Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What kind of restaurant is most likely to join the top ones in the US?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29300points) May 10th, 2019 from iPhone

Top ones such as Chinese, Italian, American, Japanese, Thai, Indian, Korean…all seem to have the most number of restaurants in most places.

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4 Answers

Kardamom's avatar

Out here in Southern California it is Mexican.

Kardamom's avatar

I was just thinking that there are some interesting restaurants out here that are fusion restaurants, but they gotta get it right, or it’s confusing or un appetizing. One of my favorites was a Mexican/Thai fusion place. I loved everything I tried there, but I guess some people were left scratching their heads and never tried the place. I wad so bummed when they closed.

janbb's avatar

I would Mexican restaurants already far outnumber Thai, Indian or Korean in most parts of the country.

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