General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

If Trump was "fully exonerated" by the Mueller report (his words), why is he afraid to let people read the whole thing?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33704points) May 8th, 2019

Does exoneration mean “found innocent”?

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79 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Trump is not ‘fully exonerated” by the Mueller report. The only ones saying that are Trump, Barr, and their followers.

The Mueller letter to Barr demonstrates Trump was not exonerated.

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ragingloli's avatar

Because he was not exonerated.
The report shows many contacts between russians and the drumpf campaign, and is solidly shows that drumpf committed obstruction.
Hundreds of former prosecutors concur

Yellowdog's avatar

The report did not exonerate Trump.

The report found that there was no evidence of any collusion between Trump, the Trump campaign, and Russia. And that there was insufficient evidence to charge with obstruction.

The only thing redacted are names of persons and ongoing investigations (such as the origin of the narrative) and grand jury information.

chyna's avatar

^Then why does Trump keep saying “completely exonerated”?

elbanditoroso's avatar

my problem with @Yellowdog‘s comment is that he has no more idea what’s in the document than you or I do. He’s spouting the party line, because – that’s what he does. But unless @Yellowdog has actually seen the full unredacted version and compared the two, he is as ignorant as the rest of us.

So I would be more than a little hesitant to take what @Yellowdog says as anything resembling a fact.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I would say that being human, and so targeted over the ordeal for many months, he probably feels that way. It is a big statement in his favor. The relief and validation he is experiencing must feel very much that way.

It really is a lot for anyone to have hanging over their head every single day.

Kardamom's avatar

An innocent person would want everybody to read the entire report, so that it would show that he was exonerated and innocent. Nobody would want their innocence hidden.

He is neither innocent, nor exonerated, and the people who have read the entire report, other than Trump (who probably has not read it), and Barr, and Trump’s other personal lawyers, have already said that there are many instances of illegal obstruction of justice.

We have the redacted version of Mueller’s report sitting on our kitchen table and are plowing through it.

Trump is far from innocent of the crime of obstruction, and was not exonerated.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Things are approaching the point where serious questions must be answered regarding Trump’s efficacy at governing the country. There is no possible way for him to successfully defy the House through next year’s election, and the mounting exposure of the slimy aspects of the man are exactly what the Democrats require to render him totally ineffective through reducing his term to little beyond protracted (and hopeless) self defense. I wonder what Hillary had to do with revealing his tax returns?

seawulf575's avatar

The redacted report is redacted for a reason. And it wasn’t done in a vacuum. Mueller and his underlings were sitting side by side with Barr and his underlings, making and agreeing with the parts that needed to be redacted. There are some things that legally cannot be released unredacted at this point.
I agree with @Yellowdog in that much of what seems to be redacted is specific names and informants and references to ongoing investigations or that show investigative technique. Trump is using the word “exonerated” incorrectly. Exonerated means he was guilty and the guilt was removed. There never was guilt for the implied conspiracy charge (that is implied by the incorrect term “collusion”). As for the obstruction of justice charge, there were claims along the way that he said or did something that was viewed as obstruction. Those claims are not proof of the crime in and of themselves. Mueller basically said this. He gave the decision for any pursuit of obstruction charges to the Attorney General…which is the correct legal avenue.
What questions like this and some of the statements that spew forth from them show is that it really doesn’t matter who says or does what. If it doesn’t say Trump is guilty, there are some that will brew conspiracy theories until the cows come home. Face it..the entire Mueller investigation and the millions and millions of dollars that were spent on it were part of a political stunt. After two years of having the Dems and the MSM spout off about how Mueller is “just about to nail the coffin lid shut on Trump”, when the report came out that there was nothing there (or as Van Jones once put it…it was a nothing-burger), there is illogical mania coming out of the pores of the lefties who are desperate to find SOMETHING bad about Trump that could be used against him at election time. And it is sad that those on the left don’t recognize the inherent evil in this viewpoint.

mazingerz88's avatar

@seawulf575 Political stunt? You must love Putin like trump does. Illogical mania? Only by Americans who sold out their souls and country to the idiotic evil which is trump.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You keep insisting that the hounding of Trump is about hatred and desperation on the part of the left. All thus as Trump’s position grows ever more precarious. Barr now teeters on the edge of conviction for contempt of Congress—another formerly respected man in the line sacrificed down the rathole of hopeless defense of the practically indefensible fool. It no longer matters whether or not your witch hunt theory holds water. The guilt of Bill and Hillary are now reduced to vague asides, as the inexorable exposure of the fool’s true derangements is tortuously extracted on the road to 2020. Even I am embarrassed at the realization of what lies ahead for the fool.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Did a spit laugh just now with my Mt Dew.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’m sorry you had a spit laugh @Patty_Melt, wait until they Congress impeaches Barr !

