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jca2's avatar

Are there any toys from your childhood that you wish you still had?

Asked by jca2 (17183points) May 11th, 2019

Sometimes I’ll think of something I used to play with when I was little, and how I wish I still had it.

How about you? Do you have memories of any toys that you wish you still owned?

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18 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

Only for nostalgia, I loved my play hotel, but it’s not that I think about actually playing with it, it would be just to possess it still.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Toys, no. Baseball cards, yes.

I had a paper route and I took my profits and bought baseball cards. I had hundreds, even thousands of them, purchased between 1965 and 1975.

Today they would be worth thousands upon thousands of dollars. But when I went to college, my mother cleaned out my room and tossed them. sad.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Yes! I had some metal trucks that I loved when I was young. I’d have loved to give them to my grand kids. My parents cleaned out the toy box when I went to sleep-away camp.

As a young teen I had the Remco Monkey Division bazooka . That was fun!
We’d tape some Atom Pearl fireworks to the nose of the blue projectiles so they would make an explosion when they hit a hard surface.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I had an original “stretch Armstrong” It’s currently resting inside the inner wall of one of my childhood homes. The doorknob punched a hole in the drywall and I tossed it inside. Sure it’s still there. They sell for mega$$ on ebay.

@LuckyGuy I had a small fleet of yellow tonka trucks. We sold them at a yard sale…sniff.

@elbanditoroso I still have a crate full of all my baseball cards. Range is from 1970’s to 1980’s. Not a clue what’s in there now

KNOWITALL's avatar

Sure I had cool stuff. Still have my original Winnie the Pooh record player now, my favorite. 1970 something.

mazingerz88's avatar

No. I didn’t have enough toys as a child. My parents had no extra money for it.

This question I’m glad made me remember my aunt who was like a second Mom to me. She got me a brand new blue Matchbox car to bring to “Bring Your Toy To School Day.”

Before that I’ve always brought broken and cheap toys. That caused a bit of trauma I think to see my classmates play with actual toys and I had a plastic green paratrooper with no parachute. No point throwing it up in the air. So I learned to make its parachute myself. Lol

Years later as an adult I bought and collected model kits, collectible statues and other stuff I wanted as a kid.

rockfan's avatar

I had a 20 inch figure of Spider-Man that was posable. Definitely wish I still had that.

rockfan's avatar

This question reminds me of this song by Regina Spektor:

Mimishu1995's avatar

No. It sounds strange to me, but as I grow up and have access to money, I gain more access to more exciting “toys”. Not to mention I can get some good games on my computers too. So compared to the toys I had as a kid I definitely had an upgrade :)

I do miss the toys I didn’t have as a kid though.

My neighbor used to have a big collection of Pokemon figures. I could never figure out how he got his hands on so many of them. I could only get my parents to buy about 12, and he had ann entire collection. They were the reason why I came to his house so often.

Now I can easily find those figures online, but I rather not. I could see too much impracticality of obtaining them. Oh well, some memories aren’t worth reliving.

Zaku's avatar

I had many good toys. They almost all saw heavy use, often in war games, later involving fire and explosives, and suffered heavy casualties.

I still have many of them… more than I need, but I’m glad to have most of them.

There are many I don’t still have that I’d like to have, or at least see.

Kardamom's avatar

Not the toys, but the doll clothes. My Grandma made most of my dolls clothes. I wish I still had those.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I wish I’d kept the Barbie doll I got for my 5th birthday. I’d sell it in a heartbeat!

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Zaku Funny! That’s how many of my toys met their demise. Remember, I grew up in the era of real M-80s and cherry bombs that we could buy from the ice cream truck man for $1 per dozen. .

I’m suspect some of my toys are still orbiting the Earth

seawulf575's avatar

My Hippity-Hop. It would be a fun seat and makes an awesome home defense weapon!

I still have TROUBLE. I love the pop-o-matic!

LuckyGuy's avatar

I still have my childhood .22 rifle. It seems incredible to say it today but in my area most kids got a rifle when they were 12, 13, 14. “Bad” kids who didn’t do well in school or misbehaved would not get one.

ucme's avatar

Maybe the toy cavalry rifle I had, it was white & shiny, what more could you want out of a gun?

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I do miss my pumpmaster 760 from when I was like 11. They don’t make them like they used to. I did not get a .22 until I was an adult (mom was anti-gun).

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