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mazingerz88's avatar

Could Daenerys possibly have more dragons?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29285points) May 9th, 2019 from iPhone

Just heard a guy theorize one of her dragons could have laid eggs somewhere, hatched and grew just in time to deliver a fiery surprise.

Also, do you get the feeling Daenerys would be killed in the next episode?

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49 Answers

filmfann's avatar

I think it’s likely that she will find eggs, but the remaining dragon has taken 7 years to get to it’s current size. Don’t expect them to come into play, other than comforting viewers that dragons will return.
I will be crushed if Dany does anything other than take the throne.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^I just feel it’s almost certain the show runners wouldn’t give it a “Hollywood ending” such as Dany by herself getting the throne or Jon and her.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Does this have anything to do with The Dragon Riders of Pern?

Caravanfan's avatar

@Dutchess_lll Yes.
Oh, no wait…

Zaku's avatar

Given that the current authors have demonstrated they don’t care about making any sense or having any continuity even from moment to moment, let alone any long-term situation, unless they think it has dramatic value, anything at all could happen.

Caravanfan's avatar

@Dutchess_lll Oh, you were serious? Sorrry! Game of Thrones.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Game of Thrones has dragons??

Stache's avatar

All of these theories are getting annoying but I just read one and it does sound interesting. The biggest dragon of Westeros hasn’t appeared yet and it may be The Mother of Dragons herself.

Brian1946's avatar

^ Interesting.

I was just now vocally butchering Paul Simon’s “Mother and Child Reunion”. ;-)

ragingloli's avatar

Maybe she did like Donkey from Shrek, and is now pregnant.

mazingerz88's avatar

Very interesting. Daenerys transforming into an actual dragon. Was revisiting all the episodes and just saw that scene with the witch describing to Dany her stillborn. Did wonder why that infant had scales and…wings? Where did that come from? Lol

Emilia Clarke said recently in an interview that fans should watch the next episode on the biggest TV they could get.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I haven’t seen anything past season 6, ya’ll are killing me!

@Dutchess I can mail you Season 6 if you want it. Blu ray.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Blu-Ray. Nice!

Dutchess_lll's avatar

No thanks @Know. I imagine I can find it if I go looking.

Stache's avatar

I guess we’ll know soon enough. I can’t believe the series is almost over.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^HBO succeeded in filling the fantasy niche the Lord of the Rings films vacated after it was over. I don’t think HBO would let that success slip away easily hence the spin-off prequel.

Not sure if Benniof and Weiss are involved with that project but good luck on whoever is in charge.

Always thought why don’t HBO whenever they have a successful TV series spin it off in the form of a big movie afterwards. For example The Sopranos.

ragingloli's avatar

Watch out for the “Witcher” series on Netflix.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Does it have swords?

ragingloli's avatar

The main character has 2!

ragingloli's avatar

And he is played By Henry Cavill

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Ok I’m interested. I despised all the Snyder MOS films and all that Justice League crap but Cavill is a good actor. I knew he would make a good villain too and he proved it in Mission Impossible.

Stache's avatar

Anyone watch Vikings? It’s my second favorite show.

Caravanfan's avatar

I love Vikings. I went to a Vikings panel at Comic-con a couple of years ago and half the audience was in Vikings costumes.

Stache's avatar

Cool. I miss King Ecbert. He was my favorite character.

Caravanfan's avatar

@Stache Another show that is good if you like historical fiction is The Last Kingdom on Netflix.

Stache's avatar

@Caravanfan I have heard good things. Thanks for the recommendation!

Caravanfan's avatar

@Stache It’s mostly centered around Essex as a primary driving force in the development of England. It has its share of mythology and romance, but overall it’s a good yarn.

Also, as kind of a parody, check out Norseman on Netflix. This is done by a Norweigian production company. They did two versions—one in Norweigian and one in English and the actors did both parts. The English version is on Netflix. If you saw the show Lillyhammer, there are several of the same actors.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Thanks @Caravanfan. Watching S1 E1 now.