The GOP can “read the handwriting on the wall” about Trump. Trump is claiming I’m Innocent “but don’t look a any evidence or dirty laundry !”

Trump sez, “Trust me I only lie 8 to 20 times a day.”

josie's avatar

From someone who thinks politics is a circus and politicians are the clowns-
If Democrats hope to win anything in 2020, they should start talking about stuff like health care, student debt, and the disappearing middle class.
Just sayin

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@josie Why not the obstruction of justice?

josie's avatar

It’s going nowhere, and the campaign/election is getting closer.
Whatever. They are all reprobates.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The GOP is looking at “I“m using e executive privilege to block visibility of the Mueller Report ” makes it look like he DIRTY and up to ass with Putin and the Russian Mafia..
If he is clean why block the report ? there none, the GOP wants to get reelected in 2019.
May not happen if “maybe the President (a Republican is dirty) “and we won’t get reelected

stanleybmanly's avatar

Josie’s point is valid. The Dems have lost what should be their natural constituency because they are pale imitations of the elephants on bread & butter issues.

Yellowdog's avatar

@Tropical_Willie The report is not blocked. The redactions are minimal.

The democrats in congress are demanding all the materials used in the compilation of the report—in addition to the ‘unredacted’ report which, of course, they can view at the DOJ with only Grand Jury information redacted.

The report was done in lieu of all these endless investigations that were going on the first nine months of FBI investigations. The Congress does not have rights to these notes, and do not want then for judiciary or legitimate purposes.

There is no legislative purpose for this, and most of the notes and documents are confidential information. Do you really think the vicious, childish, hysterical members of ‘congress’ have legitimate intention with the material?

In any case, the Mueller report is done, the last of FOUR major investigations that turned up nothing.

There ARE, however, many investigations beginning into the origins of the Russia hoax. This is an exciting time because it is the first time in U.S. history when high ranking members of our intelligence agencies were involved in a disinformation campaign to sway a U.S. election.

This will prove a lot more shocking to America than the Russia hoax, or your preoccupation with 23-year-old well-published tax returns that had nothing irregular about it, or Grand Jury information and documents from a report that has already been completed and judicated.

Patty_Melt's avatar

You can tell liberals over and over that the reactions are legal, are necessary, and have nothing to do with a cover up, but no matter how many times they are told there’s no teeth there, until they peek under the skirt, they’ll never believe it.

AlaskaTundrea's avatar

I’ve hesitated to jump in here because tho’ I’ve been slogging thru the report bit by bit as I have time, even a partial reading shows lots more questions left than answered. Anyone who says it’s a complete exoneration of Trump is either intentionally trying to mislead us or simply ignorant or hasn’t read any of the report. Sorry. I don’t want any of this Constitutional nightmare to be true, honest, but reality bites.

Yellowdog's avatar

What do you mean about a ‘constitutional nightmare’ @AlaskaTundrea ?

