Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

What mistakes have you made that you beat yourself up over at the time, and how do you feel about it now?

Asked by JLeslie (65975points) May 5th, 2019 from iPhone

Everyone makes mistakes. I’m not so much thinking about mistakes that hurt others, although if that is a story you want to share that’s fine. I’m thinking more about mistakes or decisions where you yourself got harmed in some way. I don’t mean physically harmed, but more along the lines of financial, career, friendships, relationships, and other things that felt like your life was changed significantly.

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3 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Failing out of university. I’m coping most of the time with it. I’ve sunk 20,000 years into changing my fate, with little gain.

jca2's avatar

Sometimes I think I should have chosen a different career path. I thought about other careers, and wasn’t interested for a variety of reasons. However, when I think of those careers now, I could have been retired already (careers with a 20 year retirement).

anniereborn's avatar

When I was 8 I turned down a chance to start training at a locally elite gymnastics club.
I totally look back now and see why I did that. My home life was quite abusive in lots of ways, although my mom always tried to shelter me from it. I was afraid to leave her.

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