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JLeslie's avatar

If you were building a garage would you make it an RV garage?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) May 8th, 2019 from iPhone

RV height is obviously more expensive. The choice is 10 ft, 12 ft, or 14 ft high. Most RV’s need 14ft. The owner does not own an RV, but is thinking about resale. In as low as the 10ft he can use a car lift if he ever wants to store addition cars.

What would you do? Can boats fit in the 10ft?

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15 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

I recently had a garage built. Small house, cozy neighborhood, not RV sized, just a small, one car garage. Into which my car has never gone, as I use it as more of a shed. I just had a full garage rather than a shed for resale purposes.

dabbler's avatar

In that neighborhood would an oversize garage seem like an asset to a potential buyer who does not have an RV?

JLeslie's avatar

There are several houses with RV garages, but still it is quite rare. Most lots are way too small for one. If a buyer wants one, there is slim pickings. Maybe there is 1–2 RV garage houses for sale in a year. In fact, if a buyer wants 4 or more garages, there is usually only 1–2 on the market at any given time in the entire city. The city has about 60,000 houses.

zenvelo's avatar

An oversized garage takes up a big footprint. Plus if it is in the front of the house, it becomes the dominant feature.

janbb's avatar

Personally, I’d rather have the room and less of an aesthetic eyesore that an RV garage would be.

It could be worth having a driveway long enough to fit a boat or an RV outside the garage.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Will the garage have a house above it or stand detached? If there is nothing above it, pick the 14ft ceiling and a roll up door. I would choose such a structure even without an RV. That way you’re ready for damned near anything.

Kardamom's avatar

In CA, that would be a multi-million dollar home.

Upper middle class homes out here sometimes have big tents on the side of their houses to cover their RV’s, but I have never seen a garage for an RV. That would be a crazy indulgence.

JLeslie's avatar

The garage would be attached, it doesn’t take away room from the house.

The garages would be tandem regular height door; or, I can increase the door and ceiling height.

There is no living space above the garage in any scenario.

That is if we decide to build the house at all. We’re pricing things.

Not a million dollar home, but there are some out here for over a million.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Right after I bought my house one down the street with the same layout but with an RV garage sold for 30% more. I would love a workspace like that. If the asthetic supports one that would be what I do.

janbb's avatar

@JLeslie Don’t you have some experience with this? When you built your last house, you had a big garage for cars, didn’t you? Was that an asset when you sold the house?

JLeslie's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me Since it’s a workspace, is it important to you to have the 14’ door and 16’ ceiling height? Or, is the 10’ door with the 12’ ceiling sufficient?

@janbb We had a 6 car garage, 3 and 3 split. One group of 3 was oversized (about 5’ space in front of the cars and a 6×8 workspace to the side). The buyer LOVED the garage. He owned a pool cleaning business and could store everything at the house. The garage doors were typical 8’ high. The oversized garage had part of the ceiling was coffered that gave an extremely 1.5’.

I’m in a retirement community here. Most people don’t work. Most people have downsized their material things. Although, there are quite a few RV owners, but many live here part time, not necessarily owners here. Some car fanatics.

janbb's avatar

This is just me again but if I were already thinking I had to sell a house in the future, I wouldn’t go through all the stress of building one from scratch.

JLeslie's avatar

@janbb Unless someone is going to die while living in the house, they are going to sell it one day. Although, I do agree that I would rather not build from scratch right now. There aren’t many houses with multiple garages here. A lot of them are close to a million, which I don’t want to spend.

We might not do it. We don’t know what we want to do. It’s complicated. We already own a home here. If it had a 4 car garage I wouldn’t even consider building anything I’d stay put. I can wait for a 4 car garage to come up for sale (rare) but they often are very expensive. Then it’s a mind game of spending $150k more now and have 6 or 8 garage spaces.

Or, we can stay in our house, my husband “threatens” to sell his cars, which have brought him a lot of happiness, so that stresses me out. Financially it would be much easier for us to just downsize everything though.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Larger door just makes it more versatile. Worth the cost IMO.

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