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly you are back to it again with the “the trap is closing in” garbage. You spewed that for 2 year when Mueller started his investigation. How’d that work for you? I told you then that it was a witch hunt because there was no collusion. Guess which one of us was right? Now you are starting again. I think it is time for you to take a deep breath and step back to look at things as they are and not as you want them to be.
@josie is correct. The Dems have put forth nothing in the way of plans for the country…they are using all their time and effort in their Trump-hate. That is their only platform for 2020. And when they lose (again) to Trump in 2020, what will it be them? China put a backdoor into all the voting machines at Trump’s request? Trump paid people to vote for him? It will be amusing to watch.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 “How’d that work for you?” is the wrong question. You should be asking “how IS that working for you NOW? But why not leave me out of it and ask instead “how’s it working out for Trump?” More to the point, what are his chances of surviving to see the election come 2020? If you think my condemnation of the fool premature and without foundation, your insistence of the issue being settled and finished is beyond ridiculous. Whether YOU like it or not, Trump’s fate and probable future grows ever more problematic as his options for delaying tactics shrivel in front of him. The sacrifice of Barr into the gears of the meat grinder enveloping Trump has bought the fool a week or 2, but how long do you suppose the appetizers can actually forestall the devouring of the juicy entree? The impressive record setting parade of courses already served up to the criminal justice system steadily grinds away the shell of dupes between the fool and justice, but once the Dems took the House, even the impressive list of sycophants surrounding the dummy is insufficient to outlast the 2 year onslaught to November 2020. Trump’s saga is reminiscent of the South’s take on the Civil War, only painfully less poignant and nakedly more stupid. For your benefit, let’s formulate the narrative you can feed your grandkids on the stable genius. While the liberal mainstream relentlessly pounds any pretense of credibility out of the fool—Mueller scheduled to reveal in person the truth withheld by the formerly respected, now hapless sacrificial stooge of an Attorney
General—Don Jr. staring at a perjury indictment at the hands of the REPUBLICAN Senate—the unquestionable bonanza of fodder which will be unleashed via the fool’s tax records—it baffles me that you see any possible means of escape for the poor dummy. There are now just too many snares for a man not exactly reputed for his agile footwork.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@stanleybmanly Distraction, “JACK UP THE TARIFFS” on 200 billions worth of Chinese imports” !

stanleybmanly's avatar

The flailing will undoubtedly continue, along with the subsequent alienation of anyone with a shred of decency about them. The dummy’s trade policies are just the sort of tactics whose effects will collapse the economy by the time he is forced from office in disgrace. And the next President will get the blame while the idiot basks in the glory of OBAMA’s recovery.

rojo's avatar

Trump is not afraid. The rest of the Republican party are rightfully terrified however because it would reveal how complicit they have been in their zeal to hide the truth from the American People.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly please answer one thing: How is your current prediction of pending doom for Trump any different from any of the others you spewed for the past 2 years? Remember how Mueller was setting the trap and was just about to spring it? Remember how we would all see when Trump was indicted? Remember how Mueller would show there was all sorts of collusion between Trump and the Russians? Not a single one of those predictions, which you repeatedly made and argued with me about came true. Remember how I was such a fool to believe there was no collusion? Remember how I was blinded into thinking that Mueller would find nothing between Trump, his campaign, and the Russians? But in the end, there was no collusion and Mueller found nothing between Trump, his campaign, and the Russians. For you to continue on now really makes you sound like a conspiracy theorist. It is sad because you actually seem like a smart kinda guy.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You keep repeating “in the end” as though it’s over. Do you honestly believe as the fool portends that it’s over? I’m not going to drone on about this, but do you actually believe Trump will survive this?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The “other shoe will drop” with Donny JR.

mazingerz88's avatar

All this trump fuckery will end. Get this country out of the toilet trump voters dropped it in.

Yellowdog's avatar

The Mueller / Special Counsel investigation IS over.

The Horowitz report will be out this month.

The investigation is turning to the origins of the conspiracy. This is the first time in history that our intelligence agencies were used by one administration to spy on a campaign of an opposing party, and misinformation was peddled (by Brannon and Comey) spread a phony document to the American media. There was felony ;leaking and misinformation used by very specific people to get the conspiracy underway to sway an election and unseat a duly elected president.

We are past the Mueller investigation—all that’s left is Pelosi saying its a constitutional crises whenever she doesn’t get her way and normative proceedings of law are actually functioning as they are supposed to.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly Are you saying you believe that Trump colluded with Russia? That is, after all, what I mentioned repeatedly and is what the Mueller report expressly mentioned didn’t happen. And what you argued for 2 years actually did happen and that Mueller would prove it. So unless you are arguing that, then yes, in the end, I was proved correct and your fear-mongering amounted to absolutely nothing. That’s just how it is. And now you are starting again, because someone somewhere said they are going to try getting Trump. That’s the stuff conspiracy theories are made of. That is how you are coming across.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I am saying that it no longer matters whether Trump colluded with Russia or not. I’m saying that the tentacles snaking from him are too numerous to count, and the now massive variety of individuals and organizations feverishly engaged in untangling the corruption guarantee the fool a grim and rather desolate future. I’m saying there is no hope that Trump can emerge from the current level of inquiry with a clean bill of health. I’m saying that partisan or not , Trump simply through being Trump has handed the Democrats the means to his all but certain destruction as well as the ruin of any and all foolish enough to associate with him. I’m saying that were the Democratic majority in the House to vanish overnight, Trump’s own Federal prosecutors from the Southern district of New York are working him over, the city of New York, the State of New York, the Federal Trade Commission, the courts, the press—he will never buck them all and you know it.

