Highly processed sugary snacks like Twinkies and Ding Dongs, and Hostess Cupcakes.
Highly processed salty snacks such as Cheetos, and potato chips.
Highly processed packaged foods with way too much sodium, sugar, and preservatives such as Campbell’s soups, most brands of instant (non baked) ramen soups, Cup o’Noodles, most frozen entrees, white bread.
Fruit drinks that are labeled as “cocktail” that are not 100% juice.
Energy drinks
Most items from fast food restaurants such as cheeseburgers, and fried chicken, and submarine sandwiches filled with processed meats such as salami, bacon, and bologna.
Most fried foods, whether cooked at home, eaten at a sit down style restaurant, or picked up from a fast food take out place.
Cheese, if eaten in large quantities on a regular basis.
Imitation processed “cheese food” such as American cheese, and that gooey orange nacho cheese.
Most brands of hotdogs.
Candy, ice cream, and baked goods such as cookies, pie, and cake, if eaten too often, and at the exclusion of other healthier foods.