency be viewed as enlightening the public to possibilities afforded the disabled?
Is it therefore wrong to ridicule his shortcomings, or for that matter, even regard them as shortcomings?
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20 Answers
Yes. I don’t care how nuts a person is as long as they get the job done.
I wanted Trump to win and I got my wish.
I have said all along that he shows clear signs of autism. One being his skewed understanding of certain things he should leave unsaid.
High functioning autistics are often also highly intelligent.
He is old enough that he would likely have never been diagnosed.
If I am correct, then he is even greater a president than most republicans would realize, fighting such an uphill battle.
He is a great president. I really want him to be recognized as such while he is still alive.
I question autism. I would say just not very smart combined with the false importance and superficial confidence that is imparted to the very wealthy.
“I could stand in the middle of Times Square and shoot someone and they’d still vote for me.” WHO would even say something like that?
Trump isn’t disabled, he is just entirely unsuited for public office.
@Patty Melt. Your assessment of the fool leaves me incredulous. I might admit to the possibility of Trump’s shortcomings arising from some wiring problem, but I cannot allow you to gild what is visibly a disgusting turd in front of me without comment. For you, a former soldier to have lived through his era and conclude that he is a great President is a scandalous betrayal of everything we’ve been taught for the bulk of our lives.
@Patty_Melt I am curious to hear exactly how you came to the conclusion that he is a “great” president, when you can see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears that he is a bumbling, arrogant fool who is undermining previous efforts to reduce global warming. He is also scrapping, or substantially reducing laws on hunting endangered species and defacing national monument….all for MONEY.
Climate Change.
U.S. pulls out of Paris Climate Agreement
Trump EPA poised to scrap clean power plan
EPA loosens regulations on toxic air pollution
Rescinding methane-flaring rules
Trump announces plan to weaken Obama-era fuel economy rules
Trump revokes flood standards accounting for sea-level rise
Waters of the U.S. Rule revocation
NOAA green lights seismic airgun blasts for oil and gas drilling
Trump drops climate change from list of national security threats
EPA criminal enforcement hits 30-year low
Interior Department relaxes sage grouse protection
Trump officials propose changes to handling the Endangered Species Act
Migratory Bird Treaty Act reinterpretation
Our treasured National Monuments:
Trump unveils plan to dramatically downsize two national monuments
Executive order calls for sharp logging increase on public lands
For details see this source. Notice at the bottom of the article there is a link to an even more comprensive list here
Pick just one of those things that you think is “great.”
You list clearly shows why you are so confused.
You have him as doing wrong in areas where he actually made the right choices. I’m not going to debate any of it though, because no matter what I say, you will still cling to your same convoluted thinking.
If I thought you could ac5ually see truthfully the good from the bad, we could have a discussion.
Great President. Lol Sickest joke I’ve ever heard.
@Patty_Melt Disagree all you want. He will never be remembered fondly. Not by the majority. How can you ignore the fact that some of the most prominent Republicans, even past Republican presidents, view him with disgust?
And not only in the US. Trump is reviled throughout the civilised world. In the UK leading politicians are declining invitations to the recently announced state banquet in Trump’s honour as they don’t want to be associated with the man. That’s how great he is.
The idiot served fast food at a banquet.
The man personifies every flaw we’ve been schooled our entire lives to shun with disgust. Lying, contempt and cruelty toward the weak, bullying, selfishness, all but criminal arrogance, flagrant narcissism, blatant misogyny, and barely disguised cowardice. What’s left? Who dares to claim they don’t notice it? What am I supposed to think of those who make such a claim? Is Donald Trump what you hope your kid to become?
No. All of those traits are strengths @stanleybmanly. You see. How else would he have gotten so much money otherwise?
Now THAT is the one trait, the attainment of which those others serve to enhance.
I gotta ask: what job, specifically, is it you want him to get done, and by what metric is he getting that job done?
I’m also a bit curious as to why a Canadian (particularly one with no ties or interests in the United States) cares about US politics.
@Darth_Algar I want him to balance the budget and show Canada how he did it. I want to go into politics later in life, and I’m curious of modern policy and budgets. America is 10 years ahead of Canada and is a good warning of problems that arise.
I talk Canadain politics with my family. We do not have enough Canadains and Albertains to make a good conversation in Fluther.
I watch CNN and PBS’s NBR for giggles. I watch all Canadain and international elections for fun.
Well if the job is balancing the budget then he completely screwed the pooch on that one. But then, people with several bankruptcies under their belt aren’t exactly known for being great at budgeting.
@Darth_Algar Good to know. Then I would learn what not to do.
Massively increasing your spending while massively decreasing your revenues is generally bad.
There, now you know what not to do.
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