Yellowdog's avatar

I think Trump will declassify everything once the Horowitz report is released.

The anti-Trump hysteria is a major crises of misinformation foisted on the American people and has divided the country. We need to expose the origins of the Steele dossier and expose the FISA abuse.

The Anti-Trump crowd are acting like rabid hyenas at this point but the law WILL prevail, and you may not acknowledge it but justice will take its course.

What our intelligence officials did to start this to bring down a sitting president is unprecidented.

It should be plain to everyone by now that four FISA warrants were applied for using manufactured, false Russian disinformation—the Steele dossier. To use our intelligence agencies as a weapon against one campaign and rigging the election for the other only needs to be exposed for what it is. It is time for people to start going to prison.

elbanditoroso's avatar

It’s amusing to hear @Yellowdog talk about Trump hysteria and people going to prison, when his own buddies were frothing at the mouth about Clinton “Lock Her Up”, and investigating the false accusations about her.

But – Republicans have very short memories when it comes to their malfeasance.

mazingerz88's avatar

Trump defenders are all insane at this point. These Russians make perfect deplorable Americans. Sad.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Yellowdog The problem with passing off resistance to Trump as hysteria generated from misinformation lies in the fact that the actual reality of the man exceeds by orders of magnitude any fabrication you care to name. It’s just mind boggling that at this stage you still maintain that the lying scumbag is somehow being defamed. You apparently have no idea how ridiculous you sound trying to pedal the
Idea that the Trump we all see and hear is not reality but the product of disinformation. Your argument amounts to the proposition that the fool’s defects are creations of the press. You still insist that faults doesn’t lie with Trump, but rather the press and the rest of us for pointing them out. Once again, no one need bother to make up anything about Trump. The truth exceeds any possible imaginary slights.

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso It’s interesting you bring up Hillary. Let’s look at the difference in how you, and the rest of these liberals, view the two situations…Hillary and Trump. Trump was investigated for 2 years over “collusion with Russia to interfere in our presidential election. The final analysis is that he did NOT have anything to do with Russian interference in our election. Yet you are all still screaming about how he is corrupt and guilty and needs to go to jail. With Hillary, she was using her personal email accounts, that she had set up in a way to make it harder for people to track it back to her, wasn’t following the rules for maintaining information sent on these accounts, lied to congress, deleted emails while she was under investigation, had her servers wiped clean, sent emails with classified materials in them all over the place and when the FBI finally was asked to investigate, after a fairly short investigation and after Loretta Lynch had a private meeting with Bill Clinton came out with the conclusion that yes, she had mishandled classified materials, but they weren’t going to prosecute her. In other words, she was guilty but they weren’t going to prosecute. So with Trump, there is nothing and you are screaming for blood, yet you try using Hillary as a jab to ridicule those that want justice served? How screwed up are you!?!

Patty_Melt's avatar

It will always be harbulary batteries for them.

Yellowdog's avatar

If I were to postulate from a completely neutral position, it would seem that the double-standard is quite extreme.

Someone associated with Trump can just be confused or incorrect about a date, or leave something out of a detailed account, and be met with a pre-dawn raid and a SWAT team and CNN cameras (yes, it happened) and the Left acts like this was a good thing— but the daily lies and admitted crimes of the Left get nothing but a book contract and a million dollar advance.

They hunt for any technical contradiction in, say, the testimony of Donald Trump’s son—for a Perjury and Obstruction indictment and prison—but the exposed lies of Jim Comey, or Hillary destroying devices after actual felonies have been uncovered means them. She’s still out there, a sort of fading mascot of the “resistance’ but free and wealthy from her crimes.