Stache's avatar

What a great episode. Much better than the Battle of Winterfell.

I won’t spoil anything yet but I will say, so much for theories. I’m watching for a second time right now.

My guess is Jon will end up on the throne at the end.

Caravanfan's avatar

@Stache Oh, couldn’t agree more, and you beat me too the post. I literally covered my eyes and squeezed them shut in the scene where the Mountain is trying to poke Hound’s eye’s out—and I am NOT squeamish. What a fantastically brutal fight scene, and a fitting end for their long feud.

Brian1946's avatar

“SPOILER” ALERT! This means you, @Dutchess_lll

Finally saw S8, E3.

I thought wee Arya was just going to be another Night King victim, but what a magnificent surprise!

Stache's avatar

@Caravanfan. With the Hound being afraid of fire it was fitting. What a hero and what a way to go. His brother looked like a bloated Varys, and why wouldn’t he go down? Is he related to Michael Meyers? Holy hell, what a beast.

I’m so dedicated and addicted I’m watching for the third time but this time is in Spanish. I don’t know Spanish. Good thing the majority of this episode is music and sound effects.

Stache's avatar

Who will kill Daenerys? That’s the question now. I don’t think Jon has the heart. Will it be Arya? Tyrion? Someone else?

mazingerz88's avatar

Well, turns out she didn’t need more dragons…except the truly deranged and merciless one in her head. Lol

I’m glad that for Tyrion he would never know whether his siblings were killed or not. He would wonder and hope they did till the end of his days.

So the Mountain was Obiwan Kenobi? That makes sense since Qyburn was the young Emperor Palpatine. Lol

filmfann's avatar

At this point I would guess Arya kills Dany, Jon takes the throne.
But it breaks my heart.

mazingerz88's avatar

One fan in Youtube said it makes more sense for Jon to kill Dany not Arya since Jon hasn’t done anything of real dramatic significance yet in this season unlike Arya who already killed the Night King.

Is there really no way…no chance of Dany going back to Mereen and leave Jon in charge? I’m dreaming yeah? Lol

Stache's avatar

@Caravanfan That’s hilarious. I needed a laugh today.

@mazingerz88 That’s a good point. Arya shouldn’t get all the glory.

mazingerz88's avatar

I prefer Jon killing Dany. And it should be made as brutally and dramatically Shakespearean as possible.

Sobbing like a child with tears cascading down his cheeks, Jon still holds the knife he stabbed Dany’s heart with. Drogon in anger blasting fire at Jon only to discover Jon does not burn. His clothes did so he is now stark naked. Sansa covers him with her cape. Drogon turns his attention on Arya, eats her, flies away. Somewhere, Nymeria howls. Lol

raum's avatar

@mazingerz88 I was thinking about this too. But since he’s only half Targaryen, he’d probably survive but be slightly crispy. Ha.

Stark naked.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Good point. Jon’s not an inbred. Stark naked also means all forms of body hair burnt. Lol
And half-burnt as in having a great looking tan?

mazingerz88's avatar

Watching the last episode and 40 minutes in I was…right! Lol

Stache's avatar

^Yes you were! I’m watching it for the second time now. I have no complaints. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Caravanfan's avatar

Okay, please give me something to like about the ending. I was like, Meh.

mazingerz88's avatar

Well, I was wrong thinking Tyrion would never know what happened to his siblings. Quite a touching scene to watch though.

That closing shot makes it a full circle because of the choice of location. That creepy suspenseful opening scene of the series which took place outside the wall was the one that got me hooked.

R.R. Martin reads Tolkien’s LOTR from time to time——-makes me wonder if the goodbye scene between the Stark children is a tribute to that similar ending in Return of the King…

filmfann's avatar

I was thinking about that when Samwell came in with the book A Song Of Ice And Fire. He went full Frodo at the end (or one of the endings) of LOTR.

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