You may not care if you love the Left’s politics, but doesn’t the double-standard and abuse of law concern you?

ragingloli's avatar

The double standard is, that after several investigations into Hillary that brought up fuck all, you still chant “lock her up” and “buttery males”, but after one report by a special investigator, that shows that the drumpf campaign had over a hundred contacts with russians, and that shows that drumpf did commit obstruction of justice, you sit there pretending that is is innocent, when he is the very opposite thereof.
And that is from a completely neutral position.

mazingerz88's avatar

Putin is so proud of trump defenders. His ultimate triumphant achievement. You just gotta give it to the guy. Installing a dangerous clown in the WH protected by shameless Americans.

seawulf575's avatar

@ragingloli wasn’t it you that was crowing about how great it was that a special prosecutor was appointed and how he was going to get Trump? Funny how you are downplaying it now. As for meetings with Russians, I would suggest that, with all the stuff uncovered, that it was actually the Dems and Hillary that were working with Russians and Ukrainians to frame Trump. AND they got help from Obama’s DoJ. You also claim Trump committed Obstruction of Justice, yet funny thing…that isn’t actually correct. It is innuendo that you have swallowed up and have been convinced it is fact. Pretty much the same way you swallowed and processed the Collusion narrative.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 I bet Putin is laughing. He is watching the left in this country tear the country apart with lies and political corruption. He has to love that.

ragingloli's avatar

Go cook some Borscht, Babushka.

Yellowdog's avatar

Justice will be done, I assure you. A lot has been uncovered when people just wanted to know how the entire narrative got started. There is no way that now, justice cannot be done. Too much THERE is actually THERE now, and can’t just sit there without moving forward.

Its the Left who has torn this country apart, but the origins of all of this, to exonerate Hillary Clinton by the Obama administration and frame Donald Trump—using a Russian document, to sway an election,, has to be dealt with. And it will.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Putin is laughing alright. You would laugh too if your number 1 adversary had a jackass calling the tunes. In fact you would jump for joy when that jackass set to work undermining NATO and advocating the elimination of the European Union. You want to talk about collusion? And by the way, why is it that the Russians were apparently so hot to see the fool elevated to President? It certainly wasn’t to facilitate the looting of the former Soviet Union through “investing” the stolen money in the fool’s tacky hotels. They had achieved that before he was President. Why would Putin want a thug similar to himself (only one hell of a lot dumber) heading up the United States? And now that Putin’s dream has been fulfilled, did he get his money’s worth? Has the United States ever been more polarized in its entire existence? Would you be happy if your great protagonist, the most powerful nation on earth were to suddenly install a tasteless joke at its head and thereby reduce that nation overnight to a parody of the Gong show?

Yellowdog's avatar

Trump may have invested in business dealings in Russia, but the Obama // Biden administration with Secretary Hillary Clinton with the ACTUAL political ties to Russia and Ukraine —and the interest s of these nations, goes back at least to 2009.

There is no reason Russia would ever support Trump. He has always worked contrary to the interests of Russia, Iran, Cuba,and other nations with Russian ties. Obama / Hillary gave them all some kind of favored status.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Yes, ok, but once again WHY was Putin so eager to see Trump’s broad ass parked in the White House? Do you suppose he saw Trump as an instrument for world peace and harmony? Was that it? Why would a man as shrewd as Putin prefer an idiot at the helm of the United States? Perhaps he foresaw the enhancement of world culture through the proliferation of “golden showers”. Is that it?

Yellowdog's avatar

The onslaughts have come from the Left. Trump is one of the few leaders who, when attacked or when an utterly fake news story comes out have actually fought back with well-placed, appropriate comebacks. Then you act like HE is the aggressor dividing the country.

I find it rather amusing, albeit pathetic, that Nancy Pelosi starts whining about a “constitutional crises’ every time she doesn’t get her way, or the rule of law is actually followed, or her powers of overreach are curtailed or stopped. Then, it is parroted with equal hysteria across the cable news spectrum, morning entertainment, regular T.V, networks, etc. And, its like, no one is aware of what is happening and what is about to transpire..

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Putin couldn’t have said it better…COMRADE RAYMOND SHAW…


Yellowdog's avatar

@stanleybmanly can you honestly say that responses like that of @mazingerz88 or some of your own—are they the responses of the innocent or affected party? The vitriol and division is coming from you—not the Trump supporters. I don’t see how you can’t see that.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^You’re fighting for a brutal dictator abroad and a domestic wannabe strongman who’s actually a coward and humongous blowhard. Have fun! Seriously.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You think this is vitriol? Well placed comeback? Fake news? Trump? Have you lost your mind? LOOK AT THE MAN! Blubbering about fake news, while there isn’t a SOLITARY thing authentic about him! From his fake fortune to that orange animal atop his empty head, NOTHING about the STABLE GENIUS is real. He is 100% all around FAKE. You
people must be brain dead to actually witness the antics of anything as preposterous as that talking sump, and then conclude that there is a rational mind somewhere involved with running its useless mouth. The man wouldn’t recognize a rational concept if it attacked him on the toilet. He is crude, vile, illiterate and just plain DUMB. He is in fact so far beyond the pale that he is an insult to stupidity itself, and for you to pretend otherwise is either an unheralded achievement at self deception or the tragic confirmation that you share the fool’s undeniably glaring and manifold DEFECTS. And vitriol???? It’s his ONLY answer to ANY and EVERY thing. In fact my greatest hope is to see the jumped up moron locked in the same room with a working mind willing to employ HIS own tactics against him.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly let’s review. It was the Dems that claimed their servers were hacked, but refused to allow the appropriate law enforcement organization to see the servers. This served as the basis that “Russia was interfering” in the election. The left went lock-step in line with this conclusion even though it is sketchy at best. The Obama administration DoJ worked to avoid having to indict Hillary of severe violations of national security with her lackadaisical attitude towards cyber-security. They then took the word of people that were paid by the DNC and Hillary to say that Trump was somehow trying to steal the election with the help of the Russians. So far it is all the left creating the controversy…stop me when I am wrong in this time line. The left pushes for an independent special counsel to be appointed and it is even though there isn’t a cup of spit worth of actual evidence of wrongdoing by Trump. The special counsel has entirely democrats working on the team, some of which have illegally had illicit affairs with others and traded emails and texts that said they would basically do anything to stop Trump from winning the presidency or to get him impeached if he does. Yet, at the end of the day….many millions of dollars later….the special counsel says there was no collusion between Trump or his team and Russia to interfere in the election. Still with me? So far it is all the left calling out lies and deception to create hate and discontent in the nation to divide it. And now that the “investigation” is over and no collusion has been found, the left is still not satisfied. They want to find something so they are still tilting at windmills. Still trying to spread hate and discontent and divide the country. Meanwhile, the Repubs have…..well…they really haven’t done anything. They have asked questions that need to be asked about how all this mayhem got started because it is destructive to the nation. Those are appropriate questions to ask. The left doesn’t want those questions asked or answered so they are rabid about trying to turn the direction. They try branding Trump as some orange skinned orangutan or a blathering idiot. That is the best they can do (much as you do) but that, too, is divisive. All the left can do is claim that anyone that doesn’t go along with their insanity is causing problems. But here’s the kicker: It is indeed the left that has cause so much strife in this nation.

stanleybmanly's avatar

SKETCHY MY ASS! There isn’t an intelligence service in the free world that did not concur with the definitive conclusion that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. The investigation of the extent of that interference was not only PRUDENT but ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED. The special consul was assigned to determine who all and if ANY Americans were involved in the by then ESTABLISHED and VERIFIED effort of the Russians to install the dummy as President. By the way, why is it that I can’t get any of you enraptured with the fool to answer the question as to why the Russians wanted the moron in the White House? But back to our story. The special counsel himself is a lifelong Republican. His boss, Rosenstein—lifelong Republican. Comey, the alleged Trump hating leftist—lifelong registered REPUBLICAN. In view of the established fact that the election was indeed manipulated by a foreign power, the neglect in determining the extent of that manipulation and those behind it would have been an act of criminal negligence unheralded in the history of this country, which is EXACTLY why the special counsel was enacted and authorized with UNANIMOUS bipartisan support and approval. The investigation may be over, but the special counsel has said NOTHING yet that has not been passed through the partisan filter of the fool’s political stooge appointed SPECIFICALLY to fulfill
that purpose. The special counsel WILL tell us his conclusions HIMSELF once the frantic efforts of the fool snd his stooge to prevent it are rebuffed by the courts and the fool is uncovered once again for the lying turd of a man he has consistently, in fact infallibly proven to be. And if you think you can pin the behavior of that moronic lunatic on some sort of leftist imaginings, you’re in for some screeching disappointment!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@stanleybmanly Remember Orange Hair never lies just ask him (oh lie number 10,001).

He’s as stable as a 3 man rowboat with 7 people in it, in a storm.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@stanleybmanly Logic and truth don’t matter if you are a hypnotized republican.

stanleybmanly's avatar

That nonsense is beyond hypnosis. It’s the sort of drivel laden interpretation of history you might expect from an indoctrinated parrot incapable of understanding what it has seen and heard through its own faculties. In fact it is so true to such a function of distortion, that THAT in fact is its purpose. It’s straight up bullshit.

Stache's avatar

At this point I have no words. How Republicans believe this shit is beyond me. I read in disbelief.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly I find it interesting that you entirely dodged the point that it is the left that is continually pushing for hate and discontent and division in our nation. Not a peep. And you continue to avoid the fact that Mueller HAS spoken. He wrote a report on all his findings. He sat with Barr to decide what needed to be redacted. This isn’t something that Trump had any hand in…Mueller had the hand. And his conclusions were pretty clear…no collusion. Yet here you are, a lefty continuing to try sowing discontent and all your little liberal peeps are echoing it like good little foot soldiers. How I enjoy getting you into debates because you continue to make my point for me. It happens again and again. And all the rest of your ilk help.

stanleybmanly's avatar

What are you talking about? With that cowardly bully right in front of you, you have the nerve to accuse the LEFT of fomenting hatred and dissension? It isn’t the left that kidnaps children, bullies the defenseless, disparages minorities, insults and alienates our allies, foments rancor through disruptive and STUPID unnecessary trade wars, cripples and accelerates the destruction of the environment, and lies to EVERYONE about EVERYTHING without hesitation. The man is a psychopathic narcissist with rampant delusions of both grandeur and persecution. He is an embarrassment to both reason and his country, a disgrace to his office and a scourge on basic decency. You should be ashamed to admit that you find him tolerable.

seawulf575's avatar

You are amusing. The hypocrisy is amazing. I could go down the line and pick it apart, but you would be in denial and accuse me of deflecting. But what the heck, here we go.

Kidnaps children: That is an extreme accusation for which you have no proof. That is the hysteria the left suffers from due to Trump Derangement Syndrome. If you are referring to the hysteria surrounding separating children from the adults with them as they cross the border illegally, I will gladly point out that Trump merely continued the policy OBAMA started. Yet you will defend Obama…go ahead…prove me wrong. Tell me you agree it was evil when Obama did it and that you spoke out against it. Anything less and you are a hypocrite.

Bullies the defenseless: Who? Who does he bully? He calls out CNN and the other liberal news outlets because they create stories instead of reporting news. I know the left hates that their propagandists are called out for their extreme slant. But defenseless? Yeah…right. Are you talking about the illegal aliens? I have a hard time saying you are going to enforce border security and immigration law is bullying. In other words…more TDS hysteria.

Disparages minorities: Again…who? He said that Mexico doesn’t send their best to this country…they send their criminals and drugs and rapists. The left went crazy and said he was calling all Mexicans rapists. That is TDS hysteria and not disparaging minorities though the left loves to try creating hate and discontent by skewing it. Meanwhile, in the real world, Trump’s actions in the economy have helped both Blacks and Latinos to the point that unemployment in these demographics are lower than they have been in ages. He appoints women to positions of power. Who else? Ahh…the Muslims. He tried putting a travel ban in place from specific nations that had real terrorism issues and that have spoken about doing our nation harm. And yes, most of these were Muslim-majority nations. But it wasn’t all Muslim nations…not even most. But again…the propagandists and the liberals with TDS try to create more hate and discontent to skew it into something it isn’t.

Insults and alienates our allies: again…who? He has called out policies that he sees as unfair to our nation and that he predicts will cause problems in theirs. Funny part…he’s usually right. But the left again wants to skew to create hate and discontent. Let’s again look back to what you apparently view as the proper behavior for a POTUS. Obama. He started his presidency with an apology tour, telling all our enemies that we have been wrong and they are right. He violated the law to give billions to IRAN, even though the support terrorism and have sworn to harm us. He did give an ipod to the Queen of England. That is pretty tacky. He (and his Sect of State) ignored timely requests for security and allowed terrorists to over run one of our embassies, killing our ambassador. They then tried to lie to the nation and claim it was an impromptu mob that was angry about a YouTube video. Yet you will not acknowledge that Obama lied. More TDS.

Trade Wars: You seem to think that making trade deals that are damaging to our nation is the correct thing. That was, after all, what Obama did. Even NAFTA, which Clinton started, was a bad deal for the USA. Trump is taking charge of how our nation is treated in trade deals. Other nations are upset because now they are being asked to compete on a level playing field. But I know…our POTUS is supposed to support other nations before our own, right? More TDS hysteria

The Environment: Trump undid many of the onerous regulations that Obama’s EPA instituted. Obama used the EPA as a weapon and it killed our economy. Undoing the unnecessary regs was the appropriate thing and yes, it helped the economy. “Cripples and Accelerates the Destruction of the environment” is a huge exaggeration…typical of the TDS hysteria. It is the narrative that the left created and pushes. But let me ask…what exactly is the damage that has been done to the environment by Trump’s policies? What? Nothing…yet!!!? In other words, it is hysteria designed to create hate and discontent.

Lies: Yep, Trump has told some lies. Anything really significant? Not really. But then lies have been told by many others. I already pointed out one by Obama that he repeated several times and it involved the death of one of our ambassadors. Yet you are silent about things like that. Also, the left tends to scream about Trump’s “lies” when in fact it is lies by the leftist media. I give you the entire Mueller investigation as an example. You all swore up and down that Trump was lying about there being nothing. You count those as lies. Yet you fail to actually acknowledge that it was the leftist propagandists that were the true liars….all the time spreading hate and discontent.

Do you see the common thread here? It is people like you that skew things just to create hate and discontent. This is EXACTLY what I mean by my statements as to who creates all the hate and discontent. Tell you what…when you can actually give specifics that Trump does that bother you…NOT GENERALITIES…you might get some credibility and actually some discussion. Your generalities (he lies!, he hates minorities!, he’s killing the environment! He kidnaps kids!, etc) are nothing more than prime examples of leftist hysteria being used to create hate and discontent.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You truly are hyperbolic. To stand Trump next to Obama then conclude that of the 2 it is Obama who’s tacky? About those kidnapped children. Obama NEVER snatched kids with the deliberate aim of separating them PERMANENTLY from their parents. Trump maliciously and with great deliberation stole children and shuffled them around the country in ways assuring their loss. There are currently better than 4000 children whom HE has vanished without a trace. No one knows where they are. Trump has told the outraged courts that he doesn’t know where they are and would like 2 years to try to find them. I mean who other than a hateful psychopath would endorse and undertake a scheme such as that? I don’t have to skew ANYTHING to portray the fool as a monster. HIS BEHAVIOR IS MONSTROUS.

seawulf575's avatar

You continue to make my point about who is the truly divisive group in this country. Thank you.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@stanleybmanly A friend used to say “Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig!”

Someone gets his rocks off pushing, non rights people’s buttons, just like the Orange Hair.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Yeah, that’s all I have to do is push your buttons. After all, aren’t liberals the ones that want to curtail people’s rights? That would make them non-rights people.

Yellowdog's avatar

Trump signed off by executive order last September the separation of children and the adults they arrive with at the border.

The pictures which rocked the nation of children separated from their parents and put in “cages” were taken in 2014. That was Obama;s watch. Trump stopped that with an executive order.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

You’re getting rocks off.

Stache's avatar

“After all, aren’t liberals the ones that want to curtail people’s rights? ”

Like telling women what they can and can’t do with their bodies?

hmmm, what else…

Telling people which bathroom they can and can’t use.
Telling people who they can and can’t marry.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Or which ethnicity is in season, who is a REAL American, why all this oppression of plain ol white men?

Patty_Melt's avatar

About those kidnapped children. Obama NEVER snatched kids with the deliberate aim of separating them PERMANENTLY from their parents.

Interesting. So, a separation of a month or two is fine, and it doesn’t really matter if the people to whom the children are returned are actually related to these children?
The real bully is the one who finds safe homes for children whose DNA matches nobody, providing asylum only to the innocent young, while tossing back to the south side of the border the tormentors of these youth, THAT is what you call a bully? Because as I see it, what Obama did was offer welfare to people who would bring children not their own to this country for the use of sexual deviants, and shady employers, or even sell them as hose servants? As I see it, the DNC unreservedly backed a man who furthered modern slave trade in this country.

MISTER Harding, PLEASE be quiet.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Not noticed in time to make correction, hose servants was intended to be house servants, otherwise would fall under the category already mentioned, of sexual deviants.

stanleybmanly's avatar

What the hell are you talking about? Obama as an advocate for human trafficking?? What on earth is wrong with you people?

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